Monday 26 November 2018


It is a universally accepted fact that good health plays an important role in human development. According to the concepts of Ayurveda, good health is based on the equilibrium of dosha (humor), agni (digestive fire), dhatu (seven body tissues: lymph, blood,muscle, adipose tissue, bone, bone marrow, semen), and mala (feces, urine, and other wasteproducts).
in Ayurveda there is clear-cut emphasis on maintaining physical,mental, and spiritual well-being as part of good health. In Ayurveda, health is defined as the state where physical body, senses, and psyche arein original or natural state with respect to body and function.
Ayurvedic Medicines, Herbs, Herbal Formulas and different Body Work Therapies are available for major 25 or more ailments...e.g. 
inflammatory diseases 
a variety of infections 
muscle spasm 
neurological diseases
skin diseases
urinary system disorders
rheumatoid arthritis.
Ayurveda emphasizes the role of environmental factors, daily routine, seasonal changes, lifestyle, diet, regular exercise, and body tonics(rasayana) in maintaining health. It also emphasizes that all needs of the body and senses must be in balance in order to avoid illness and maintain good health.
Ayurveda believed that the world is made up of five elementscalled Panch-mahabhuta. They determined that earth, water, fire, air, and space are indivisible and therefore designated them as the five basic elements (Panchmahabhuta). 
The human body according to Ayurveda is made up of somatic doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha) and psychic components (doshas),body tissues(dhatus), and waste products(malas).The three psychological components are satogun, rajogun, and tamogun. If one component is out of balance, the others are also out of balance. The imbalance or vitiation of vata, pitta,or kapha is considered the major factor in the causation of a disease. 
Among tridosas, vata is more critical because it controls pitta and kapha in order to accomplish various physiological functions.
The second dosa is pitta, which indicates agni (fire, heat energy), and the description in Ayurvedic texts includes heat, sharpness, sourness, and moisture. It is responsible for appetite, thirst, digestion, metabolism, body heat, normal eyesight, softness of the body,luster, mental calmness, and intelligence.
Ayurveda has a concept of agni (fire) for all digestive and metabolic activities. 
The third dosa is kapha, which is described in Ayurveda as moist, steady, cool, heavy, soft,and slimy materials. Kapha is responsible for the normal body moisture, stability of the joints, firmness of the body, a proportionate bulk, weight, strength, endurance, and courage.
Health care in Ayurveda is essentially aimed at balancing the doshas and gunas,bringing them into equilibrium. With this goal in mind, management of a disease is designed to diagnose which biomaterials and components are in excess or not and how they can be brought into balance.
Panchakarma is a major therapeutic procedure in Ayurveda known to be useful for alldiseases of all the body organs and functions because the elimination of toxic products,endogenous or exogenous, can contribute to overall management of an ailment. It is understandable that if the body organs are not eliminating toxic products from the body,toxic symptoms will develop over a period of time. The major cause of body ailments is the toxic products produced by body metabolism, microorganisms, synthetic chemicals or drugs..
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મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર

  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...