Wednesday 28 November 2018


Shirodhara Therapy To Treat Infertility: 
Shirodhara :Healing Ayurvedic Therapy Powerhouse.
Scientists are recognizing the relationship between what Eastern cultures have referred to as the ‘third eye’, and the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands– situated deep inside the brain. The exact area Ayurveda has always identified as the seat of the third eye, and which is the focal point during Blissful Mind Massage therapy.
The hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands are in charge of the production of most of the hormones in the body—including reproductive hormones. The follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a very important reproductive hormone secreted from the pituitary gland into the bloodstream. In women, FSH stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles in the ovary before the release of an egg at ovulation. Without FSH ovarian follicles do not grow properly and do not release an egg, thus leading to infertility. In men, FSH is required for proper development of the testes and sperm production. Normal levels of FSH are needed for fertility in both men and women. When FSH is either too high or too low it will greatly lower chances of pregnancy.
Raised levels of FSH are a sign of malfunction in the ovary or testes. In a female it indicates that she is entering menopause, even during fertile years.
Diminished secretion of FSH manifests in males as failure in production of normal numbers of sperm. In females, cessation of reproductive cycles is commonly observed.
Now that we know all this, it is no wonder that Ayurveda treats infertility and so many hormonal imbalances focusing on the head with shirodhara therapy.
Specific medicated oils, or milk products, are used, along with head massage and a rhythmic movement of the liquid over the forehead to bring the mind into a meditative-like state. This process stimulates the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands—third eye— and creates proper communication between the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands to secrete adequate amounts of hormones, including FSH.
Clinical studies are proving that the positive outcomes are indeed linked to the stimulation of the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands, which are responsible for many important functions in the body. These three major glands of the endocrine system are situated in the part of the brain where Eastern traditions have long believed the third eye resides.
The hypothalamus is the link between the endocrine and nervous systems. It helps stimulate or inhibit heart rate and blood pressure, body temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance, appetite and body weight, production of substances that influence the pituitary gland to release hormones and sleep cycles, among others. The pituitary gland secretes hormones that help control body processes such as growth, blood pressure, aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, breast milk production, sex organ functions, thyroid gland function, the conversion of food into energy (metabolism), water balance, temperature regulation and pain relief. And the pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin, which has two primary functions—to help control biological rhythm and regulate certain reproductive hormones. Aiding in the proper development and functioning of the ovaries and testes.
Shirodhara Can be used for following condition also
1. Shirodhara Treatment can be used for neurological problems also..
2. It is highly recommended for correcting mental condition especially for stress and obsessive behaviour...
3. Shirodhara is offered by ayurveda to soothe and rebalance the nervous system of over-stressed, anxiety, depressed, anxious or mentally tired clients..Anxiety is a Vata disorder with the primary subdoshas involved being prana and vyana. Prana Vata is what moves prana (life force) into the air we breathe, and the food we eat and water we drink.
4. shirodhara is used to alleviate conditions such as neurological disorders, memory loss, insomnia and diseases of the senses such as eye disease, sinusitis, tinnitus and vertigo...
5. Shirodhara is used to alleviate conditions such as neurological disorders, memory loss, insomnia and diseases of the senses such as eye disease, sinusitis, tinnitus and vertigo...
6. Shirodhara is a unique therapy in that it not only works on the physical body but also on the spiritual body, the subtle network of energy centres called chakras and the transient energy channels that connect them...Once the mind is stilled the body can begin to transport oxygen, prana and nutrients back to the brain. Feel the bliss and dive
7. Pre and Post menopausal issues...
8. Stabilises the seven chakras..
9. Strengthen your Psychic ability/Psychic awareness with the help of Shirodhara.
10. Shirodhara : The Temple Of Your Third Eye : Powerful Ancient Practices for Activating the Pineal Gland and Expanding Consciousness.
11. A continuous, rhythmic flow of medicated oil is poured onto the third eye area, inducing an experience of deep relaxation, leaving one in a state of meditation.
12. The warm oil helps to calm the aggravated vata in the nervous system, thus restoring the nervous function and remove feelings of helplessness, hopelessness or that cloudy, dull feeling we sometimes get.
13. Shirodhara! Warm oil is chosen to balance your dosha, poured slowly & continuously on the forehead.
14. Shirodhara directly works on the mind and central nervous system, in turn affecting the endocrine and immune system.
15. This is one of the most divine therapies, awakening your body’s intuitive knowledge. Your intuition and higher wisdom come alive when this energy center is fully open and balanced. 
Many people experience profound levels of insight and emotional healing after shirodhara. In essence, it calms the body, mind, and spirit. 
Shirodhara is an exceptional therapy not to be missed. It is a unique, mind-opening and exquisite relaxation experience that will leave you sparkling with contentment.
Treating the whole person rather then just separate symptoms is the key to real, profound healing.
The frequency of Shirodhara treatments clearly depends on the severity of your condition. If for example, someone is experiencing acute anxiety and has not slept for many days, I would suggest consecutive treatments for at least three days, followed by a regular maintenance programme. For less chronic cases I would suggest weekly or even monthly treatments.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
You health should be an investment not an expense...

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