Wednesday 5 December 2018


Ayurveda’s Eightfold Examination: What to Expect from an Ayurvedic Consultation:
Build your life and health with Ayurveda...
In Prakriti Pariksha, the patient’s body type is determined, based on his / her birth conditions. The seven body types are – Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, Pitta-Kapha and Tri-Dosha (where Vata, Pitta and Kapha are all present in a balanced state. No Dosha is considered to be the best. Single Dosha often results in few serious disorders, Dual Dosha and Tri-Dosha result in much less-severe issues.
Ayurvedic state of health has..
1. All three doshas are in equilibrium with regard to the individual prakriti
2. All seven tissues, dhatus, are in the proper state of strength and integrity
After the Ten-Fold Examination is complete, the diagnosis proceeds on to the Eight-Fold Examination, which is essentially a medical examination of the range. It consists of examining eight areas of the body and bodily functions, all of which reveal places of balance and imbalance.
Our body provides numerous clues to our physiology. The method of eightfold examination in Ayurveda gives the us key information about an individual’s vikruti. Accordingly I can recommend the proper dietary guidelines, lifestyle suggestions, and herbal preparations to naturally restore balance to an individual.
The Ayurvedic definition of health is that state in which the structure and function of a particular individual is operating optimally and the individual is in a state of physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium.
I will not only examine your body, but will take an extensive personal and medical history, including questions about daily diet, profession and working conditions, exercise routines, relationships, and mental health. Also we will concentrates on the techniques that will strengthen the healthy elements inherent in every body, which will in turn help the individual to recover. This tenet is called svabhavoparamavada (The idea that all of us have the ability and life force already within us to come back into balance and perfect health.) , and it refers to the Ayurvedic ideal of helping the body call upon its own energy to heal. Treatments and medicines are a vital part of this process, but act only to support the body's self-reparation, rather than cause it.
Ayurveda asserts the truth of the principle of svabhavoparamavada, which states that every living being has an inherent tendency to move in the direction of self-healing and balance. 
Learn About Secrets of the Five Pranas :
To bring about positive changes in body and mind we must understand the energy through which they work. This is called Prana in Sanskrit, meaning primary energy. It is sometimes translated as breath or vital force, though it is more than these. 
All patients are examined in the traditional Ayurvedic manner which will include nadi pariksha (Ayurvedic pulse examination), marma point assessment, and a number of other gentle diagnostic procedures.
As an expert in Ayurveda and in any authentic Ayurvedic medical practice treatments ...herbal therapies, dietary recommendations, yoga therapies, meditation practices, lifestyle modification, therapeutic forms of body work, Ayurvedic marma and needling therapies, and individualized detoxification programs.
No condition is too small for Ayurveda and should be addressed if it is causing distress of any kind as Ayurveda places a large emphasis on the mind and emotions..
Ayurvedic herbal preparations strengthen deficiencies and eliminate excesses. Their primary action is to balance and help integrate the energetic aspects of metabolic processes. In addition, an impressive and growing body of research now supports the efficacy of Ayurvedic medicines for many specific conditions.
Call : 919825463394/+919773170560
This eight-fold examination provides acomprehensive general survey of the body and its functions.
Dushya(dhatu and mala), environment, vitality, time, digestion and metabolism, body constitution, age, psyche,acceptability, diet – all these should be minutely analysed and taken into consideration before deciding the actualline of treatment.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...