Saturday 1 December 2018


In this beautiful prismatic world, have you ever looked around and wondered what it is that makes us all so inherently different?
Why are some people quick and fast moving while others exude grace and stillness? Why do some people thrive in chaos while others desperately require structure and routine? Why are some people intrinsically happy while others seem to carry the weight of the world? It's true that genetics and upbringing play a tremendous role in our characteristics and idiosyncrasies, but so do the 3 doshas.
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the universal life force which flows through and sustains each one of us manifests as three differing biological energies, or doshas. The doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha - govern all physical and mental processes and provide us with a basis for seeking ultimate health and fulfillment.
Each of us are composed of a unique combination of the three doshas which serves as our own personal blueprint. It's important to note that this combination is not static; in fact, it is quite dynamic, and it is possible that your dosha composition could change as you move through life. Fluctuations in your environment, diet, seasons, climate, age, etc. all have an affect on your life and therefore on your doshas, and as these fluctuations occur, your health, energy levels, and general mood follows - for better or for worse.
Understanding the three doshas, what your primary (and secondary) doshas are, and keeping in tune with the ever changing state of your being will serve you well and lead to a healthy, happy life. Typically, a person can read through simple qualities and traits of each dosha and easily identify what their primary dosha is. 
Even more fascinating is what happens when we start to attend to these naturally ascending qualities through the planning and design of our built environment. Think with me for a moment and imagine what that looks and feels like? How might we integrate and infiltrate the spaces we inhabit with elements that heal, balance, and harmonize our surroundings with our selves? And what might the result be? What change and transformation could this provoke? 
The ideology of Ayurveda provides a foundation with which to really explore and ultimately identify ways in which our peripheral circumstances can truly heal, which is what we will continue to explore as the Design Dialogue unfolds. Moving forward, we will start to navigate the elements and principles of design and dive even deeper into what thoughtful design can really manifest.
The most important step in applying the healing power of Ayurveda is to understand your dosha. Each of us are incredibly unique with varying parts and pieces at play. The goal is to know and understand these inner workings so that you can better design your outside environment. And while the goal really is that simple, the path to get there is a bit more complex and requires a personal approach.
We will explore our own unique mind body types and how to apply what we learn to our surroundings in order to reach a heightened state of living and well being. Elements i will explore include:
The 3 doshas (defining mind-body types)
The 5 senses (how we experience energy)
The 7 elements + principles of design (the art of design)
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One thing I know to be true is that when you feel comfortable and relaxed in your surroundings, you are open and ready to give and receive. You are able to operate more efficiently and creatively, and you're able to communicate in a clear and conscious way. Your heart rate and breath slows to a natural pace, lowering your blood pressure, soothing your stress, and setting your mind and soul at ease. This is a healthy state of being (and what this world needs more of).
As we move through these systems of thought and discover the ways they interact with each other, we will identify ways to create a sensual, sustainable world within which we can foster and grow the best version of ourselves, ultimately having a similar affect on this world we share as a whole.

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મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર

  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...