Thursday 6 December 2018


Every day is a new opportunity to make a difference in your life, make a positive change in yourself and your world. Every day is a new beginning and, perhaps, today is the day to set a new goal and see it through. You are stronger than you think and you’ve got what it takes, you do. And if you tell yourself that more often instead of looking for yet another excuse you’ll glide through every obstacle on your way to your goal. Commit, get a plan, stay with it and never, ever doubt yourself...
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Pranayama (breathing exercises) can calm you down, but it can also energize your body with an intense combination of powerful inhalations and exhalations. Energizing breaths help to invigorate the mind and heart from the inside, while also toning and stretching the muscles on the outside. Pranayama techniques for more energy include Ocean Breath (Ujjayi Pranayama), Lion’s Breath (Simhasana) and Skull Shining Breath (Kapalbhati).
Morning meditations to bliss-out your day // Pranayama is a yogic practice in which the breath is intentionally altered in order to receive specific results. One pranayama technique, anuloma viloma (alternate nostril breathing), may be used to balance both the female & male energies of the brain. This breathing exercise will bring a calming, peaceful energy to your being. Try incorporating this practice into your morning meditation. 
It is truly amazing what a short amount of time spent meditating can do for the mind. It is said fifteen minutes of a Pranayama breathing exercise can be roughly equivalent to 2 hours of sleep because you are altering the state of your consciousness. Breathing exercises that calm the nervous system also help us to release the anxiety and fear and ruminating thoughts and worries. The amazing thing is you don’t even need equipment. It’s just you and your breath. Even a few minutes goes a long way in calming the nerves.
Conscious Breathing
Being aware of your breath automatically brings you into the present moment - the key to all inner transformation. It’s amazing how simple and profound just listening to your breath can be. Whenever you are conscious of your breath, you are absolutely present. Just try this right now. Take a deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds and listen to the sound of the exhale. Perhaps become aware of every sensation...the way your chest might expand with the inhale. You may also notice that you cannot think while focusing on the breath. This is the beauty of it. Conscious breathing stops your mind and makes you fully present.
When you can tune into your breath or a moment of silence within, you become intuitively more aware of your emotions. It’s amazing what the rhythm of your breath can tell you about how you’re feeling at that precise moment. If you’re feeling stressed, you might be shallow breathing so consciously lengthen your exhale. If you can even double the ratio of your exhale to your inhale, you’ll feel the effects of this on your nervous system in a matter of minutes. It really calms the mind and slows down the whirl of anxious thoughts. So for instance, if you breathe in for 3 counts, try slowly exhaling for 6. If you can inhale for 5 counts, then exhale for 10 counts and so forth. Find a rhythm that works for you but keep it even and smooth. Just focus on that, right down to the sound of your breath and you’ll drop right into the present moment
You can run from the decisions you’ve made in your life but you can’t hide them from yourself. You can try to look away when your fears visit you in the darkness of some of your suppressed thoughts but that doesn’t make them go away. In fact the fastest way for fears to truly vanish, is to really face them. Head on. You can’t spend your life living in fear. It makes us feel small and limited. And you can’t be looking over your shoulder wondering if you’ve made the right decisions along the way. Accept the decisions you made, especially those you cannot change. Make peace with your past. Learn the spiritual lessons you needed to learn from them and fully commit to making a positive change. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result so change your thoughts, and take action and you’ll be one step closer to making a real change in your life.
In the space of stillness, everything seems to go blissfully quiet and the mind is filled with sudden clarity and insight. Things become clear as though a solution you’ve been looking for becomes so obvious, as if it’s been under your nose all along. More often than not, we can’t ‘hear’ our inner voice because our lives are too busy, too chaotic. We spend too much energy and time rushing around just doing rather than “being”. All it takes is slowing down for a moment and just tuning in. You can start by just spending a few minutes in silence and meditation. Silence can speak volumes. Listen to the rhythm of every inhale and exhale allowing the mind to rest and the chatter of thoughts to melt awa
Looking after our energy is so important, and it’s not just about your physical energy, but the energy you’re containing and managing across your four bodies; the parts that make up your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self.
It’s not just our food and exercise that impacts our energy; it can also be our thoughts, emotions, our interactions with the world and with the people who make up our inner and outer circle, and even our interactions with strangers. Our thoughts, emotions and interactions with others affects our energy, and our energetic field.
What are you doing today to protect your personal energy?

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...