Friday 21 December 2018


Kati Basti Therapy : Ayurvedic Oil Pooling Treatment for Lower Back Pain
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times..A Healing System With Tradition
The procedure of applying heat to the sacral or lumbar region by retaining warm medicated oil within a specially formed frame in the area is known as ‘Kati Basti’. 
The word Kati refers to Low back and Basti stands for retaining something inside, in this case mainly medicated oil. This treatment includes medicated oils which are pooled and poured for a duration of time in a compartement made out of wet flour on your lower back. Its beneficial for the abdomen, digestion, absorption as well as menstrual disorders. Depending on the nature of the disease, the treatment should be repeated a couple of times again things should not be overdone or underdone. 
It also increases the circulation in the region, as the herbal oil gets deeply absorbed into the skin, and both nourishes and strengthens the bones, muscles and nerves.
Kati Basti is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment used for lower backache and disorders of the lumbosacral region, including bulging or herniated disc, lumbar spondylosis, and sciatica. We are thrilled to share this beautiful & effective healing treatment to you!
It is a deep tissue therapy that relieves pain and promotes healing. Excellent for spinal issues, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, low back pain & neck pain.
Benefits of this Ayurvedic treatment:
Increases the circulation in the region, as the herbal oil gets deeply absorbed into the skin, and both nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves. Pacifies one of the primary sites of Vata, relieving pain, soreness, and tension and restoring flexibility.Relieves chronic lower backaches and painful muscle spasms, stiffness, and degenerative problems 
This is an effective therapeutic treatment for conditions like:
Backache (particularly the lumbar region)
Degenerative spine changes

Compressed discs

Hip pain
Shoulder pain

Spinal cord compression.
Sports injuries
Root chakra pain or discomfort 
In the subtle body, the nadis emerge from manipura (navel) chakra and supply energy to the upper and lower extremities and back.
one of the easiest examples to give would be lower back pain - sciatica, generalised dull ache or feeling of pain, restriction of movement etc... This could be considered as Vata related ailments , therefore it may have elements of dryness, being rough, coarse, inflexible and there might be generalised pain - therefore the warm herbal oil helps to lubricate, strengthen, hydrate and saturate the tissues to combat excess Vata.
Sciatica is pain affecting the back, hip, thigh and outer side of the leg, caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back, often owing to degeneration of an intervertebral disc. Thus Sciatica is nerve pain from irritation of the Sciatic nerve. The pain along with tingling, numbness and weakness start in the lower back and travel downwards through the back of your thigh and outer side of the leg on the affected side.
Musculoskeletal Treatments for sciatica, lower and upper back pain, tightness, knee and elbow problems and restricted movement of the neck, back and shoulder area. This method to treat musculoskeletal disorders is unique.
Use our different Basti treatments to treat Pain at different location
What are Basti Treatments!?
They are therapies that provide nourishment to a localised point on the body, be it the lower back, between shoulder blades, knee joint or chest / heart area. 
This is done by first prepping the area with a brief massage, then followed by a 'dough well' being placed upon said location to hold a large quantity of warm/ hot herbal infused oil, which is then gently massaged and once the oil has cooled, it is repeated several more times.
This deeply restorative therapy helps to remove and pacify excess doshas with a targeted area. 
The nature of Vata is 'motion' and governs all movement, it is known as 'The king Dosha' as it informs and directs the flow of Pitta and Kapha. Without the information which Vata carries and sends, the other two Doshas are known as 'lame' or 'immobile'. It's said in Ayurveda that the external factors and environment influence the internal environment.
Also experience our Greeva Basti an Ayurvedic treatment for neck pain which focused neck treatment is used to alleviate pain, stiffness, and cervical compressions.
Find out more about the Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis and Joint pain..
Are you in need of some heart healing? 
A Heart Basti is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that opens the chest and ribs through massage, marma therapy and the use of herbalized oil poured into a dam..
A Heart Basti ( Hridaya Basti..Hrid Basti or Uro Basti ) improves circulation in the chest, helps to regulate cardiac function, relieves chest tightness due to anxiety or worry, improves breathing function, and creates a sense of peace. Maintains connective tissue & muscle of the heart organ increasing strength. This improves heart function and is also helpful for thoracic pain & respiratory problems. Melt away stress & emotional grief..This treatment is very profound in a emotional release state, as well as its nourishing for both the cardiovascular and respiratory system..
If you are interested in this special treatment, please contact us.
CALL : +9199825463394/+919773170560
In a private consultation you will receive unique recommendations tailored for your unique mind-body constitution that will help you to flourish in life. These may include - food and life style recommendations, a custom Ayurvedic herbal formula, yoga and pranayama (breath exercises), special Ayurvedic treatments, and more.
All Ayurvedic therapies are customized according to your constitution and health concerns.... used to alleviate neck pain, stiffness, and cervical compressions.
Repair and Rejuvenate your cells through Panchakarma.
You can also consult me for...
If you have issues with your digestion, sleep patterns, self-care (or lack of it), anxiety, inflammation, exercise routines, relationship with food & you connect with a more holistic way of taking care of yourself?. I would love to talk about how we can work together to create more contentment & peace in your life.
The word 'Pitta' can be seen as 'That which cooks', 'that which will metabolize' and refers to the qualities of:
Heat, warmth, sharpness clarity, oiliness, sensitivity and light. 
The five sub-doshas : 1.Alochaka - located in the eyes and allows the transformation of light into images and helps us digest all visual aspects of life. 2.Bhrajaka - Resides in the skin, provides glow and lustre, digests and metabolizes external factors of heat. 3. Pachaka - The main digestive fire, responsible for digestion, assimilation of nutrients and can be considered the primary source of Pitta, as it resides in the small intestine. 4. Ranjaka - Located in the abdominal organs: Liver, Spleen, Small intestine and Stomach, Ranjaka provides colour and is also within the blood tissue. 5.Sadhaka - Seat of emotions - located in heart and the mind. Discerns right from wrong / truth from falsehood and can be seen within intellect, helps in the digestion of our beliefs and ideas.
In Ayurveda, there are treatments and methods which help nourish these sensory organs and prevent against disease / deterioration.

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