Monday 17 December 2018


Dinacharya: Ayurvedic Daily Rituals for Health and Vitality..
Give Your Daily Routine a Makeover With Me
Time for Balance – Establishing Daily Rituals for Balance in the Winter Season.
Dinacharya is the Ayurvedic term for a daily lifestyle/routine. It is considered the “Ultimate Preventive Medicine”. In Ayurveda, daily rituals that become positive life enhancing habits are called Dinacharya.
Daily practices are the foundation of a healthy body and a peaceful mind. Ayurvedic daily practices increase vitality, boost the immune system, calm the mind, improve sleep and slow down the aging process. 
Ayurveda contends that routines help establish balance and that understanding daily cycles are useful for promoting health.
Delve deeper into your practice thorough understanding of Ayurveda. Learn how it applies, integrates and informs Prana Vinyasa Flow sequencing, thematic offerings, and teaching methods to evolve your sadhana.
We should understand how all of our actions, from eating to exercise habits along with lifestyle choices, can sometimes serve us and sometimes not. Today’s nectar may very well be tomorrow’s poison. Knowing what is good and bad to maintain health and balance both for physical and mental well-being is the practical side of Ayurveda. Paying attention and living with daily awareness is how Ayurveda helps us in every single moment of the day.
Linking together ayurvedic theory and practice this science offers us recommendations and observations to be followed according to our own unique constitution to achieve a balanced state for our entire being.
Are you ready to create balance and harmony in this winter season with Ayurveda? Join me for this workshop where we will dive into Daily Routine and learn the amazing benefits of this ancient tradition.
Dinacharya: A Yogi’s Routine for a Long and Healthy Life
Align with nature’s rhythm and see your own radical change.
Dinacharya is the “law of nature” and the key component to living a long life, ripe with vitality and complete mind/body health. This routine is based on the sun and moon’s energetic effect on digestion, mental focus, creativity and the potential for spiritual awareness and growth.
To maintain a healthy life free from disease, we need to follow a daily routine, or flow of ritual conduct. The Ayurvedic Rishis considered a daily routine to be a stronger healing force than any other medicine! In this workshop, we will learn how to sense and follow the rhythm Mother Nature sets to the day, and how to establish morning, afternoon, and evening dinacharya that honors yourself, your body and mind, and all of creation. You will discover that Ayurveda is actually a verb; it is something to be lived. Every action taken with consciousness will connect you with all that is Divine within you.
Now is the time to invest in your health; register today!
Dinacharya Workshop: Learn the Art of Ayurvedic Daily Ritual.
Are you interested in the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda? Then this is the perfect opportunity to deepen your understanding.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
During this session, I will take you through a thorough assessment, talking to you about your lifestyle, any issues you’re experiencing and want to address, and your end goals. From an Ayurvedic perspective, I will look at your energy level, diet, sleep, yoga practices, and other parts of your life.
Together we’ll create a daily routine, called a Dinacharya, that will bring regularity and balance to your life. I often suggest certain foods, herbs and body treatments to support your healing. If you’re interested, I can also teach you how to make some simple and nourishing Ayurvedic recipes.
Although these techniques may seem simple, they are profound. Developing awareness of your current needs, and adapting to seasonal changes are ancient and profound ways to help make the best choices to stay healthy and balanced. Stepping closer to balance will help you merge with the Winter Season more easily. Please remember, everyone has their own unique constitution and ways of presenting states of balance and imbalance. 
If you’re unable to commit to this routine fully, simply try the best you can— each step we take toward living an Ayurvedic lifestyle will improve our overall health and happiness, so take it slow but be make an intentional effort to change.
Celebrating Health, Wellness and vitality cultivated through living in nature with rhythm.
Using the holistic wellness system of Ayurveda, we will explore your constitution, health and wellness practices, as well as any situational challenges to help you to meet your goals.
In our high-tech and fast-paced Western society life we experience many biological disruptions, like jet lags, artificial lights, working evening/night shifts etc. These disruptions make us humans to lose our connection with nature.
Ayurveda has always emphasized the need for a healthy biological rhythm. Disconnection from the natural rhythms of life has been linked to a variety of health problems, of which poor cognitive functioning, a decrease in performance and efficiency, mal digestion, sleeping disorders, depression, anxiety, diabetes, excessive weight gain, heart diseases and even certain types of cancer.
During this workshop you will learn – and work with – a daily Ayurvedic ritual. This daily ritual – called Dinacharya – promotes your body and mind to reconnect to the rhythms of nature and therefore to resolve numerous complaints and prevent disease.
What are we going to do?...CALL
You gain insight into your own daily rhythm and to what extent you are in contact with the natural rhythms of the day. Change starts with acknowledgement.
This is your chance to boost your connection with nature! With the Ayurvedic wisdom you receive during this workshop you can take a closer look at your own rhythm and integrate the Dinacharya into your own day.
A daily routine in which you remove toxic waste (ama) from the body and adjust your exercise, eating, and sleep routine to nature, not only eliminates many health problems, but also prevents disbalance from developing. Self-care = health-care!
The morning ritual is most important, but we also look at how you can adjust the rest of your day to the natural rhythms: lunch break and evening ritual.
The three doshas and the rhythm of nature. You will learn how the doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha relate to the rhythms of each day and what is their influence on your body.
Learning the elements that create your body, maintaining a routine that pacifies your dosha and using natural remedies to treat and cure common ailments are a part of the practice of Ayurveda. Ayurveda utilizes food and spices as medicine as well as daily rituals to maintain balance in the body and avoid illness.
The emphasis is on prevention and maintenance of the body/mind and consciousness. Rather that waiting until we get sick, Ayurveda looks to our day to day habits and suggests practices done over a persons lifetime to keep the body healthy and balanced.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...