Thursday 6 December 2018


Clear Ancestral Karma With Ritual..Lean How to Heal your Ancestral Patterns with Tarpana ( (ancestral healing ritual).
Today I was able to offer Tarpana to my Patients. 
This is an ancient Ayurvedic practice to release ancestral karma. It is one of the practices of Ayurveda that encourage you to remove the karmic burdens you carry and free yourselves to live your lives empowered and connected to the Self: the place of expansion, bliss, and freedom at the core of your being.
One important ritual of Hinduism is tarpana. Tarpana means “satisfying” or “satiating”. One acknowledges the debt one has to devas (gods), rishis (sages) and pitris (ancestral manes) and tries to satisfy them using this ritual.
We are the results of all of those who came before us. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually this is true. Their genes form our own genes and our blood is created by theirs. This influence includes all things deemed both “positive” and “negative” alike
Our negative habits, those tendencies which hinder us and keep us from revealing our divine purpose and light, are rooted and shared with theirs. In Ayurveda this is called a Khavaigunya. Similarly our strengths are being guided and nourished by theirs. This is why many ancient cultures knew well the importance of acknowledging, honoring and forgiving our ancestors as our actions impact seven generations in both directions. 
In yogic philosophy we learn that our sādhana, our practice and prayer, effects seven generations from us..
In the Vedic tradition Honoring your Ancestors that have passed releases negative memories and unproductive ancestral patterns that prevent you from owning your personal freedom and ability to love and prosper. Take pause now and reflect on the memories you may have locked within for lifetimes! Personal hurt stems from the karmas of our past, and are indelibly linked to our ancestral heritage. Honoring Ancestors as a proven ahimsa-practice is one of the most effective way to free ourselves from the pile-up of ancestral hurt, illness and despair.
Honoring your Ancestors helps unearth traumas and hurt of the past carried through family lines. Without realizing it, we often carry the ancestors on our backs; their memory patterns deeply embedded within our vital tissues and cells. We continually re-enact patterns that originate in the history and memory of our family lines. When we do not recognize ancestral traumas we are likely to ferry them into every aspect of our lives. But we can resolve our karmic history through honoring ancestors; we can trade in hurt and grief and illness for celestial guidance.
Doing this ritual once a year is a crucial way for us to remember that we are not independent of our ancestors. Our healing is their healing and because we are currently alive this healing is our sacred task. Though our journeys are our own and our soul’s karma is unique ultimately everything they have given us is the greatest blessing because it has enabled us to be alive.
Each experience of life provides an excellent opportunity to reconnect emotionally and spiritually to the memory and vibration of our ancestors, even if we do not have specific, historical details about their lives.
Learn how to do Tarpana....
CALL : +9199825463394/+919773170560
“Physicians are of two kinds - the superior who pursue prana and destroy disease and the inferior who pursue disease and destroy prana.”

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...