Thursday 6 December 2018


Thank you thank you thank you for your interest, curiosity and love so far for everything I share inspired by Ayurveda.
When people come into the world with certain physical challenges then in a sense yes the doshas are out of balance and there has been something set in motion from a previous incarnation or from something that happened while the baby was in the womb.
It’s all within context and for me part of the beauty of the Ayurvedic Philosophy and Ayurveda understanding of disease is that especially with the understanding of the karma and samskara. Karma should not be looked at as a bad thing because karma is just the very simple law of nature. For every action there is a reaction equal and opposite, so there is some reason for it. 
What I always recommend is that you do whatever is in front of you right now, what are the opportunities that are right in front of you right now even if it’s not the ideal thing that you’d like to do and do whatever that is as good as you can. 
Do it with as much grace, do it with as much energy, do it as if that is your meditation, whatever the job is, whatever the work is, whatever is right in front of you, do it as if that work within it holds the key to what it is that you’re here to do. The only way to unlock that is to do it very well, as if it’s extremely important, as if that is your mission, and do that the best you can because it is that sadhana in action, that meditation, that practice in action and even the mundane things of life that is going to enliven the prana within your body and your mind, but first get up earlier than most people, breath, do the pragnya, do the Yoga or whatever it is that you do or find the Yogic practices or find something, some sort of pranic based exercise and meditate. Get up before most people, clear the mind, get the prana in the body and then go out into your day, into your work from that energy space. I guarantee if you can do that and if you can keep up and keep the momentum moving in that direction, what one’s dharma is will become apparent, you won’t have to look for it, it’s been there the whole time.
When we’re actively alleviating the karma through meditation and through the Yogic practices, the result of that is you end up very blissful.
That does happen when you start to meditate, you really start to unload that pressure off the subconscious, off the psyche and sometimes you do stir things up. It’s almost like vacuuming the house, it’s noisy, it’s loud, there is mud, there is dust, it’s dirty and you keep doing it, you just keep doing it. That’s why a lot of people end up not sticking with whatever it is that they are doing whether it’s with Ayurveda or whether it’s with Yoga or some other form of meditation because it does get difficult at a certain point and it’s not easy, but life’s not easy. It’s not any more difficult, it’s just a conscious challenge verses the unconscious challenge, I would always say in Yoga classes that either you can kick your own butt and alleviate the karma and by that I mean you can be disciplined with your practice, with your sadhana, with your meditation and have the discipline to stick with it even when the going gets tough or you can move more into the, let the Universe take care of it and you’re going to have to deal with it anyway. When we’re actively alleviating the karma through meditation and through the Yogic practices, the result of that is you end up very blissful.
If we’re passive and just let our life run its course then often the result is not very blissful. Yes, there is some turning that is happening, that’s what we’re looking for and you often attract negative energy as well because you become brighter and once you become brighter you shine a light on dark spots within yourself and outside of yourself. One of my teachers said that if I didn’t attract a certain amount of negativity during the day I knew my practice wasn’t strong enough that morning so keep that in mind. 
As far as finding one’s dharma, one’s direction, one’s purpose, one’s mission in life, she says “I suppose it’s being mask by anxiety etc.” and yes that’s a very good way of putting it is that when the mind is cleared and when that subconscious is emptied and when you have this clear stream moving from that Purusha Prakriti Mahat into the conscious mind without it being diluted and cloaked and covered by the subconscious garbage then the purpose of what’s your doing does become apparent and that’s a much more realistic way of really discovering what you’re here to do. Trying to go out and find your purpose can be very difficult or impossible if you don’t have the mind to see it, you don’t have the eyes to see it, you don’t have the sensory perception to see it even when it’s right there in front of you.
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