Wednesday 5 December 2018


Full Body Cleanse Package : Weight loss..4-8 Kg In a Month
Achieving health and longevity through the art of daily living with Ayurveda... 
30 Day Cleanse and Regimen that works to naturally cleanse and detoxify the body to aid in necessary weight release, enhancing the immune system and increasing energy levels.
30 Day all-natural program to detoxify, rejuvenate, and strengthen the body and all of its eliminative channels
*Works to weight loss (4-8 Kg In a Month )
*Helps to enhance the immune system
*Helps improve skin complexion
*Works to increase energy levels
*Promotes a more positive outlook on life
*Supports normalized and regulated body functions n clear the body
*Works to eradicate sugar and junk food cravings
*Full Body Cleanse is a safe and effective 30-day herbal-based Cleanse that helps you work toward ensuring that your entire body is functioning at an optimal level: your immune system, circulatory system, digestive system, respiratory system, organs, vessels, and more. When your body is operating at peak efficiency
*It can help you stay physically and mentally fit, assist in achieving an increased metabolism, help you experience better digestion, and contribute to your feeling more energetic.
*Enhanced energy level
*Feelings of positivity and clear-mindedness
*Enhanced willpower
*Stronger immune system
*Normalized and regulated body functions, regularity of bowel movements..Stay healthy n fit..
* Refreshes and rejuvenates the body and mind.
* Increases the metabolic rate
Ayurveda truly is a science that is devoted to self love, thru preventative medicine, self care techniques & the maintenance of the individual on a whole-istic level.
If you’d like to book Full Body Cleanse Package , give us a call and book an appointment!
Call : 919825463394/+919773170560
Obesity is considered as global epidemic which is increasing due to sedentary life styles.. If not treated it may lead to several complications like Diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart diseases, arthritis, infertility etc.
Vedic Bodymask (Udvartana) Therapy! : Slimming Body Treatment :
The complete program helps in weight reduction and in attaining a well toned body. Udvartana is a specialized herbal treatment for weight reduction. Udvartana is highly beneficial for fat reduction, abdominal obesity, cellulite breakdown, after pregnancy you can tone your body & lighten or remove stretch marks with this treatment as well as removes dead cells from the skin. Also promotes healthy digestion and Energising & exfoliating of the skin cells for a luminous glow, this specific treatment reduces cholesterol, resolve skin problems imports mobility to the joints, strengthens muscles and refreshes the body.
Udvartana is a dry massage procedure using herbal powders. Useful for weight reduction or toning and exfoliation of the skin cells for a luminous glow, this specific massage reduces cholesterol, helps curb obesity resolve skin problems imports mobility to the joints, strengthens muscles and refreshes the body.
Udvartana helps body to lose fat/cellulite & In weight loss.
It is a slimming and anti-cellulite treatment.
Udvartana is a body toning treatment which involves applying a mixture of herbal powder and oil on the body. This also helps in revitalizing the skin. This results in the stimulation of the energy flow in the body, the detoxification and nourishment of body tissues.
Using this practice can help detoxify and rejuvenate the body, aid in graceful aging, remove fatigue from the body, improve steadiness and stability in the limbs, create a beautiful complexion, and so much more! Udvartana is good for most Ayurvedic constitutions.
This therapy is most effective when taken as part of a wellness plan that also includes a suitable diet, regular exercise and intake of herbal medication..
It is helpful in a various range of conditions like high cholesterol, psoriasis, lethargy and low energy, excessive drowsiness and sleep, insomnia, muscular weakness, weight reduction, skin purification, Skin Darkening and PCOS
Pinda Swedana
An Ayurvedic therapy traditionally performed using warm bolus’s (pouches) with a bundle of steamed herbs, milk and rice to soothe the body and soul. Combining rhythmic body treatment, gentle stretching, energy work, and meditation, the practice of Pinda Swedhana opens the pores and allows the balancing fusion of herbs to bring a deep medicinal heat to your muscles, release tension, detoxify and revitalize your mind.
This powerful therapy is used to treat neuromuscular disorders and disorders of the skeletal system. Abhyanga is administered prior to Pinda Swedana to all areas treated. Good for arthritis, aches and pains, neuromuscular disorders.
Ayurveda is a rich and thorough system of medicine addressing chronic issues and the prevention of them.
After years of Ayurvedic study and practicing of 31 years in this field, i have chosen to specialise in Ayurveda consultations and treatments.
Panchakarma is quite in-depth, and therapies range from 3 to 30 days. 
We work closely with you to identify your states of balance and imbalance on all levels of body, mind and soul. We then design a customized therapeutic program suited to address your unique needs. A variety of therapies are offered, all aimed at addressing the root cause of disease and disharmony. 
Ayurvedic therapeutic treatments are provide for powerful healing experiences and for achieving states of peacefulness and bliss.
This heavenly therapy is a combination of Abhyanga, Shirodhara and Swedana, and takes the mind, body and spirit on an inner journey of relaxation and mental purification. By creating deep relaxation, promoting energy flow, and purifying the body and mind, Ayurvedic Bliss Therapy encourages a deep remembering of balance, wellness and peace that supports the healing process and allows for a connection to Spirit.
Lets Have a Pulse Assessment
In pulse assessment we are able to detect the rhythm of our patient’s body. Irregularities in rhythm can tell us which organ functions are afflicted. Muted or dull rhythm helps us know current toxicity levels. Pulse assessment is one of our diagnostic tools, but we also use tongue assessment, eye assessment and bowel assessment to help us usnderstand the body/mind type of our patient and current imbalances.
We can handcraft the appropriate oils, herbs and treatments that they will receive during your journey with us for our Ayurveda Body Therapies..
Ayurveda Says..... Lifestyle Changes Needed As You Enter Your 30s..Build a Healthy Foundation in Your Midlife With Ayurveda..
According to Ayurveda, different stages of our lives are deeply influenced by each of the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha...And it's very important to get knowledge of your Dosas regularly, because they affect you and your to learn more about doshas, pl call above cited ph nos...

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...