Tuesday 8 January 2019


Why is it important to create a relationship to your unborn baby before birth? 
The ways in which you respond to and care for your unborn baby may affect physical and emotional well-being for the rest of baby's life. The choices you make today about your baby's birth may make a vital difference for years to come. You can prepare your unborn baby for a happy, healthy life. 
I will show you how?
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Establish a deeper level of communication – through relaxation, visualization, meditation, guided imagery, journal writing, dream work, music, partner dialogue, affirmations, stimulation, verbal stimulation, free drawing, rhythmic breathing, Meditation and any other creative way you can think of.
Mom's Voice Plays Special Role in Activating Newborn's Brain.
When mothers talk to their babies while they’re still in the womb many researches believe that is actually the first step in language development. One thing for sure is that babies get used to the sound of their mother’s voice and perhaps when they are born, that familiarity lends itself to quicker recognition and a fast bond after birth. When your baby is born, he/she will recognize your voice and turn towards you whenever hears your voice. 
A gift to every loving, caring parent. A communication that will change the experience of pregnancy and childbirth forever!
Pregnancy is a time of growth, awareness and anticipation. Creating a new life is one of the world’s most powerful experiences. While connecting with your unborn baby spiritually you can allow yourself to engage with activities that enhance your sense of being, your spirituality and your connection to your baby.
If you re interested to communicate your unborn baby spiritually or have any interest in spirit baby communication then you already have the inner gift and wisdom to connect with your baby. The next steps are to follow your inner feelings and sensations that will guide you to listen to your baby by using your natural connections to your intuition and your psychic awareness.
Communication with your baby before birth is an amazing and profoundly powerful experience that will bring a refreshing level of spiritual wisdom into your life.
The parents need to be in good shape spiritually, physically and mentally & also encouraged to increase her spiritual practices such as her devotional prayers, daily rituals and self care. 
If you have not yet learned to meditate, now would be the time. Every thought or desire you have, attracts spirit. In this case, you are wanting a child. Breathe in that desire and begin to initiate contact.
Your unborn baby is:
• Capable of learning
• Able to hear and respond to voices and sounds—including music
• Sensitive to his parents’ feelings about him/her
• Capable of responding to love
• An active, feeling human being.
Women need to prepare for natural birth in every aspect of their lives, including the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical areas of their being.
Women who are well prepared in their minds, bodies and spirits can experience birth as a profoundly moving and empowering event.
Researchers says that what you are feeling, baby also hears what you are feeling. The mood of your baby is, indeed, largely determined by your mood. Baby picks up on what you are expressing by the melody of your voice, listening to the changes in your pitch. Your baby hears how your heart responds to certain situations; how it speeds up or slows down when you are happy, frightened or sad. Your baby hears your emotions and sympathizes with you. Your baby also reads the emotions in your breathing. You can be breathing quitely, hurriedly, be sighing, or take long pauses and so on. All this conveys a message. A message in which baby, in turn, responds to in own unique way.
Whether you practice yoga, listen to guided meditations, or simply take time each day for intentional, relaxed breathing, I think breathing mindfully is one of the simplest, most powerful things you can do to connect with your growing baby. Imagine you’re breathing all that wonderful, life-giving oxygen to your baby.
I think there’s a sense of bringing the outside world into baby’s world.
Song Your Sing
Choosing a favorite song that reflects your ethnic or religious heritage, makes you feel calm and content, or was a childhood favorite of yours. Research shows that babies recognize their parents’ voices and even respond to songs that they heard repeatedly in utero—so try to sing your song at regular times throughout the day, especially at bedtime.
Take up your paintbrush to create- “Womb with a View” painting in which you visualize what your baby’s world might look and feel like. Without pressure to make a “good” painting, try to capture your vision in your own artistic way. It doesn’t have to be realistic, “just close your eyes and try to capture some of that internal world. Try to imagine the world from the baby’s perspective. Your finished painting doesn’t have to be worthy as good painter, but it will be deeply meaningful to you and, later, to your baby.
Easy Dance
Take your baby for a spin around the dance (if your doctor advice you to do a little) by choosing a few upbeat songs that get you in the mood to groove. Not only will dancing get your heart pumping, which lowers stress hormones and raises...feel-good hormones, but it also gives you a chance to spend fun, quality time together. I can say When Mom and baby are moving together, they’re sharing that experience. 
Every bite of food you choose for yourself during pregnancy feeds your baby too. Follow recommendations on foods to avoid, but also embrace the opportunity to visualize how your meals are nourishing your baby and helping baby to grow. Take a moment to imagine your baby eating with you, so you’re having every meal together.
Your unborn baby loves everything about you—as you do about for your baby.
Whether you choose to write a letter, poem, song, or ongoing journal, writing something you plan to give your baby to read one day is a beautiful way to communicate directly with her while baby still growing inside you. Write about your hopes, your values, your family history, anything you are thinking about as you get ready to meet your unborn baby. I think writing during pregnancy “captures that very special little window in your relationship.”
Eliminate the negativity around you.
Connect with positive people, read positive books, watch happy, positive movies. Don’t let negative people or images drag you down while you’re trying to conceive or pregnant. Create healthy boundaries and buy yourself a “no” button. It’s OK to say “no” and put yourself first.
During pregnancy, a woman begins to feel an overpowering need to connect with the life that beats within her body. For that reason, when she is resting, she will seek to connect.
Yes, there is a lot to do before the baby arrives, but you don't need to do it all today. You need more rest during pregnancy, so try to slow down and take it easy for a while. Set aside time each day to simply sit and focus on your pregnancy – but just a time to sit and think about your developing baby. Consider keeping a pregnancy journal to help you focus on the pregnancy. Don't worry about writing a rose-tinted view of pregnancy, just be honest. Talk about how you feel physically, and any worries and concerns you might be feeling. This may help to identify what is causing any anxiety, and help you take steps to overcome it.
Take bump photos
Not only will your own photos make a lovely keepsake once the pregnancy is over, but will also help you to focus on your growing baby during pregnancy. As you compare the bump photos from each week, you will be able to see how much your baby is changing and growing during the pregnancy. This visual reminder may help to make the pregnancy seem more real, and will give you time to reflect upon the changes occurring.
Learn How to Connect With Your Unborn Baby Spiritually 
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...