Thursday 17 January 2019


Pregnancy Body Therapy: Connecting Mother & Baby : Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Connections
Benefits of pregnancy Body Work in supporting women to connect with their baby and body and prepare to give birth.
The woman is on a journey in an unknown realm, where suddenly she has to handle new sensations and sudden emotions coming up with the deep transformations in their whole organism taking place with pregnancy. 
She may have to deal with nausea, healthy issues, with questions about life. The context of the own life is widening to another being and one might sense for the first time the responsibility to care and to live a healthy life; There will be changings in her professional and often personal life – she has to define herself in a new way.
On one hand, it can be a wonderful time, and there might be an openness like never before for to change things in a healthy way. On the other hand, there can be insecurity, fear, resistance; lack of support, all kinds of stress, grief, material insecurity, health issues, traumas, family issues.
Pregnancy Bodywork ...through bodywork, we are always somehow working with and touching the whole being.
First – on a symptomatic level: To be released from her tensions or pain that are limiting her wellbeing. To feel better. To let stress and worries go. To relax and regenerate.
More – on a deeper level: To inhabit her body, to fully feel alive, to be connected with herself and with the growing life in her womb. 
Pregnancy is about trusting the transforming processes and life’s rhythms, about connecting with one’s own deep wisdom and power, about let-it-go, let-it-flow. We are part of nature. Rhythms and cycles go through us and let us live and breathe. Pregnancy body work means enhancing connection between mother and baby.
I see my role in supporting a woman to feel “at home” within herself in this very particular transforming period of her life. “At home” means, ideally, to feel herself a unity, entire, ONE – all parts integrated, deeply sensing, relaxed, connected with herself and with the baby, connected with her deep source of potentials and intuition. 
A complete session of bodywork is clearly in supporting relaxation, energy flow, integration and connection.
My love of all things pregnancy and birth related comes from my own experience of becoming a mother. Although it wasn’t easy, I gained an immense respect for my body and its capabilities. I learned a lot about myself in labour, I really felt I connected with my inner self, I knew what I needed to do, and I had the confidence in my body to entrust the birth of my child with it. It wasn’t me giving birth, it was as if all the universe had conspired together to take over my body in this sacred act. And I trusted it.
I needed to pass this wisdom onto other mothers. I needed to empower woman to believe in their bodies ability to bring life into the world. 
In my experience I have found that many women feel that they do not have the ‘time’ to focus on themselves or their baby. There is pressure on the pregnant woman to continue to perform as she was prior to conception, and with this comes the feeling of failure if the body begins to reject this way of living.
I advised this was also an opportunity for her to relax and connect with baby. She advised that she has a very hectic schedule and relaxing / connecting is often neglected....that actually, your focus now needs to be on this baby! You are pregnant...your body needs to make this baby! 
My aim is to connect with a woman on an emotional and spiritual level supporting their confidence in themselves. I would have loved to work with a woman in her first trimester and see her through to the end of her pregnancy and beyond. Supporting her & baby both physically, emotionally and spiritually. I treat every woman like the goddess that they are, I do find it difficult to try and connect with someone on that emotional level who I will inevitably not be seeing again.
Each one of us is a goddess. Within each and every female we have the power and ability to do whatever we put our mind to.
When I meet a pregnant paient for the first time I feel privileged. Privileged that they are allowing me into their energy to help support their bodies into what they were designed to do. Within Body Therapy sessions, I always start with providing them a safe space to relax, unwind, and freely express emotions and fears. I often find that when I first meet them they initially ‘tell me what they feel they’re supposed to say.’ But when I have asked questions such as, what are your hopes for this pregnancy / birth. What are your fears? This tends to open a deeper level of conversation and occasionally unconscious thoughts are exposed, and I try to support the woman in working through them and hopefully, being able to let go of any negativity and release any hidden issues. I feel it instantly creates a connection between myself and the mother before I have even begun with physical touch
I feel it is important to try and educate people into the importance of body therapy, particularly in pregnancy, on a more spiritual, connective / emotional level. 
The woman’s connection to her own inner goddess, her own inner voice, to have the confidence that has been taken away by todays society to trust herself through her birth journey.
We can teach our baby this language before they have even taken their first breath. Massage can help encourage a healthy connection and cause the baby to respond. Massaging the abdomen has powerful effects.
Touch as a first Language: benefits of pregnancy massage and touch..
Overall results suggest that maternal touch of the abdomen was a powerful stimulus, producing a range of foetal behavioural responses. Foetuses displayed more arm, head, and mouth movements when the mother touched her abdomen as compared to maternal voice.
It has far reaching effects on her baby in the womb, and therefore in the outside world. Teaching a mother to connect without words, using touch, is an important part of the nurturing process.
Relax. Connect. Restore.
CALL +91989254463394/+919773170560
The changes in the body that pregnancy brings as muscles and ligaments stretch and babies grow can put a lot of strain on the body. Muscles in the shoulders tighten, resulting in swelling in the hands and arms and pain in the neck and shoulders. The weight of the growing baby pulls the spine forwards causing pain in the lower back and hips and the shifting pelvis causes swelling and tightness in the legs and feet.

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