Thursday 4 April 2019


Voice lessons during your pregnancy..Mantras For Healthy Baby During Pregnancy..
A mantra is one more way for a pregnant woman to relax her mind and body....As you are awakening the connection to the divine within.
Anything a pregnant woman does to alleviate stress in herself reduces stressors for her baby, too. If you want a calm and happy baby, then pay attention to where your energy is and what energies are coming in.
Why Mantras : The more and more you put out something positive, the more the Universe has to answer with positive energy. Have a mantra that resonates for you.
Get some post-its, write the mantra down, and paste it everywhere: in your car, on your laptop, on the fridge, on the medicine cabinet, on your end table, etc. Even when you stop noticing it, your energy will still register it, and that’s when things begin to shift. You will move out of this desperate, “need” energy and into a calm, forward-moving energy.
No one will ever know your body better than you. Sometimes, you just need to get back in touch with it and remember that you’re in this together.
Close your eyes and breathe down into your body. Listen and know that everything is good.
Pregnancy is a time of change at every level of a woman’s being. Physical changes and other challenges sometimes overshadow the experience of the miraculous internal process happening within her. The ancient knowledge of Ayurveda reveals practices that show how a woman can make the best use of the miraculous creation process that is happening in her own body. Pregnancy can also be a time of emotional upheaval for a woman. Whatever she thinks and does it directly affects the baby.
There are specific mantras that can be for this anytime after the first trimester and throughout your pregnancy. They give strong protection energy and inner strength and willpower that gives your baby lifelong protection from negative influences, confusion, sadness and depression. As a mother you have a direct channel to your baby’s soul during pregnancy that lasts throughout their lives.
A mother can bring enlightenment to the baby she's carrying in her womb. She can make her baby into a pure crystal divine soul. She can say prayers & mantras so the child's soul will come out very strong, with a lot of clarity....they would be glorious.
You can use the sacred time of pregnancy to nurture your baby’s divine qualities easily. Through these sacred tools you are communicating with your baby’s soul and developing your baby in a way only a mother can. These practices can be used in combination with any religious or spiritual tradition you practice. We invite you to work with these simple, yet powerful techniques to experience the blessings they bring to you, your baby, and your family. 
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Your Ayurvedic consultation helps to provide a roadmap to support your health and pregnancy based on your determined constitution and current health. Simple, yet effective practices build a healthy environment in your body to support you and your baby. These practices are meant to support you before and during pregnancy, but also to help you birth easier, faster and with less pain then you would have otherwise.
Reciting Mantra is an ancient practice which generates powerful vibrations responsible for creating a positive environment.
It’s easy to awaken the soul when it is in the womb.
A Mother’s Divine Power - Pregnancy Practices, Prayers, and Meditations : 
She can enhance the baby’s spiritual growth and well being by consciously providing divine energies to her baby’s soul while it is in her womb. She can bless her baby with many wonderful abilities as it is developing throughout pregnancy. Mother can transmit divine energies to her baby’s soul directly through sacred prayers & mantras at different stages of pregnancy. When you are carrying a baby in your womb, your soul and your baby’s soul are merged within your body. This special connection gives you the most profound opportunity to positively influence your baby’s soul throughout its entire life.
Positive Affirmations For Pregnancy, Birth And New Baby.
Breathing, relaxation and coping techniques, which will stay with you for a lifetime.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...