Sunday 26 May 2019


Ayurveda Body Therapies:
(Women Only)
Recharge Your Body..Clear Your Mind...Refresh Your Spirit
Head/Neck/ (shirobhyanga)
Full body with marma [vital] points (marma abhyanga)
Lower leg & foot treatment (padabhyanga)
Face massage with marma [vital] points (mukhabhyanga)
Warm oil poured onto the third eye (shirodhara)
Herbal compress Treatment (pinda sweda)
Detox scrub (udvartana)
Kati/Greeva/Janu Vasti
Nabhi Abhyanga
This is the traditional Ayurvedic Therapy . Head is the most important part of the body because all the senses and sense organs are located in it. Shirobhyanga provides nourishment to all the senses and promotes their normal functions. It gives deep relaxation and a sense of clarity. Therapeutic benefits include improved circulation, improved joint mobility, relief from stress, tension, fatigue, eye-strain, sinusitis and insomnia. Promoting healthy scalp and hair growth and a general feeling of relaxation is very beneficial. Also helps to soften the texture of the hair and stimulates blood circulation to the follicles. So good blood circulation to the follicles helps nutrition and is necessary for the hair.
Ayurvedic Body Therapy focusing on the head, neck,face and shoulders (the area’s most vulnerable to stress and tension), with stimulation of the many Marma (vital energy) points located in this region, using warm organic herbal oil, reducing tension, strain and headaches. This hair and scalp treatment is performed with warm herbal oil to nourish the hair, relax the mind and to release tension in the head, neck and upper back area.A deeply therapeutic caring treatment designed to nourish the scalp, and wash away tensions associated with migraine, headache and neck stiffness. It involves warm dosha-specific oils poured into the hair, aiding the nourishment of roots. While the indigenous herbs calm and revitalise the spirit, ancient massage techniques allow the body to surrender and enhance overall equilibrium. It helps in creating more clarity of mind and to invigorate brain activity.
it reduces fatigue, bestows good vision, nurtures the body, prolongs life span and induces sound sleep, make the skin healthy. It cures the diseases of head, makes the hair soft, lengthy, abundant, unctuous and black, good skin of the face, nourishes the sense organs as well. Releasing all the concentrated tension from overwork, lots of studying, overanalyzing, and technology overload. Softening the face, invigorating the scalp, cooling the body/mind from working full-time. Purifying and breaking up accumulated stagnation of lymph and energy within the body. 
A deeply therapeutic caring treatment designed to nourish the scalp, and wash away tensions headache. Whilst the indigenous herbs calm and revitalise the spirit, ancient body therapy techniques allow your body to surrender and enhance overall equilibrium.
Good for: stress; strain; migraine; hair condition, prevention of hair-loss, Boosts hair growth, Makes hair shine with new life, works on the energy chakras and marma points, vitality increases as the circulatory and respiratory systems open to provide fresh oxygen and vital energy. 
The aim in Ayurveda is prevention, to promote positive health, long life and well being to the body.
it is no wonder that now a days many people are seeking out traditional holistic healing treatments and realising that the mind and body can work together to achieve wellness and balance. Modern demands on us each day can cause weakness in the nerves and disrupt circulation causing tension and headaches.
Nabhi Abhyanga
A purifying and toning practice that strengthens the abdominal muscles and alleviates digestive problems.
Seventy-two-thousand Nadis (channels of the body) are regulated by the Nabhi imbalances residing in the Nabhi, often caused by emotional or physical trauma can affect the entire physiology of the mind and body. Imbalances residing in the Nabhi, often caused by emotional or physical trauma can affect the entire physiology of the mind and body. 
This is the ideal treatment for weight loss and digestive problems. Highly beneficial for post-pregnancy toning, weight loss and digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It tones, trims and leaves your skin radiant, & soft..lightened stretch marks.
Nab Abhyanga helps to tone the abdominal organs and muscles and assists in weight loss around the stomach area. Comes with an accompanying gentle weight loss detox plan.
Recommended for mothers following child birth (after pregnancy).
Detoxifying-Ideal for post pregnancy toning-Weight loss management-Bloating-Irritable bowel syndrom-Constipation-Indigestion-Low digestive fire (low appetite)-IBS, crohn’s, colitis-Skin toning
Traditional Ayurvedic treatment using of a pool of warm organic herbal oil to nourish problem areas (e.g. sciatica, arthritis, injuries) of the lower back (kati), neck (greeva) or knees (janu). Preceded with local Marma body treatment.
Kati Basti - Lower back treatment - A unique warm oil Ayurvedic treatment for the lower back, which can be helpful in treating all lower back ailments including acute and chronic pain, nerve disorders and sciatica. Relieves chronic and acute back pain. Revitalizes the Apana Vayu {Lower back, the root chakra and the second chakra (Muladhar and Swadhistan) are the sites of Apana Vayu (pelvic area)}. As we aged Apana Vayu starts getting weaker as part of aging process. This leads to many age related health problems such as spondylitis, osteoarthritis, constipation, low libido, impotency, vaginal dryness, prostate enlargement, urinary problems, menstrual problems, leg pains and cramps. Persons with weak Apana Vayu experience many psychological problems also.
Greeva Basti - Neck treatment - A specialised warm oil treatment for the back of the neck, it can aid in improving cervical nerve and stress-related conditions as well as blocked energy between the shoulder blades. Relieves chronic pain and stiffness in the neck region and strengthens the neck muscles, thereby facilitating proper mobility.
Janu Basti for the Treament of Osteoarthritis
Our feet are mirrors for the rest of the body according to Ayurveda and in other ancient healing systems.
Ancient Ayurvedic Treatment exclusively that works with the nadis and mama points. Nadis are energy lines that start from the head and end at the soles of the feet. These points work the receptors in the feet and lower leg which corresponds with major organs in the body. There are 107 marma points, which form vital energy meridians running throughout the body. Several of these marma points are worked on the legs & feet (the true place of 'prana' - the body's vital energy), stimulating the body's own innate ability to rebalance and harmonize the 'doshas'. Another important part of this treatment is a tool used that has been created with metals of copper and zinc. ​These metals have a very powerful effect on the body. 
Balance the energies of Vata, Pitta and Kapha by detoxifying with Padabhynga
It promotes strength and sturdiness of the limbs, prevents and cures dryness, roughness, numbness, fatigue and lack of sensation in the feet. Soles of the feet are closely connected with eyes and ears. Therefore, padabhyanga promotes eyesight and proper functioning of the auditory organs. Many organs in the body have nerves that terminate in the feet, so this therapy that focuses on treating these nerves proves quite beneficial for those experiencing general health and mind issues. Padabhyangam helps to strengthen these nerves and restores health to many parts of the body. Also balances Dosas. Four important Sira (nerves) present in the soles of the feet that are connected with the head. These nerves get afflicted due to heat, friction and excessive pressure on the soles of the feet, as a result of which, eye-sights of a person get reduced. If at the root of these nerves i.e. in the soles of the feet, massage is done regularly, then the person never suffers from any eye diseases. 
It also cures sciatica, cramps and contraction of the ligaments, vessels and muscles of the lower limbs. It prevents and cures and dryness, numbness, roughness, fatigue, lack of sensation and cracking in the soles of feet.
It promotes strength for walking and running, and gives sturdiness to the limbs.
Padabhyanga relieve chronic muscle and joint pain. Foot pain cause chronic muscle and joint pain in the entire body.
Padabhyanga might work by correcting the functioning of the cranial-sacral axis or system. This relaxes the nerves and eases the blood flow..
Feet are referred to as "organs of action" and they support the body‟s weight and provide a mobile platform in a variety of terrains. Just imagine: the entire structure of house begins to creak and buckle, if the foundation is weak. In the same way problems are occur in our legs, knees, hips, back, shoulders, and neck, causing muscle tension, postural imbalances, and fatigue if the foundation in our feet are weak.
Today typically our senses are so overloaded with external stimuli, which can keep us from having a real experience with ourselves. Abhyaga is a unique therapy using herbal oils, based on your current body/mind type (vikriti). This one of a kind gentle treatment deeply calms and relaxes the mind & body by tuning into the nervous system, allowing us to feel deeper parts of ourselves. The goal of abhyanga is to balance the subtle-body system such as the nadis and chakras. Abhyanga is great for all constitutions (especially Vata + Pitta). Receive all year round in every season. Add Shirodhara Therapy and to receive an experience of total rejuvenation. Each session is catered to meet you at your current body/mind type (doshic state) and bring you to a more balanced state of being. Let your body open and your muscles breathe. A highly grounding, calming, and anxiety reducing therapy. Enjoy the inner silence. 
Deeply detoxifying & nourishing to joints, tissues, and channels. Pump oxygen and nutrients to vital tissues and organs. 
Abhyanga improves the flow of Praṇa within the body.It promotes healthy growth in the young, helps adults maintain health and vigour, and is an aid in preventing the onset of degenerative diseases in the aged.
Marma Abyanga
Marma points-working the energy lines (nadis) of the body thus creating expansiveness and lightness in the body (annamaya kosha) and mind (manomaya kosha). This session is about lengthening muscle tissue (mamsa dhatu) and creating flexibility that circulates lymph (rasa dhatu) and blood tissues (rakta dhatu) to flow more efficiently.
Therapy session will engage the five channels in the subtle body (vayus). Obstructions or incorrect flow can cause physical and emotional imbalances in these channels. Each session is catered to meet you at your current body/mind type (doshic state) and bring you to a more balanced state of being.
Marma points are vital energy centers that are located at the junctures of the five organic principles that relate to muscles, ligaments (tendons), bones, joints and vessels (arteries, veins, nerves and lymphatics). They have considerable impact on our health and wellbeing. The Marma points directly influence the function of the internal organs of the body. Each Marma point has various organs, systems, senses nadi and cakra that it rules over. 
Shirodhara :
A classical Ancient Ayurvedic Therapy using warm, herbal oil that is gently poured over the forehead center. This gentle continuous stream of oil brings healthy circulation to the brain and purifies the mental body. During treatment, brain waves are synchronized and hormones are released from the endocrine system allowing a frayed nervous system to rest and repair. Shirodhara is also known as-third eye therapy. This subtle and powerful treatment may help one slow down and bring stillness to an overactive mind. Let this ultimate stress-reduction treatment easily let you fall into a deep sense of calm and tranquility. By creating a meditative state, powerful therapeutic effects can greatly support those everyone, specifically those who are challenged with anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, neuralgia, vision problems, and mental fog. These inner depths of silence are profound and much needed in our daily lives. 
In these customized treatments specific oils are chosen based on your current doshic mental state (vikriti).
I recommend three-five Shirodhara sessions within 15 days of period apart to reset the endocrine system and to achieve longer lasting hormonal effects. After the initial 3-5 visits, you can come as needed for support and maintenance.
After Shirodhara Therapy your body & mind can be totally calm and crystal clear and you will fall asleep.
It is especially helpful when experiencing grief, healing from trauma and when undergoing major life transitions.
Nasya - Caraka-Samhita, SS. Chapter 1 & 2, Ashtañga Hridaya, SU. Chapter 20
That procedure by which medicines are introduced into the head by the nasal passages is called Nasya. Nasya is an easy therapy to perform as it works through the nose and primarily on the ether bhuta. It has a therapeutic effect on all doshas and sub doshas as it pacifies Prana Vayu immediately. Prana then balances all other doshas. Once the doshas are controlled they are evacuated through the nostrils. In Pancha Karma Nasya is also called Shirovirechana - shiro (head) + virechana (purgation). Nasya Karma is indicated for disorders of the head, neck and shoulders.
NASYA can be used who have a stiff neck or head muscles, who have pain the jaw, throat inflammation, tonsillitis, reproductive disorders, cataract, diseases of the eye or eyelid, discoloration of the facial skin, disorders of the neck or shoulders, diseases of the mouth or teeth, disorders of the ears, disorders of the nose, headache or migraine, facial palsy, hysteria, tetanus, goiter (thyroid), and disorders of the voice or vocal cords.
Udvartana -Promotes Weight Loss
An application of a dosha-specific warm herbal paste that is a powerful exfoliating treatment pressing out toxins out from the body leaving the skin silky and smooth. Improves circulation, beautifies skin, promotes weight loss
This uses Ayurvedic diagnostic methods to assess current health status, and serves to address any imbalances or health problems primarily through adaptation of diet and lifestyle, supported with any necessary Ayurvedic herbs/supplements and traditional Ayurvedic Body Treatments with Herbal Medicines. 
I provide a variety of body therapies according to your diseases or illness, designed to correct imbalances and promote harmony of the mind and body. My desire is to take the principals of Ayurveda to provide modern ways of implementing this ancient science for coping with modern day stresses and health challenges. 
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Packages of 3, 6, or 12 treatments are available.
Ayurveda emphasizes preventative and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. Ayurveda is more than a mere healing system; it is a science and an art. Pañcakarma is one of the important Ayurvedika tools used to restore balance to the body.
According to Ayurveda, each person is born with a basic body constitution called Prakruti. If there is a changing nature or situation in the body during one's life, imbalance or Vikruti occurs.
Guidelines are provided on ideal daily and seasonal routines with diet, lifestyle choices, and the proper use of your senses. Ayurveda reminds us that health is the balanced and dynamic integration between our environment, body, mind, and spirit.
When people feel their best of health, they are more likely to face the challenges of life with peace of mind, clarity, purpose, and strengthened emotional reserves. Getting an Ayurvedic Body Therapies/Treatments can do you a world of good. It provides relief for all walks of life and all ages. This is the beauty of Ayurvedic Bodywork.
Harmonising more closely with the rhythms of nature and rebalancing our constitution through appropriate nutrition, herbs, exercise, relaxation and lifestyle choices together with Ayurvedic therapies, can help to restores health and prevent disease while improving your vitality and happiness.
Everybody wishes to live happy, healthy and inspired life. However due to poor nutrition and our hectic lifestyle we are becoming increasingly disconnected from our True Self. We offerAncient Ayurvedic body treatments using therapeutic, herb oils and ancient Indian techniques.
The body is always talking to us, if we only take time to listen. You Can Heal Your Life With Ayurveda..

1 comment:

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...