Friday 10 May 2019


Shirodhara For Women’s Reproductive Cycle
An Ayurvedic Approach to a Healthy Cycle
Manage Doshic Differences in Menstruation With Shirodhara. 
There are different stages throughout the month that relate to a woman’s natural shift in hormones, known as rutukala, rutavateta kala, and rajahkala
The way in which each woman may experience the menstrual cycle is dependent upon the doshic constitution she is overtly displaying at the time.
Vata Menstrual Flow
Pitta Menstrual Flow
Kapha Menstrual Flow
The menstrual cycle is effectively a monthly cleanse and is treated as such in the Ayurvedic tradition. Our goal, then, is to support the process of cleansing. As with any other cleanse, importance is placed on rest and rejuvenation and kindling agni. For this reason, for centuries, women in India have been given the opportunity to be relieved from their daily duties and go in seclusion so that their body may fully cleanse both on the physical and mental level. The menstrual cycle is a gift that is unique to the female gender.
So many women suffer from menstrual imbalances, leaning on a limited number of tools. And given that it is such a huge part of our life, coming monthly, it can be frustrating, burdensome, and even debilitating. Not only does Ayurveda provide alternative solutions that really work at the root level, but it also gives the opportunity to reshift our chemistry before more difficult conditions arise by being able to use our menstrual cycle as barometer of what lies within us. Ayurveda also blesses us with the outlook that this is ultimately a cleanse. And by viewing it as such, we can work with our body towards greater health, instead of running against its natural work.
We hope that we have equipped you with a few more tools like Shirodhara to help you on your way towards balance and health. The female body is truly unique and beautiful. Use it towards great health as a roadmap, paying attention to all of the signs and subtlest shifts. You will learn more about yourself that goes beyond just the physical.
Menstruation not only cleanses and reset’s a woman’s reproductive tract, but provides insight to her overall health, and should be honored. By staying in sync, we are able to fine tune any imbalances to allow for a smoother flow. Following and understanding an importance in overall diet, stress level and relaxation will ultimately result in a greater menstruation experience.
Shirodhara also helps for PCOD in women.
A Smoother Cycle with Ayurveda....
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Shirodhara : A deeply effective therapy in the treatment of stress, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. It is also beneficial for depression, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, migraines and chronic headaches.
You will feel super, super relaxed. If you’ve been pushing yourself too much, this treatment will definitely bring your nervous system to a screaming halt.
Having a shirodhara is like being gently lulled into a deep meditative state.
Shirodhara transports you to another place... a place deep inside where you feel calm, quiet, peaceful and sane. It is the best antidote in the world for a busy life and strung out nervous system!!”
Panchakarma & Shirodhara For Infertility in Women
The most easily disturbed Dosha is the Vata which causes functional defects in the egg, difficulties with implantation and is often responsible for infertility. An excessive bout of exercise, fear, anxiety or stress due to trauma, excessive fasting as is the case in eating disorders or diet including cold, light and dry substances can cause imbalance of Vata. However, infertility rarely involves only one Dosha. People with Pitta nature may experience infertility resulting in scarring of the fallopian tube, inhibiting the ascent of the sperm or descent of the ovum. Excess heat may also be responsible for depletion of Shukra Dhatu . On the other hand, Kapha people because of the dominant water element in their constitution that supports Shukra Dhatu experience the healthiest and the strongest reproductive system. Infertility in those with Kapha is initiated by a cold, heavy and oily diet along with a sedentary lifestyle. When Kapha Dosha is predominant, fallopian tubes may thicken; uterine fibroids may develop, and often involves Pitta and Vata displacement. Scar tissue is due to Pitta pushing Kapha.
Ayurveda supports health by strengthening body‟s own self-healing and balancing mechanisms” and doesn‟t rely on intervention by any outside or foreign substance to replace or correct the hormones in the body It focuses on the treatment of infertility holistically with an aim of improving the overall health and quality of life of the individual. According to the Charaka Samhita, “the single most important factor in the buildup of Ama (toxin created when undigested food forms in the stomach) is the Agni and all the disease occurs due to imbalance in Agni (the power of digestion). Therefore, the treatment of Ama must always include the treatment of Agni, including the use of digestive herbs and spices, eating meals timely following a proper schedule and elimination of cold foods and drinks”. Panchakarma (Ayurvedic deep internal cleansing procedure), can also be utilized to eliminate Ama. Healthy Agni will also contribute to healthy Ojas. Evaluation of person‟s Dosha is very significant for prescribing the treatment and any blockages and weaknesses in body parts for which the treatment includes appropriate diet, body therapies, herbs, sensory therapies, and lifestyle and yoga therapies

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