Sunday 9 June 2019


This Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss & management works by increasing metabolism, which will help in utilizing the fat and increasing the body’s vitality so that less fat is accumulated in the body.
For people who suffer from weight management issues, It is worth bearing in mind that maintaining good digestion and ensuring a clean, fully-functioning colon are the key to physical health, mental well-being, spiritual harmony and the absence of dis-ease as well maintain your weight. 
The sedentary modern lifestyle and changed food habits have led to alarming increase in cases of obesity. Fat accumulates in an obese person’s body due to impaired metabolism and reduction in fat burning capacity. Today it has become a major health issue across the world.
Eating the right foods to balance your body-type is the key to proper digestion. Different body-types require very different foods but once you know your Ayurvedic body-type you can tailor the foods you eat on a regular basis to help keep the mind and body functioning properly and operating in perfect balance of your weight. 
The key is moderation and maintaining an adequate supply of the foods that are good for you and reducing those that aren t so good. Also, the secret of attaining your perfect weight isn t necessarily totally dependant on regulating the amount you eat or the number of calories you consume, but more often the choice of foods you eat, the times at which they are eaten and the manner in which they are eaten. 
The exercise and yoga routines will keep the body supple and free of toxins, while the breathing exercises and meditation will help balance the mind. A balanced mind creates calmness, health and vitality. Lifestyle and behaviour play another key role in maintaining balance and harmony in your mind and body and again different body-types require slightly different approaches. 
However, the exercise and yoga routines i have included herbal medicines can be followed by different body therapies will have a beneficial effect on the health and wellbeing of everyone who is motivated to putting in a little practice each day. 
Ayurvedic standpoint the digestive tract is often the primary source of illness and keeping it balanced and fully-functioning is of utmost importance. Eating the right foods for your body-type with reference to the seasons is the first place to start. However, especially in today's fast-paced society, getting adequate nutrition at the right time of day and in the right environment can be very difficult. To compound this, the food we eat is often refined, processed and lacking in the essential nutrients we need to maintain, let alone improve, our bodies. A detox is designed to gently remove impurities from the body in a way that works in harmony with it. Detoxing should be an enjoyable experience that should leave the body feeling light, vibrant and full of energy no pain, no gain has no part in Ayurveda.
Kapha governs all structure and lubrication or fluid balance in the mind and body. It controls weight, growth, lubrication for the joints and lungs, and formation of all the seven tissues (lymph, blood, fat, muscles, bones, bone marrow or nervous tissue and reproductive tissues). You need to balance the heat of Kapha if many of the following conditions are present: You gain weight easily and find it very hard to lose weight. You tend to be overweight. You often feel dull, bored and lethargic.
More on balancing kapha to reduce excess weight By balancing the kapha energetic principle in our body we will not only reduce excess fat but will also increase energy levels, enable the endocrine and digestive system to function better, and create a more youthful appearance.
Recommendations for losing weight Follow a Kapha reducing diet. Follow a 3-5 day Master Cleanse every few months. Take MY Herbal Medicines(2-3) before bedtime to cleanse the digestive tract.
Dinacharya - living in harmony with nature s rhythms - Dinacharya, the Sanskrit word for daily routine, is a simple and effective way to balance the body & weight. Our daily activities have a profound effect on our health and a routine, practiced daily, is stronger medicine than an occasional remedy. Dinacharya establishes healthful habits through attunement of the body to the natural cycles of the day. The three doshas, vata, pitta and kapha, each have their own periods of time within a twenty-four hour day in which their energies predominate. 
Every day billions of atoms and molecules are effortlessly replaced and in less than a year we literally have a completely new body. We therefore have the ability to reverse some of the damage we may have caused due to our bad habits, lifestyle choices and poor diet. We can interrupt the process of neglect and decay and replace unhealthy molecules, cells and energy patterns with healthy, life-sustaining new ones. Once we begin to relax our mind, control our emotions and cleanse our body; especially the gastro-intestinal tract - we begin to experience better health & manage weight. The colon is intimately connected to all the tissues and organs of the body. This is why the simple process of cleansing the colon can so dramatically affect the whole body and relieve so many of our health issues like Obesity in such a short period of time. 
Poor lifestyle and dietary choices cause the vital systems of our bodies to become energetically imbalanced, our enzymatic activity to decrease and our digestive capacity to be impaired.
Panchakarma is the Sanskrit term for detox or purification and translates as the five (pancha) actions (karma) necessary to cleanse the body of accumulated waste material.
Panchakarma treatment however, is unique in its ability to effectively eliminate both water-based and oil-based toxins from the body and in doing so helps to rejuvenate and revitalise the whole body and reducing and managing weight & helps release, melt, loosen, mobilise and eliminate toxins and impurities from all the bodily issues.
Once our tissues have been cleansed and our digestive fire has been strengthened, the food and herbs we eat are then capable of being effectively metabolised by the body. 
You will also learn how to recognise imbalances in your body-type when you stray from your natural way of being and, most importantly, how you can rectify them through diet and lifestyle adaptations.
CALL 9773170560/9825463394
An ayurvedic herbal medicine for weight loss that rem

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