Tuesday 6 August 2019


Women's Infertility - Ayurveda Treatment
Ayurveda gives infertile women or couples the ability through treatment to become fertile and to improve the overall health to be able to conceive naturally.
Ayurveda is the art of daily living in harmony with the laws of nature and defines a healthy person as one who is established in the Self (higher-self), who has balanced Doshas, balanced Agni, properly formed Dhatus, proper
elimination of Malas [wastes], well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul and senses are full of bliss.
Ojas is the essence of all of the bodily tissues and directly influences physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life of a person. It is the body’s natural immunity, and it is the sustainer of life. If Ojas is low, perfect health is impossible – it is difficult for a person to ward off disease, or attain the higher states of bliss and consciousness.
Menstrual cycle is an indication of the state of the health of the female and can be affected by many factors, such as excessive physical exercise, diet, life-style, stress, emotional instability. Any of these can create an imbalance of the Ojas, Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and Dhatus.
Vata is the most easily disturbed Dosha, depletes Shukra Dhatu, causes functional defects in the egg and difficulties with implantation and is often responsible for infertility. Women who have a Vata nature and imbalance are the most likely to have difficulty with conception. Vata imbalance occurs when there is excessive exercise, fear, anxiety or stress due to trauma, excessive fasting as is the case in eating disorders or diet including cold, light and dry substances.
According to Ayurveda, just as proper season, good field, enough supply of water and minerals and good seed are essential to produce a good crop, the Rutukala, Kshetra, Ambu and Beeja are essential factors of conception. Imbalance of any of these features leads to infertility. Inability to conceive can also be due to too much Ama (toxin created when undigested food forms in the stomach) in the system.
Ama can circulate throughout the body, building up in the bodily tissues. Ama can cause abnormalities in the function of the bodily tissues and form due to unbalanced Agni, eating disorders, emotional, physical or mental abuse. Ama can form from an imbalance with any of the three Doshas.
Women’s reproductive organs could seem to be functioning properly, but if she is unhappy or unsound of mind, the body may reject pregnancy. According to Ayurveda, body and mind must both be treated with equal importance.
Ayurveda supports your health by strengthening your body’s own self-healing and balancing mechanisms. Ayurveda focuses at treatment of infertility holistically and aims at improving the overall health of the individual.
According to the Charaka Samhita, “All disease occurs due to imbalance in Agni (the power of digestion) and Agni is the single most important factor in the buildup of Ama. As a result, the treatment of Ama must always include the treatment of Agni, including the use of digestive herbs and spices, eating meals on schedule and the elimination of cold foods and drinks.
Panchakarma, the Ayurvedic deep internal cleansing procedure, can also be utilized to eliminate Ama. Healthy Agni will also contribute to healthy Ojas.
Mental rejuvenation must follow mental purification for conception. Mental rejuvenation can be accomplished through the use of oil therapies, such as shirodara or abhyanga. Abhyanga is considered an important act of self-love, as it rebuilds ojas in the mind. Ayurveda advises mental purification and rejuvenation as part of the healing process. Purifying the mind through periods of silence and a lack of sensory stimulation helps support healing. Meditation and shirodhara can help produce inner silence, while nasya supports mental purification.
To book Your Treatment 
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Evaluation of person’s Dosha is very significant for prescribing the treatment and any blockages and weaknesses in body parts and functions are diagnosed. The treatment includes appropriate diet, herbs, herbal medicines, body therapies, sensory therapies, and lifestyle and yoga therapies to address infertility issues as per Dosha with emphasis on building healthy Shukra dhatu.
According to Ayurveda, a healthy digestive system supports the healing of all tissues of the body. The digestive system is managed though the removal of ama, proper diet and herbs as well as vamana, virechana and basti applied appropriately with due regard for prakruti and vikruti.
To prevent further accumulation of ama in the colon, an Ayurvedic regimen for the maintenance of agni, the digestive fire, would be followed.

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