Wednesday 13 May 2020


Ayurveda's Holistic Perspective on Pregnancy.
Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar (educating the mind of the foetus) procedures manage the pregnancy of women to ensure the safe birthing of superior babies.
Garbha sanskar is a set of Ayurvedic practices that aims to perfect the processes and products of reproduction and childbirth. In which pregnant women elaborate routines of religious rituals, dietary prescriptions, preconception, planned conception, pregnancy, delivery and post-partum care.
Pregnancy is a very spiritual time. And at the time of conception you have to keep in mind about your dosha. 
Related to the above point, it is also important to keep in mind that it inherently involves the release of some ojas (the essence of vitality and immunity). Ojas is critical for the establishment of pregnancy, as it feeds the vitality of the embryo and the growing fetus. ojas is shared even to a greater degree with the growing baby. It is important, therefore, to not release too much ojas with over indulgence during love as ojas is a very precious substance (it is the final product of the digestion of food after it goes through all seven tissue layers, taking over a month to produce!). Those who have stronger vata in their constitution, or imbalance, tend to have less ojas, making it
more important to be more cautious with intercourse. 
Vitiated Vata dosha is the main reason for many physical and psychological abnormalities in pregnant woman. So this is very necessary to keep Vata in normal State. Increased vata dosha leads to Preterm delivery, Premature rupture of membrane, Low birth weight baby etc. It also affects psychological condition of pregnant woman, in which Satva is decreased, Raja and Tama are increased. If Raja is increased, it leads anxiety, fear and intolerance of pain. If Tama is increased then it creates depression, negative thoughts, fear from delivery and intolerance of pain so that patient will not cooperate in labour and there are more chances of operative delivery.
There are more chances of Post-partum depression.
So this is very necessary to keep Vata in normal State and Try our Ayurvedic Therapies & Medicines to regulate the vata dosha, which is chief governing factor behind all the physiological and pathological processes both in body and the mind.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
The baby is growing inside you, processing its new body and environment, and (based on your belief system) it is processing past karmas or simply transitioning into this world. For the same reason that many deeply spiritual individuals practice celibacy (to conserve that vital energy for internal and spiritual insights), it can be very beneficial to the baby to preserve that environment and energy during this time.
A man with undamaged sperm and a woman with undamaged ovum and uterus may follow to obtain - excellent progeny. The process for perfecting the progeny begins with the foetus-laying garbhadana ceremony performed. When you planning for having a baby, both the man and woman are required to undergo purification rituals - shuddhikaran - do your best not to become frustrated, remembering the impact of stress and anxiety on your fertility. Continue to replenish ojas through diet and lifestyle, while making sure your digestive fire remains strong. Create a peaceful, loving, and welcoming atmosphere. 
The pregnant woman is expected to follow the garbhini paricharya (the do’s and don’ts of pregnancy), which consists of regimens to stabilise the foetus.
The mother is one such gateway, literally passing the purity through her uterine fluids and her breastmilk.
Build Your Own Womb Room: An Ayurvedic Perspective
The womb is the most vata-pacifying thing that exists. How can you create your world so that it’s like a womb for you, so that your own womb can grow? How do you keep yourself warm and your body safe? How do you keep yourself fed and nourished and protected? How do you incubate yourself?”
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Keep the pregnancy glow for 9 months with Ayurveda.
In Ayurveda, pregnancy is viewed as a very special and spiritual time in a woman’s life. During this period woman’s aura is particularly luminous and golden
Ayurveda prescribes some set of rules which are very important for every pregnant woman. It contains various details related to ahara (nutrition), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) which women have to follow at the different stages of pregnancy.
Promoting the Health of Mother and Baby During Pregnancy Using Ayurveda begins with a month by month. In Ayurveda, it has also been described the measures to be adopted month- by -month diet for the fetus which grows without any morbidity. Special herbal regimens are also prescribed for each month for softening of placenta, for nutritional supplement and also to help normal expulsion of fetus during delivery. 
Schedule Your Consultation to know month - by - month Regimes of Ayurveda during pregnancy.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
According to Ayurveda, preparing for conception can be easily compared to the process of farming. Just like the health of a crop depends on the quality of soil, seed, proper timing of sowing and water (containing nutrient matter) gets, the health of a baby depends on the health of its parents. For a pregnancy to be healthy and successful, a couple needs to take care of the following four essential factors like Sperm / Ovum (Seeds) - Uterus (Soil) - Nourishment (Water) - Time for Conception (Timing of Sowing).....the time of conception, health of the reproductive organs of the female, beeja of mother, diet during pregnancy, drugs-medicines taken by a woman during her pregnancy, and any disease in the mother during her pregnancy, can affect the health and normalcy of a foetus .
The balanced Ahara rasa that is taken by the pregnant woman helps in the formation of Sapta Dhatus, in the required amount, in the foetus. 
Set your specific diet Schedule for 9 months with me:
As per Ayurveda different food habits and treatments are required every month for a normal delivery. According to Ayurveda there are nine varied groups of medicines and herbs for each month.
In Ayurveda, it has also described the measures to be adopted month- by -month diet for the fetus which grows without any morbidity. Special herbal regimens are also prescribed for each month for softening of placenta, for nutritional supplement and also to help normal expulsion of fetus during delivery.
Ayurveda advices a wholesome diet for each month for the healthy growth of the baby in the mother’s womb. 
Ayurveda prescribes some set of rules which are very important for every pregnant woman. It contains various details related to ahara (nutrition), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) which women have to follow at the different stages of pregnancy. 
A pregnant woman is to be treated very cautiously as if one is walking with a pot full of oil, in hand without letting a drop to fall. Medicines, diet and other therapies should be soft, sweet, cold, pleasant and tender.
Ayurveda provides nutritional advice as well as practices such as meditation, the daily routine, yoga asanas, and considerations for happiness.
Ayurveda is a form of holistic medicine. I will design a treatment plan for you, tailored for your physical and emotional makeup, your primary life force, and the balance between your life forces, called doshas.
Your Baby's Dosha : Why It's Important To Know Your Baby's Dosha?
Which dosha is my baby ? It’s a question worth asking because the answer can help you with everything from understanding their personality to keeping them healthy.
Everyone contains all three dosha, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, but one or two will be stronger...One of example...
Vata Baby
A Vata baby is very alert and active. Vata is intelligent and learns new things easily.

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