Monday 24 August 2020

Awaken Early Morning At Brahm Muhurata

 The Time To Create Yourself

Literally meaning the creators hour, it is traditionally the last phase or muhurta of the night and is considered an auspicious time for all practices of yoga and most appropriate for mediation, worship or any other relegious practice. Brahma Muhurta begins 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise and ends 48 minutes before sunrise.

Brahma muhurta is believed to be the most ideal time for getting out of bed in the morning, for starting your day in a sacred way of practices. This pre-dawn time is very useful for meditation and yogik kriyas, his memory becomes sharp and he moves toward the ultimate goal of yoga i.e. Moksha. According to Ayurveda, the Brahma Muhurta pacify the vata that certainly control the mana. Hence Brahma Muhurta is necessary for spiritual evolution. The person who wakes up early in the morning his ageing process become delayed. It is also a perfect time to align us with cosmic power as per Lok purush samya siddhanta.

Brahma Muhurtha is a specific time that recharges the clock and maintain its rhythm and pattern day long. This ambrosial time sharpens the intellectual bytes and removes the hurdles for spirituality. So it is miraculous time for both acquiring knowledge and bonding with God via meditation and yoga practices.

Every Muhurata is of 48 minutes.
As whole night consists of 15 muhurta and Brahama Muhurata is the 14 of them. There are 30 Muhurta in a day and each Muhurta posses and unique outcome or result.

1. 6:00 - 6:48 : RUDRA : BAD
2.6:48 - 7:36 : AHI : BAD
3. 7:36 - 8:24 : MITRA : GOOD
4. 8:24 - 9:12 : PITRU : BAD
5. 9:12 - 10:00 : VASU : GOOD
6. 10:00 - 10:48 : VARA : GOOD
7. 10:48 - 11:36 : VISVA DEVA : GOOD
8. 11:36 - 12:24 : VIDHI : GOOD
9. 12:24 - 13:12 : SATMUKHI : GOOD
10. 13:12 - 14:00 : PURUHUTA : BAD
11. 14:00 - 14:48 : BVAHINI : BAD
12. 14:48 - 15:36 : NAKTANCARA : BAD
13. 15:36 - 16:24 :VARUNA : GOOD
14. 16:24 - 17:12 : ARYAMA : GOOD
15. 17:12 - 18:00 : BHAGA : BAD
16. 18:00 - 18:48 : GRISHA : BAD
17. 18:48 - 19:36 : AJAPAD : BAD
18. 19:36 - 20:24 :AHIRBUDHNYA : GOOD
19. 20:24 - 21:12 : PUSA : GOOD
20. 21:12 - 22:00 : ASWINI : GOOD
21. 22:00 - 22:48 : YAMA : BAD
22. 22:48 - 23:36 : AGNI : BAD
23. 23:36 - 24:24 : BIDHATR : GOOD
24. 24:24 - 1:12 : CANDA : GOOD
25. 1:12 - 2:00 : ADITI : GOOD
26. 2:00 - 2:48 : JIBA : GOOD
27. 2:48 - 3:36 : VISHNU : GOOD
28. 3:38 - 4:24 : YAMIGADYUTI : GOOD
29. 4:24 - 5:12 : BRAHMA : VERY GOOD
30. 5:12 - 6:00 AM : SAMUDRAM : GOOD

Brahma Muhurta, also known as Ambrosial hours. It is the most vital time of the day & during this period has a greater effect on our body, mind, and soul than any other parts of the day. And hence his/her life becomes beautiful like a lotus. It increases our energy level and boosts our immune system.

Therefore, rising at this time, the effect of outside world which is very calm, serene, quiet, peaceful, tranquil,still etc. gives positive energy to our mind, body, soul, desire etc. At this time, Prana and Apaana Vayu are active. Because this period is of vata dominated, a high level of Prana (vital life energy) which is none other than the Vata itself in another form which is necessary for the body to perform in its best is adequately present in the atmosphere. 

During this time, the tamasik powers are in sleeping state. Mind and intelligence are positively oriented. One can quickly get absorbed in Meditation. Many great sages remember the lord at this time. 

That’s why, the Ambrosial hours is compared to the period between the garbhavaas and coming out from the garbha.So, whatever bad influence we have got during our stay in womb on physical and mental levels, this brahma muhurta provides an opportunity daily to improve that.

As per Ashtanga Hridayam " One should wake up in the Brahma Muhurata for sustaining perfect health and for achieving a long life span as desired. 

The benefits of awakening early are manifold: Brahm Muhurta is the time prior to sunrise. Brahm Muhurta is that golden time of the universe when the ida(moon) and pingala(sun) energies converge their flow of prana(vital life force) in the sushumna (core of the spine) channel and hence it is to be harnessed for meditation. The Brahm Muhurta is Sattvic( purity) in nature and aids positive spiritual growth. They say that one who awakens in Brahm Muhurta defeats all negative planetary influences on the birth charts.

As per Ayurveda, the night is made up of three parts, the last being a vata (airy in nature) predominant time. This vata enery is apt to harness the active component of body movement and enthusiasm. All body organs and mental activity are stimulated by the vata principle and hence the physio- pyschological balance is created for a healthy start to the day. The brain tunes into day-to-day circadian rhythms which are resolved to work better due to the pineal gland (deeper brain centers), which is responsible for release of melatonin for better functioning of the endocrine system and the individual as a whole. The pineal gland is believed to be the "principal seat of the soul" and is the hub for the conduit of the physiological with the spiritual, which in yogic anatomy pertains to the energy flowing in the sushumna converging at the crown chakra (the seventh and final plexus).

According to Ayurveda, a whole day consists of three doshas i.e Vata, pitta,and kapha. There is specific time period for these doshas.

Kapha- Starts from sunrise until 10 AM and it starts again from 6 PM to 10 PM.
Pitta-Starts from 10 AM to 2 PM and it starts again from 10 PM to 2 AM.
Vata- starts from 2 AM to sunrise and it starts again from 2 PM to 6 PM.
And hence, Ambrosial hours comes under Vata period of the early morning.

Undisturbed state of vata which is found during this period is the best period of a twenty four hours day and night cycle for all the practices which require everyday attention. To learn and realise subtler aspect of spiritual growth of life, this is the period considered as the best.

Getting after sunrise imbalances Kapha dosha in the body, which dominated during this period of time And starting the biological activity during this time which is not at all good and increases mucus activity in the body.

During Brahma Muhurta, the concentration of oxygen being more in the atmosphere results in more effective Pranayama and enables better cleansing of the nadis and Prana through meditation. 

Awakening in the early hours results in improved strength, knowledge, beauty and health.

The disturbed life style upsets the biological clock, as a result various problems like diabetes, obesity, Insomnia etc are evolved.

If a man follows rules described in Dincharya and Ritucharya, his longevity may be enhanced.

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The most wonderful gift that has given by ayurveda is Dinacharya, which means healthy daily regimen. This is all about the best possible way of leading life with minimal changes, which focus on balancing daily activities. and controlling bad habits, adopting the good ones, maintaing the good ones and uplifting quality of life completely is the main focus of Ayurvedic Dinacharya. And it starts by waking up in the ambrosial hours: Brahma muhurta.

If a man follows the protocols mentioned in Ritucharya and Dincharya his logivity may be enhanced.

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