Thursday 29 October 2020



Ojas is a concept in Ayurveda that refers to the purest essence of each of the tissues of the body.
Ojas Is Your Saving Account : Fueled Your Body With Ojas : Later On Your Ojas Refuled Your Energy Back When You Needed Most
Think about all the daily activities you do in your life – basic ones like eating, sleeping, breathing, work and play. Where does the energy for these activities come from? How do we fuel our day to day lives?
Your body can be fueled in one of two ways:
– By your daily diet and lifestyle practices
– By your ojas
Think if ojas as a sort of savings account that we have built up. When times are tough and if you’re sick or stressed or tired – you can dip into your ojas for the energy you need. Doing this once in a while is okay, after all, that’s what the savings account is there for. But when you live a depleting lifestyle, serving only your sensory pleasures, you wind up dipping into your ojas not as a rainy day fund, but as a necessity. It gets depleted quickly. Without proper levels of ojas, you cannot contain the prana and tejas within us. When those run rampant, they cause us to have high levels of energy, crashes of exhaustion, and make us more prone to disease in body and mind. I’ll say it again – you protect your ojas and your ojas will protect you!
Ojas are like muscles – they are not going to build themselves! In the physical body we primarily build ojas through diet, oils, and exercise. In the subtle body, where our thoughts and emotions rule, we build ojas through our thoughts, rest, and pranayama (breathing practices). In the same way air flows through tubes in our body, prana flows through nadis. Doing pranayama helps to strengthen the walls of the nadis, which are made of ojas. Just like working out any muscle! But we must be careful not to overdo it, as with any practice.
Think of ojas as a sort of savings account that we have built up. When times are tough – you’re sick or stressed or tired – you can dip into your ojas for the energy you need. Doing this once in a while is okay, after all, that’s what the savings account is there for. But when we live a depleting lifestyle, serving only our sensory pleasures, we wind up dipping into our ojas not as a rainy day fund, but as a necessity. It gets depleted quickly. Without proper levels of ojas, we cannot contain the prana and tejas within us. When those run rampant, they cause us to have high levels of energy, crashes of exhaustion, and make us more prone to disease in body and mind. I’ll say it again – you protect your ojas and your ojas will protect you!
We can always make choices that drive us out of balance. This is especially true for lifestyle. Our ojas won’t really help us when it comes to our mental and emotional choices. However, our ojas can be dipped into when we make poor dietary choices.
Let explain you in easy way to understood:
A person who eats nothing but fast food will have high ama and low ojas. Then that person decides one day to eat a healthy meal. The body will be so starved for nutrition that they cannot possibly make ojas out of it. Those nutrients need to go towards repairing the damage and ridding the toxicity from the system. It won’t be enough either. Remember, it can take up to 35 days for the body to completely process the food we eat into the tissues of our body. Low quality diet such as this will produce low quality tissues. It’s going to take time to make better tissues, and a steady healthy diet.
On the other side:
If you eat healthy pretty much every day, every meal. Your body doesn’t have many toxins to get rid of, and therefore can store this high quality tissue building material for later. You have high ojas. One day, you are out with friends and decide that you are going to cheat a little, and have some pizza or Fst food. Your body has so many reserves to dip into that this one slip up is merely a blip in the radar.
Avoid Eating Junk Foods Which Depletes Your Ojas:
If amas are the toxins of the body, ojas can be thought of as almost the inverse. Ojas are the reserves of energy in your body, and connected with strength of the immune system. As a general rule, we want to avoid putting things into the body that produce toxins (such as junky foods in our diet) and consume that which will first pacify the imbalances we have, and ultimately will produce more ojas. A person who eats nothing but fast food will have high ama and low ojas.....So more ojas = healthy
Whatever doshas are out of balance in our body will determine what kinds of foods you need to eat. However, as a good rule of thumb, it is Kapha foods (heavy, moist, dense, along with nutritious), that will produce ojas. Our body will have a hard time producing high quality or quantity of tissues out of crackers or soda (Vata foods) or greasy and fried foods (pitta). It needs the qualities of Kapha to do it. But don’t be saddened if you think Vata and Pitta get no love! They just govern different functions. Without Pitta, we would not have metabolism, and without Vata, we wouldn’t have circulation. We are all three doshas, each and every one of us.
Schedule Your Consultaion to Know Ways To Build Ojas.
Call 9773170560/9825463394

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...