Wednesday 28 November 2018


If you are suffering from Migraine Headaches and wants for treating it Ayurvedically without side effects..
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Migraine headaches, or migraines, are fast becoming one of the more common diseases afflicting people today due to modern and hectic lifestyle..
Migraine headaches are defined as pain occurring on either one or both sides of the head that is throbbing or pulsating in nature. The pain can be combined with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound and distorted vision. The pain may last from several hours to several days. 
Ayurveda For Migraine Headache :
In Ayurveda, headaches are known by any of the following names: shiro roga, shiro tapa and shirah shula. According to Sushrutucharya and Bhavaprakashkar, there are eleven types of shiroroga: Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipataj, Raktaja, Krimija, Kshyaja, Shankhaka, Suryavarta, Anantvata and Ardhavabhedaka. 
Of each of these types, the translation of Ardhavabhedaka seems to be most fitting for migraine headaches, as Ardha refers to something affecting only one side of the head, and Bhedanavat indicates that is splitting in nature. 
The Charaka Samhita lists only five diseases of the head, or shiro roga.
Diagnosis of Siro-Roga (Diseases of the Head)
In the vatika type of siro-roga (head-diseases), there is excruciating pain, ache and throbbing sensation.
Pattika type of siro-roga (headache) is associated with burning sensation and pain. 
Kaphaja type of headache is associated with heaviness.
In sannipatika type of shiro-roga (headache), which is caused by the simultaneous aggravation of all the three doshas, all the above mentioned signs and symptoms are manifested.
Krimija siro-roga (headache caused by parasitic infestation) gives rise to itching, foul smell, pricking sensation and pain in the head.
The Astanga Hrdayam lists ten types of diseases of the head: 
shiro roga, sirastapa (of vata, pitta, kapha and rakta origin), ardhavabheda, sirakampa, sankhaka, and suryavarta.
Migraine headaches most often appear to be tridoshic in nature, though migraines can be caused by vitiation of either dosha. 
Vata’s influence is the involvement of the nervous system and of pain. Pitta’s influence is the involvement of the circulatory system.
Kapha’s influence is the presence of inflammation of tissue in the brain 
Vata plays a significant role in all headaches, as “all headaches are conditions of pain” and “pain in the head may be simply understood as excessive upward movement of vata.
Migraines-most frequently occur when systemic pitta moves into the cardiovascular system, circulates, and affects the blood vessels around the brain. 
Kapha-type headaches are often as a result of congestion of the nose and sinus due to a cough, cold, or allergies. This type of headache is more prevalent in the winter or spring, is worse when you bend down.
Panchakarma - As migraine headache sufferers often show signs of toxic build-up and low ojas, panchakarma treatment may be warranted to help remove toxins from, and rejuvenate the body and re-establish doshic balance.
Migraine headaches are primarily a vata type condition, but can be either a dual dosha or even a tridoshic condition. Western and Ayurvedic preventative recommendations are parallel in the maintenance of proper habits and lifestyle practices such as the consumption of a proper diet and the maintenance of regular sleep and eating patterns. While the condition has no known cure, it can be greatly benefitted from these practices.

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