Wednesday 28 November 2018


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Why Ayurveda Could Change Your Life?
Destress, detoxify and cleanse your mind and body with personalised Ayurveda Therapies.
Balance your mind, body and spirit with ancient body techniques that harmonize your doshas.Take a break with us and allow your true nature to dive deep into the healing wisdom of Ayurveda.
Pulse diagnosis provides deep insight into all aspects of physical and mental-emotional being.
Ayurveda Therapies
Ayurveda incorporates diet, yoga, herbs, various therapeutic body therapies, spiritual practices and correct life style to bring individuals into balance, harmony and health.
Ayurveda has categorized body doshas into three basic types; Air, Fire and Water. In Sanskrit these are Vata, Pitta and Kapha, at times translated as “wind, bile and phlegm” or “catabolic, metabolic and anabolic principles”. Disease is disharmony of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, each of which influences the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the individual. Based upon Ayurvedic Principles, disharmony or imbalances are created by improper diet, lifestyle and influences, which create toxins in our body, mind and spirit.
Ayurveda offers countless detoxifying and rejuvenating treatments to promote good health and longevity. We are pleased to offer many of these treatments in my Hospital.
Come and experience deep relaxation with holistic herbal oil Ayurvedic Therapies and get a taste of what your Panchakarma can be like!
If you are participating in Ayurvedic Panchakarma, two or more of the following traditional Herbal Therapies can be done daily to prevent disease and improve your overall health (specific recommendations are based on your dosha imbalance). 
Even if you are just doing internal cleansing and not participating in Panchakarma, you may experience any of the following therapies as a treat.
Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Warm Herbal Body Therapy.
Based on your constitution, very generous amounts of warm Herbal oils are vigorously massaged into your body combine with various strokes and pressure points. It is a deeply relaxing, nurturing Body Therapy. It reaches deep into the cellular level and is especially rejuvenating to nerve and muscle tissues. Abhyanga enhances your immunity and detoxification process by separating toxins from your tissues and moving them towards your GI tract.
Abhyanga is a relaxing, light-touch ayurvedic oil Body Therapy. Rhythmic in nature, it helps to restore the body’s natural flow of energy. Abhyanga encourages the elimination of toxins by improving lymphatic and arterial circulation, and rejuvenates the body by promoting the regeneration of organs and tissues. Abhyanga calms the nervous system and soothes away stress, leaving you feeling grounded.
Herbal oils are an integral part of abhyanga. They’re used generously and rhythmically massaged into the body’s largest organ (the skin) to amplify the restorative and healing effects of the Body Therapy. Body oils are handcrafted chosen according to your present state of health.
Abhyanga is often combined with Shirodhara. Abhyanga promotes healing and longevity by releasing tension and connecting the flow of vital energy throughout the whole body. It stimulates the circulatory system and helps to release toxins while inducing deep relaxation and balance.
Abhyanga is a deep Body Therapy which promotes sweat and penetration of herbs. We make generous use of warm Ayurvedic herbal oils apply to different areas of your body. Nasal herbal oil, head and facial Body Therapy may be added to the treatment.
Abhyanga benefits:
Relaxes body and mind
Relieves fatigue
Promotes sound sleep
Improves digestion
Nourishes, softens and smoothes the skin
Lubricates the joints
Aids in detoxification
Prevents early aging
You will begin your Shirodhara Bliss Therapy with a warm herbal oil Body Therapy to your scalp, face, neck, hands and feet. Next we begin the Shirodhara, a unique and profound Ayurvedic treatment that especially acts to heal and address the psychological and spiritual aspects of a person. 
Shirodhara involves the practitioner pouring a stream of warm, herbal oil over the third eye center and forehead. It is this steady, rhythmic pouring of oil that induces a deeply relaxing and blissful state of consciousness called ‘Turiya’ ~ the state of awareness that is neither fully conscious nor deep sleep. While in this Turiya state, we are able to witness and/or release impressions in our conscious and subconscious mind.
Shirodhara : Ayurvedic Third Eye Oil Flow Therapy
Shirodhara is one of the most unique therapies available for reducing stress and enhancing cellular intelligence and immunity. It pacifies and balances the subtle aspects of all the doshas, nourishes the nervous system, promotes relaxation and tranquility, and improves mental clarity and comprehension. It has very profound effects on the consciousness and has often been called third eye or bliss therapy.
Shirodhara is our signature treatment. A series of this therapy can help improve certain neurological and mental imbalances. Before pouring warm oil on your third eye (or forehead), the therapist will massage your feet, belly, and head with warm oil to relax your body and mind.
The brow and third eye center are associated with the fundamental endocrine glands (pituitary, pineal & hypothalamus), which regulate all hormonal secretions. These hormonal secretions are responsible not only for the autonomic responses which control digestion, breath, elimination, etc., but are also responsible for our moods and emotional states. Shirodhara is meant to establish a state of parasympathetic repose, an ego-less state, during which the innate intelligence of our body is revealed. You will emerge from your Shirodhara Bliss Therapy feeling so refreshed, as if you have just completed a long, deep and blissful meditation.
Shirodhara is mostly followed by Abhyanga and Steam Therapy during Panchakarma.
Shirodhara benefits:
Calms the mind and nervous system
Relieves insomnia
Reduces headaches
Prevents early graying and hair fall
Relieves anxiety
Awakens the third eye (one’s power of intuition)
Balances hormones
Heightens the senses
Eliminates imbalances of the head, neck, eyes, ears and nose
Dissolves stress and its ill effects on nervous system
Relieves insomnia, fatigue, tension, anxiety, anger, headaches, hypertension, asthma, depression, hair loss and stress
Rejuvenates the endocrine system, supporting hormonal balancing
Invigorates the body and mind and heightens the senses
Disperses negative electrical impulses that accumulate along the scalp and hairline due to stress
Rejuvenates the entire face and softens worry lines
Opens the third eye and increases intuition and activates spiritual awareness
Activates the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands
Regulates mood and stimulates cognitive memories
Stimulates the 6th & 7th chakras which regulate our breathing patterns
Gives deep mental relaxation
Renews the sweetness of life
Swedhana: Full Body Herbal Steam Therapy
This therapy is usually followed by Ahbyanga. Here, steam is applied evenly to the entire body. Based on your condition, Swedhana is used to enhance detoxification by allowing herbal oils to further penetrate into all your tissues. 
Naval Chakra Basti: Balance and Emotional Release
This is a very good therapy for anyone who has had surgery in the belly area. This treatment helps to balance the navel chakra, strengthens digestion and absorption, and assists decrystalization and release of deeply seated emotions. If it is done repeatedly, it is an effective treatment for IBS, flatulence, constipation and abdominal discomfort.
Netra Basti: Eye Rejuvenation Therapy
This is one of the most nourishing and rejuvenating therapies for the eyes. Netra Basti is done by placing a wheat flour dough (like a doughnut) around the eyes, then filling it with clarified butter. By clearing excess toxins, this therapy helps relieve eye stress, improve vision and pacify the doshas in the head area. It is used to prevent and treat a wide variety of eye symptoms, including poor vision, floaters, eye fatigue, macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts.
Kati Basti: Lower Back Rejuvenation Therapy
This is a most popular herbal oil treatment for relieving stiffness and nourishing your lower back. The lower back is one of the primary sites of vata. A flour dough dam is made, filled with the appropriate herbal oil and placed on your lower back. By soaking the area in heated oil for about 45 minutes, pain, soreness and tension are relieved. By placing several doughs, this treatment can also be applied to your whole spine.
Kati Basti can be taken as a preventive treatment also. It helps avoid problems related to back and keeps your spine healthy. As medicated oil gets deeply absorbed into the skin it both nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves. This is the one of the best treatment for healthy bone, muscle, vertebrae, spine, and nerves of lower back.
Benefits of Kati Basti:
Alleviates numbness due to Sciatic nerve compression & most types of low-back pain.
Strengthens back muscles which maintain normal curvature of the spine the bone tissues.
Effective treatment for any type of back pain & spinal disorders, stiffness and other back concerns related to spinal disc problems.
Increases the circulation in the region & highly effective in inflammatory conditions.
Kati Vasti alleviates pain associated with lower back conditions like Lumber Spondylosis, Inter vertebral disc prolapses, Lumbago (low back ache), and Sciatica.

Basti, can be done on other parts of the body also and has its best efficacy in alleviating chronic joint, neck and back pain on regular usage.
Ayurvedic Heart Oil Therapy
This treatment is performed over your heart to decrystalize deep seated emotions, clear toxins and nourish, strengthen, and regulate heart functions, also uses flour dough placed over your heart area, filled with the appropriate oil.
Udvartana: Dry Herbal Powder Body Therapy
A dry herbal powder massage, udvartana gives a feeling of lightness. Grain or legume flours are mixed with herbs and vigorously, rhythmically rubbed over the body and toward the heart. While this does exfoliate and beautify the skin, its main purpose is to stimulate the lymphatic system to encourage the elimination of toxins. Udvartana opens the pores, dissolves subcutaneous fat, and removes blockages so that the vata dosha (one of three internal energies) can move freely.
Udvartana is the best treatment for weight loss and kapha imbalances, which often manifest as heaviness, lethargy, fogginess, itching, cellulite, high cholesterol, and oedema. Grains, herbs, and sometimes oils are mindfully chosen for their specific internal effect. Udvartana is also considered a rejuvenative therapy, reducing stress and preventing future ailments.
Udvartana benefits:
Aids in weight loss
Reduces cellulite
Relieves lethargy
Improves circulation
Tones the body
Improves skin imbalances
Makes the skin glow
Detoxifies the body
An Udvartana Treatment doesn’t only give you that feeling of relaxation but it promotes weight loss, detoxification, lymphatic stimulation, improved circulation and much more! During this body therapy. If you’ve been trying to lose weight, then this is a perfect treatment for you! Who wouldn’t want to speed up their weight loss progress? Maintain a healthy diet, stay physically active and you’ll be on your way to a successful weight loss journey!
Nasya - Ayurvedic Sinus Treatment
This treatment starts with a head, face and neck Body Therapy and specific heat therapies for the forehead and face. It is followed by nasal administration of herbal oils to clean, purify and protect the sinuses.
A few drops of specially formulated warmed oil are applied to each nostril. Nasya alleviates sinus problems, migraine, hatfever, neck and jaw dysfunction and improves eye-sight and hearing. You will feel lighter and clearer with sharpened senses after this treatment. A single treatment will clear the head and awareness, or for remedial purposes, a sequence of at least three consecutive treatments is recommended.
Pinda Swedana Body Therapy
This deeply nourishing treatment starts with therapeutic herbal oil treatment over the entire body. Your treatment continues with hand made muslin bolus bags filled with rice and herbs, heated in hot milk (coconut or cow, being massaged and pounced over the body. Special attention is place over areas with significant marma points (energy points) reside and joints. The steaming, hand wrapped poultices soften the muscles allowing your therapist to deeply release tension and holding patterns. Traditionally, pinda swedana is used to provide relief to rheumatism, joint and muscle pains, and back pains (e.g. sciatica, slipped discs).
Shirovasti is for rejuvenating the nervous tissue, especially the brain. It is a similar method to the janu vasti (knee) and 2nd netra tapana (eye treatment).
Shirobasti a proven remedy for many ailments and helps in rejuvenating.
The treatment is recommended for conditions like cataract, deafness, paralysis, earache and disorders of cranial nerves, dryness of scalp and itching, headache, certain skin conditions, insanity and other mental disorders.Nourishes the brain and thereby promotes intellect.Nourishes the hair roots and makes the hair soft and glossy.
As it permeates the surface, it nourishes the hair and scalp and stimulates the flow of Prana, Qi, or energy, throughout the body alleviating any form of stagnation or blockage. In doing so, it has a profound effect on the mind to induce a state of tranquility while supporting restful sleep.
Panchakarma – Detoxify Your Body : Once human entity is stuck with natural imbalance, it gets loaded with toxins that target every single cell in our system. To rejuvenate the body and bring it back to its natural state, Ayurveda suggests Panchakarma, which is the process of detoxifying the human body, strengthening the immune system and restoring the constitutional balance of the doshas
This process creates ease and harmony within. Things such as stress, environmental pollutants and poor lifestyle choices create a noxious load on the body that, if left in the tissues and bloodstream result in poor health. By reversing the degenerative process, Pancha Karma (PK) effects overall wellness and aids in the prevention of disease. The treatments enliven the digestive fires and loosen impurities within the body; this makes it possible to cleanse the tissue layers and release deeply held emotional tensions.
Panchakarma is of great benefit for supporting the treatment of chronic disease, for the purpose of rejuvenation and longevity and is recommended as the best way of preparing ourselves when we are planning to have baby. 
Eliminates toxic conditions from the body and mind
Restores your unique constitutional balance
Improves health and wellness
Strengthens the immune system
Improves self-reliance, strength, energy and vitality
Improves functioning of sensory and motor organs
Creates brilliance and luster of complexion
Accelerates recovery from mental and physical disorders
Deeply relaxing
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic fatigue
Chronic Sinusitis
Coronary heart disease
Chronic bronchitis
Bronchial Asthma
Chronic Headache
Skin diseases
Chronic constipation
Menstrual problems
Menopausal syndrome
Depression and Anxiety
Multiple Sclerosis
Hypo and hyper thyroidism
Oil Pulling
The Ayurvedic text Charaka Samhita has reference to Kavala gandusha or Kavala graha as produces in oil pulling therapy practiced in ancient India. Kavala refers to that which is related to the oral cavity and gandusha is a gargle. Kavala graha is a medicine that can be held in the oral cavity. In this case.
The technique known as oil pulling or oil swishing assists in the process of pulling out oral toxins. Just as the skin excretes body waste and toxins, the tongue eliminates toxins and harmful microbes from the body.
All oils are lipid-based and so is the exterior cell membranes, including single-celled microorganisms that inhabit the mouth. When these microbes come in contact with the oil, their cell membranes adhere to the oil, which helps to detach them from the teeth and gums. This includes supporting the removal of plaque and odor causing-bacteria. Decreasing the bad bacteria in the mouth help maintain a good balance of microbes in the mouth.
Oil by nature is heavy and warm. These qualities soothe and nourish the tissues. By swishing the oil all around in the mouth, in and out of the teeth, it contacts all the tissues through out the oral cavity, introducing them to it's nourishing qualities, thus providing nutrition and strength to the tissues of the mouth. 
Ayurvedic science maps the tongue with organ-locations. 
Different sections of the tongue are connected to the kidneys, lungs, spleens, liver, heart, pancreas, small intestines, stomach, colon, and spine. Oil pulling eliminates toxins from the whole body through the tongue.
I do my oil pulling after I have scraped my tongue and while I am preparing coffee for my partner before he goes to work. This is about 15-20 minutes. Then I spit out the oil, swish warm water around my mouth, brush my teeth and then drink a cup of warm water. And voila, I am ready to begin my day.
Enjoy Marma Therapy 
There are 117 primary marma points that are classified according to location, elemental associations, doshas, dhatu, mala, corresponding organs, srotamsi and degrees of vitality. The vitality of marma is intimately related to ojas, tejas and prana.
Sushruta, an expert surgeon of Ayurveda, describes mamas according to the six major parts of the body: the four extremities, trunk, head and neck. He also divides the points in reference to the five Ayurvedic principals of the body's physical structures: mamsa (muscles), sira (veins), snayu (ligaments), asthi (bone) and sandhi (joints). 
A marma is a vital energy or accupressure point located on the surface of the body (similar to acupoints in traditional Chinese medicine). Marma chikitsa (marma therapy) dates back to the sixth century BCE and was developed for the purposes of healing and interestingly often used in Indian martial arts practices both for recovery from injury and to inflict harm on one’s opponent! Marma chikitsa is often used in Ayurvedic approaches to health as a compliment to other treatments.
Marma points are said to have a wide range of functions that affect mind, body and spirit. They can serve as diagnostic indicators to underlying health conditions, act in a preventative capacity, can relieve pain, facilitate detoxifiction and enhance self awareness and emotional calm.
Marma therapy, which involves gentle pressure and massage of the energy points, is not typically used in isolation as a treatment but can be very beneficial alongside other treatments offered at Paths to Peace. You can enjoy a treatment as part of your stress management programme, yoga therapy or as part of deep relaxation. 
Marma points are said to have a wide range of functions that affect mind, body and spirit. They can serve as diagnostic indicators to underlying health conditions, act in a preventative capacity, can relieve pain, facilitate detoxifiction and enhance self awareness and emotional calm.
Marma points – our physical and energetic centres – are stimulated, intensifying the rejuvenating process and improving collagen and protein production. To complete the treatment a soothing and replenishing serum, specifically formulated for your skincare needs, is applied.
As it relates to the doshas, marma chikitsa can either be used to stimulate or pacify a dosha. It can promote a healthy response of the dosha and is used in balancing prakruti and vikruti and supporting to restore it to its natural state. Often these points are used as a mechanism of pain relief. Pain is generated by an impeded flow of prana resulting from tension and stagnation in the body. Marma chikitsa alleviates this pain by stimulating the flow of prana to the area, pacifying the accumulated dosha. 
Mukha Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Face Lift : More Than Cosmetics
Combat the signs of ageing with this luxurious and deeply relaxing natural face lift which leaves your skin visibly younger looking and radiant. Tiredness and tension are dispelled leaving your complexion blissfully light and refreshed.
Ayurvedic face treatment is a gentle non invasive approach to looking younger. It works primarily by freeing constrictions both within the facial muscles and the connective tissue.
Tension can build up within our facial muscles from pressures of everyday life, locking these tensions into our expressions on our faces. Over time, this can cause the muscles to 'dry up' and contract, losing tone and elasticity, which can encourage ageing and the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
An anti-aging, skin balancing treatment that combines grains, herbs, and oils, personalized and customized to each clients skin type and skin needs to balance your unique skin type.
Herbal medicine enhances the nourishment and cleansing of Tissues, which makes glowing complexion maintain good tone and elasticity to all skin layers. It helps to hold youthful contours. Melts facial tension and boadly stress.Smoothing wrinkles and brings gentleness to the expression. Deeply nourishes and strengthens the entire body.
In addition to detoxifying your face, Ayurvedic face treatment helps your facial muscles relax from their contracted statet It removes any stress induced blockages that are present in the muscles and in doing so, also ensures that you feel relaxed and rejuvenatede Regular treatment can make frown lines disappear and make your skin appear healthy.
Makes your Skin Glow
Removes Dryness and Supports Aging Skin
Treats Pimples and Acne Scars
Enhance Overall Well-Being
A Soothing treatment then applied around the Neck, shoulders & face allowing you to fell even more relaxed & beautiful. An anti-aging, skin balancing treatment that is customized to each clients skin type and skin needs.
All treatments include a sensory journey and application of the all natural Rituals Ayurveda Botanical anti-aging and grounding skincare line purposely made to create radiance, freshness and relaxation.
Vata Facial - rejuvenation therapy for dry and dehydrated aging skin.
Pitta Facial - for oily, sensitive and allergic skin.
Kapha Facial - for normal to combination skin types.
Benefits of Ayurvedic Face Treatment:
Gentle and non invasive treatment to rejuvenate the face
Free's constrictions within the facial muscles and connective tissue
Encourages circulation
Deeply relaxing
Detoxifying effect
Alleviates stress induced blockages
Can decrease frown lines and fine wrinkles
Can help the skin to look and feel healthy and toned
Relief of sinus problems
Can aid the reduction of dark circles under eyes
Stimulates lymphatic drainage
Eases neck & shoulder tension
Brings relief from tension headaches
Can improve sinus discomfort
Gives feelings of peace & tranquility
Gives a healthy glow to the skin
Relaxes muscle and connective tissue in the face & scalp
Relaxes & restores tone around forehead, eyes, nose & mouth
Can help bring balance to the mind & body
Ayurvedic Facial Treatment is a wonderfully peaceful and calming treatment that has helped many of our patients fall gently into a deep state of relaxation and tranquility, thus allowing a real escapism from the fast pace of life.
An Ayurvedic facial is a deeply relaxing, soothing and transformational of the most powerful treatments in Ayurvedic therapy. In Ayurveda, there are seven tissues or systems we treat known as the “dhatus.” The first of the seven is called the “rasa dhatu,” or the lymph of the body. The second is the blood, or the “rakta dhatu”.
Your circulatory system is like the faucets in your house. Your lymph system is like the drains. If the drains are clogged, they will back up into the blood, causing a disorder. By treating the lymph system through the skin, we are essentially preventing an imbalance from arising in the blood stream. When that imbalance is in the blood stream, it is monitored by Western medicine and known as a pathology.
An Ayurvedic Facial is unique because it stimulates lymphatic drainage from the skin into the circulatory system of the body. If the lymph is sluggish, then the skin, which is drained by the lymph, will dry out, get wrinkled, develop acne, blackheads or whiteheads, be unable to tolerate sun or weather, and basically become non-functional as an organ.
The skin is the fourth most important exit ramp for impurities to be excreted out of the body following the liver, kidneys and colon. If the skin gets dry and toxic from the environment and the lymph becomes congested, the skin will be rendered non-functional. These impurities slotted for lymph and skin removal will be shunted into the muscles, joints and fat cells, creating problems there, and further age the texture of the skin.
If your lymphatic system is chronically congested, you may notice some of the following symptoms: wrinkles, dry skin, new skin tags or moles, eczema, rashes, itching skin, and edema or holding more fluids, sometimes noticed as rings feeling tight on your fingers. Additionally, allergies, low thyroid, compromised immunity, headaches, sore throats, fatigue, sore feet in the morning or muscle or joint pain than can move around the body are all common indicators of a sluggish lymphatic system.
We are using completely natural, chemical-free and preservative-free herbs to detoxify the deep tissues of the skin, trigger a balanced lymphatic flow, and restore the life, vigor and function of the skin. This therapy, which also treats the hands, feet, upper back and neck is designed to restore optimal function to the lymph and skin, remove stress, while bringing a deep sense of relaxation and calm to the whole body.
These body therapies are each used to help the health and well-being of an individual. This treatment involves the manual manipulation of muscles, tissue, ligaments, and tendons in order to relieve the tension and/or pain located on a particular region of the body. Usually, patients who suffer from mental-emotional stress, those who need to rehabilitate muscles, reduce pain, or just relax the body will seek out the benefits of this therapy.
Hrid Basti or Uro Basti 
Heart Balancing and Rejuvenation Therapy) : Specially blended herbal oils are placed in a dam over the heart and chest area to facilitate this treatment. After 30 to 45 minutes, a gentle massage is done to soothe the area and enhance therapy.
This treatment is very profound in a emotional release state, as well as its nourishing and fortifying attributes for both the cardiovascular and respiratory system. (35 minutes treatment).
These ancient rejuvenation therapies are designed to nourish the physical body and access the subtle body where stored toxins, emotions and thoughts form to create blockages in our body. It is a powerful way to address and eliminate the cause of disease and has been a method for thousands of years to stay healthy, young and vital.

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