Wednesday 28 November 2018


The seed, or bija, according to Ayurveda, this reproductive tissue is the very last tissue in our bodies to be created. It is the most refined, most complete tissue after we digest and process all the food, thoughts, and emotions that we ingest. As such, its perfection requires the best of the best—the best food, the best thoughts, the best environment. For women, maintaining a healthy environment protects the quality of the eggs that they were born with.
To prepare for receiving the highest vibration soul and providing the healthiest new body for their baby, the mother and father both to need to calm and balance their doshas, eliminate ama and reduce rajas and tamas in their minds. This manifests as a need to purify body and emotions in some way.
Ayurveda spells out how we can prepare the body and mind for optimal conception. It’s called Panchakarma.
The first phase is a three-month cleanse period, followed by a three-month rejuvenation period. The culmination is conception,Ideally begin at least 3 months before attempting to conceive as eggs take 3 months to mature. The first step is to detoxify the body (known as ‘Panchakarma’). The reproductive tissues in both men and women are dependant on the health of the other 6 types of body tissues that Ayurveda recognises. The health of all tissues is dependant on having good digestion (or ‘agni’) which controls how well we assimilate food into the body. Hence, the first step in producing healthy sperm and eggs is to ensure digestion is working well. This is achieved through a deep internal cleansing to balance the doshas and remove toxins (known as ‘ama’), ensuring digestion works optimally. Reducing toxicity in the body is especially important. Panchkarma removes all “ama” or toxins from your body. It cleanses & nourishes the body, mind, soul on physically,Spiritually, Mentally & at many levels including enriched state of fertility.
Although each mother has brilliant natural maps for growing a baby, she and her partner can make choices in preparation for supporting baby’s plan for incarnation, to cleanse and then strengthen the intricate communications between Baby’s DNA and unfolding her subtle body blueprint. Conception calls on mother and father’s reproductive essence in the sperm and ovum, on their consciousness and on their desires, to match baby’s desire and life purposes. The blueprint structures are built to the soul’s purpose and style, and everyone wants this to be in greatest bliss and success for life.
Panchakarma has been proven to significantly, safely and gently remove significant amounts of petrochemical pollutants in a short time. The body stores these in fat, reproductive, brain and endocrine tissues and these are not easily removed by any other cleansing methods. 
Before any growth or progress, a cleansing of the things that do not serve you well must occur. This is an opportunity to start new, on a blank slate, so that you can offer your highest self to the passage of pregnancy and to parenthood. Anger, grief, toxins, emotional heaviness, and more all have a profound impact on your pregnancy. In fertility cleansing, there is a specific effort to remove toxins and excess doshas from the field, the nutrients and fluid, and the seed, which are deeper tissue layers and therefore require deeper cleansing.
The birth of a healthy child is seen as equivalent to planting a tree, for which we need a seed, soil, time and the right nourishment.
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When a mother enters pregnancy with a healthy diet and lifestyle, making the necessary changes to enhance ojas is straight-forward — and she can easily make proactive choices that will help build the best quality body for baby. 
But when she has pitta or kapha ama (accumulated wastes from incomplete digestion or toxicities in the body), or excessive rajas or tamas in the mind (anger, depression, and so on) these conditions can tend to vibrate at odds with gestational priorities, and undermine the baby’s development.
The ideal sequence of steps is to purify the body and then to nourish and build up the tissues. This is the ultimate step in prevention. The best approach to creating a strong, healthy baby is by strengthening the basic material that creates the baby.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...