Friday 21 December 2018


Nourish Yourself With Ayurveda
Abhyanga provides cure for various disorders like stroke, Arthritis, Lumbar Spondylitis, Cervical Spondylitis, Sport Injuries, Parkinsonism and many other muscle, joint & nerve related disorders, nourishes the body, reinstates the balance of doshas & improves one’s well-being & longevity. Improves blood circulation and stimulates internal organs, Eliminates body impurities & helps in reducing weight.
Abhyanga is a multi-sensory treatment that creates sensations of wellbeing and vitality. This Ayurvedic practice is highly recommended for stress and stress related conditions, muscular aches & pains, joint care and high blood pressure.
Abhyanga : Ayurvedic body therapy daily in order to saturate the tissues with oil, softening the tissues down to the cellular level which opens the channels of all the cells and tissues of the body to release toxins and allow their transport to the inner channels to be eliminated. On the days that this external oelation is happening, there is also an internal oelation (also part of snehana) that takes place which involves consuming ghee so that the tissues are saturated from oil coming in from the outside of the body during the abhyanga and oil coming in from the inside through the consuming of the ghee.
One of the principle uses of abhyanga is to pacify Vata dosha (the air/ether humour in the body). Managing Vata dosha is a big part of maintaining balance in the body for everyone. Vata is the dosha which moves everything. It is not possible for one to move into imbalance without the aid of Vata dosha and keeping it in balance is a major key to health according to Ayurveda..
Interesting facts about ABHYANGA
When you do Anhyanga Herbal oil deeply penetrate into the tissues due to its low molecular weight. It is reputed to penetrate all 7 skin layers and is able to enter the capillaries in the dermis of the skin and affect the entire body. Another interesting fact is that the seven layers of skin correspond to the seven dhatus or tissues of the body: the seven dhatus are the plasma, red blood cells, muscle, fat (adipose tissue), bone, nerve tissue, and reproductive tissue. Each tissue has a specialized agni, or fire element, which serves to digest and manage other important metabolic processes pertaining to that tissue. As each layer of skin digests the oil, the metabolism of that tissue is activated and effects the functioning of the tissue metabolism throughout the body.
MUKHA ABHYANGA: Ayurvedic Face Lift : The secret of timeless beauty
Combat the signs of ageing with this luxurious and deeply relaxing natural face lift which leaves your skin visibly younger looking and radiant. Tiredness and tension are dispelled leaving your complexion blissfully light and refreshed.
Ayurveda teaches that it is important not to put anything on the skin that you would not eat. If you put it on your skin, your skin may digest it. And, what is more the skin will take it directly to the blood supply, not to the liver for detoxification, which is what happens when substances enter the body through the digestive tract. A big concern environmentally is that of chemical exposure to the skin of various chemicals like pesticides in agriculture and other hazardous chemicals which escape into the environment and are easily absorbed through the skin. And now there is growing concern about products containing chemicals which are showing up in the body tissues: in the blood, breast milk, other tissues, after absorbing through the skin.
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“Sama dosha sama agnishcha sama dhatu mala kriya; prasanna atma indriya manah svastha iti abhideyate.”
............(Sushruta Samhita)
“Balanced dosha, balanced digestive fire, balanced bodily tissues, elimination and function; contented soul, senses, and mind. These are said to constitute health.”

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મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર

  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...