Wednesday 5 December 2018


How Ayurveda Sacred Daily Rituals (Dincharya) can Transform your Daily Life..
Living Ayurveda: Dinacharya & The Art of Self Care..
In Ayurveda, this daily ritual of self-care is called Dinacharya. In Sanskrit, Dina means day, sun or flow, and Charya means practice or conduct. These daily rituals were developed to keep the body in tune with the natural earth cycles and rhythms of the day. Dinacharya practices particularly emphasize the mornings as your most sacred time, as these hours create the foundation for the rest of your day.
In my mind, routine is something you do at the exact same time, in the exact same order, every single day
I realized that the key, and the first act of self love and self care, is to consciously create time and space for rituals.
There are some very basic rituals you can add to your life that will greatly enhance and transform your outlook, and over time, your life. Yogic wisdom says that thoughts lead to actions, your actions become habits and your habits determine your character, and ultimately your character determines your destiny.
Rituals put us in contact with the forces moving the universe, that energy that is within all life. How will you start your day? Will you start with sacredness, with a ritual that sets your day as an amazing opportunity to be opportunity to express your creativity and enjoy this beautiful planet, or will you drag yourself out of bed going: “Oh God, another day of work!” Starting your day with a simple five minute ritual can change the way you experience life over time.
There re different Rituals rather then Dincharya as well:
Rituals like: Space clearing (Creating a sacred space in your home is one of the most beautiful and health giving rituals you can do), Gratitude, Blessing your food, Prayer, or Chanting can greatly enhance your life. Being in nature is one of the most blessed resources we have. I love to sit in nature and reflect whenever i have enough time. To listen, to be with myself, on the ground, at one with all of life. 
Watching the wind move through the leaves, or the first rays of light shoot forth into the sky, sitting under the stars, walking in the local parks, or walk in the rain, is deeply restorative. Nature helps us reset. By bringing in regular mindful times in nature you can truly transform your life. Just sitting, being and listening in nature can bring forth insights, understanding and answers. Problems are solved and life resets itself, the pieces naturally falling into place.
Whatever you are inspired by or that connects you to Source, instantly elevates your space to something more sacred. Sitting at your altar and feeling gratitude, or meditating, is a great way to connect to your heart and to all of life. Temples and sacred places around us were made sacred by the devotional practices and rituals that took place within them. 
Your home and your body can become temples if you treat your space with reverence. You can sanctify the space in your home through conscious cleaning and space clearing. Regular smudging or use of sound, sacred music and chants, and burning incense can keep your home a sacred space that will nourish and support you.
In essence a ritual is about bringing sacredness into your life, and about honouring something greater than you and I. It is about honouring the mystery, and the bringer of life in all things, from the flowers, to the trees, to the birds, the tiny, or the waking sun, and the moonlight. There is a divine force that moves through all things, like a river, enlivening all of life. It is the same force that moves the plant to flower or lights up a baby’s face. As we become more aware of this higher force moving in our lives and express our gratitude for it, it expands and colours daily life with a radiance and light that connects us to all living things.
If you’re worried about not having enough time in the morning, pick 1 or 2 rituals to start with and see how you can increase them from there. You can also break them up and do a few in the evening, like our abhyanga oil therapeutic treatment practice. But most importantly, if you take anything away from this, remember to create a space of self love as you move through any self practice – that’s the most important thing!
Redefine and align with your dharma, prioritize your goals, ignite your energy, joy, your passion, and be guided to curate your best life in this personalised Ritual Practice one-on-one life mentoring program with Dr Unnati Chavda..
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Learn & Practice more Ritual in your life : 
We will learn how to sense and follow the rhythm Mother Nature sets to the day, and how to establish morning, afternoon, and evening dinacharya that honors yourself, your body and mind, and all of creation. You will discover that Ayurveda is actually a verb; it is something to be lived. Every action taken with consciousness will connect you with all that is Divine within you.
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If you read the classic texts of Ayurveda, one thing stands out about the recommended daily routine. It is heavily focused on the early morning hours. Most of the recommended practices are done upon waking and are completed before breakfast. Consider the cosmic peace and serenity that is accessible in the hours (Just before sunrise). This time of day embodies an inherent stillness. It is as if the entire atmosphere is imbued with the qualities of tranquility, peace, compassion, and love. As a result, the early morning hours are an especially powerful time to engage in loving self-care, reflective practice, and the intention to heal or re-pattern the physiology. Beyond that, this is the time frame that sets the tone for our entire day. Which is to say, the early morning is a great place to start when establishing a routine. When we care deeply for ourselves every morning, we create enormous potential for positive change .. truly transformational potential. Changing your morning really can change your life.
In Ayurveda, the importance of a consistent daily routine can’t be underestimated. It sets the tone for your entire day, bringing a sense of calm and well-being. It gives the body, mind, and spirit the chance to ground and cleanse, to start afresh.
Nearly everywhere we look in nature, there are creatures engaging in some sort of consistent daily routine. The natural world at large is deeply influenced by the rhythms of nature, the rising and setting of the sun, the cycles of the seasons, and the underlying impulses directing the broader community of life. While there is often some degree of seasonal variation, many plants and animals embrace a predictable daily rhythm and, as a rule, live by it. As humans, we have largely gotten away from this habit. -Modern forms of energy allow us to heat and cool our homes and businesses, light the darkness, and engage with life at all hours of the day and night. -Many of us even have jobs and other obligations that require us to keep irregular schedules. The increasingly erratic nature of our lives is inherently taxing. Layer that on top of the busyness and stress that pervades modern life, and it is no wonder that so many of our nervous systems now exist in a chronic state of high alert G hyper-vigilant, increasingly unable to relax.
But at the most fundamental level, our physiology is very much adapted to and supported by some sense of regularity. Actually, this is precisely why the daily routine is such potent medicine.In effect, having a daily routine offers the grounding, stability, and predictability that are largely absent from our hectic modern lives. The routine itself creates a number of familiar and comforting reference points throughout each day that send a resounding affirmation to the deep tissues of the body that all is well, that we can be at ease. And so, when the body becomes accustomed to and learns to count on a daily routine that includes things li"e adequate rest, appropriate exercise, and a nourishing spiritual practice, the nervous system can finally begin to relax.As a result, a daily routine can elicit profound re(uvenation throughout the body without requiring any conscious awareness of the healing process.
As we learn to perceive and treat our bodies as our temples, we are able to not only respect ourselves more, but also to honor one another as living embodiments of divinity.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...