Wednesday 5 December 2018


Have you ever observed a person whose presence feels magnetic? There is a luminosity to them, a brightness, a special light which draws your attention and respect? Their manner is confident, graceful and content, drawing to them good things without much effort and also repelling from them that which will not support their happiness. The Yogic sciences recognize these as qualities of a strong Radiant Body, the part of your being that quietly communicates who you are before any word is spoken. It is possible to polish your own Radiant Body and to regulate your magnetism with ayurveda! But to do so, you must first cultivate a strong container and mind to hold and to project your radiance. The goal of Ayurveda is to help you gain an experience of your own radiant body.
The Ayurvedic life sciences and practices are powerful tools to use to develop your body, mind, and spirit - to build strength, illumination, and clarity! This will use Ayurvedic theory to explain how the body and the mind function, and the types of actions that will invite your personal vitality to rise. It is vitality that will allow you to generate enough energy to hold your strength, to build a presence, a magnetic field that projects off the body to the radiant body. It is the radiant body that draws out your integrity, character, and excellence, and gives you a presence in this world.
Ayurveda : These are expressions of the refined forms of the elements embodied in Prana, Ojas, and Tejas. Prana brings life force energy to us through nature's movements, Tejas brings cosmic vibration to us through nature's harmonious sound, Ojas brings cosmic memory to us through nature's food. Lifestyle and dietary patterns will dictate how these three forces of nature present themselves in the human organism: as life, light, and love, or as disease causing forces known in Ayurveda as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In their intelligent, heightened form, Prana, Tejas, and Ojas produce happiness, radiance, and prosperity! Disturbed, Vata presents as fear, worry, anxiety, central nervous system disfunction and deterioration, Pitta contributes to inflammation of the body/mind, and Kapha produces damaging and superficial sweetness that create attachment, complacency, and depression.
Prana is life, it is Jiva, the life-love-evolutionary-intelligence-force which maintains breath, intuition, and memory, and animates our bodies. The heightened form of the Air element, it is the source of all movement, and thus rhythm and flow. You are a rhythmic being! What is the base-beat of you, how are you moving? 
Without Prana the physical body is no more than a lump of clay. Prana sculpts this gelatinous mass into various limbs and organs. It does this by creating various channels or Nadis, through which it can operate and energize gross matter into various tissues and organs.
Breathing is the main form of Pranic activity in the body. Prana governs inhalation. Samana governs absorption of oxygen that occurs mainly during retention of the breath. Vyana governs its circulation. Apana governs exhalation and the release of carbon dioxide. Udana governs exhalation and the release of positive energy through the breath, including speech that occurs via the outgoing breath.
· How can you connect with the part of ourselves which is undying, immortal? The ‘you with in the you’?
· How is the life force moving in the healthy system? The unhealthy system? (5 winds of Vata: Prana, Samana, Vyana, Apana, Udana)..Ayurvedic texts describe 5 categories of Vata: Prana, Udana, Samana, Vyana and Apana. Each category is holding one specific job ie. Inhale, exhale, to digest food and convert it, circulation or excretion.
Vata is also the controller for activities of the mind and to create speech, it unites organs and their harmony of function.
Vata is holding much more characteristics than mentioned and without it there would be no vital force or life.
· How can we use the physical body to maneuver the pranic energy to experience the heightened expression of Prana and not the disturbed Vata?
Tejas, the mind’s subtle fire, is Jyoti, or light and heat, which allows for illumination, clarity, insight, and radiance. It is that which enables perception, sight, and also metabolism, transformation. Tejas makes cosmic sound audible and produces your inner voice and intuition. Tejas gives life to sound and brings forth our ability to change.
· How can you perceive reality - the absolute truth vs. what is only apparent?
· How and where are sensory inputs (foods, sounds, sights, smells, and feelings) being transformed within the human organism? (5 Fires of Pitta: Pachak, Alochak, Sadhak, Bhrajak, Ranjak)
· What practices will improve your strength of transformation, your digestive capacity so that you can build healthy tissues? So that you can be honest? So that you can see and speak the Truth?
Ojas is the glow of health from which you derive a strong, vibrant immune system. It is the heightened form of the Water element which enables all organs to operate intelligently and efficiently without disease by maintaining our physical body and impulses and safeguarding our internal bodily functions. Ojas is what gives us the fortitude and appetite to sustain wholesome activity in our lives, meaning that Ojas is Prim, it is Love. Without Ojas, love may be felt but it is superficial, conditional, and attached.
· How can you begin to feel bliss - a deep, internal sweetness and satisfaction that does not go away?
· How is Kapha maintaining and sustaining (protecting) the human organism? (5 Waters Kapha: Kledak, Tarpak, Avalambak, Bodak, Shleshak)
· What practices will help your organism produce Ojas?
· How is discipline self-love?
LEARN with the intention of helping you to cultivate the internal conditions conducive for the expression of Prana, Tejas, and Ojas through the body, mind, and presence along with diet or lifestyle practices..
We will discussing the shared aspects of Ayurvedic and Yogic lifestyle, with recommendations on routines to incorporate into your daily life to continue developing health and developing your light and love that will shine through your radiant body.
Awake the inner sun within you. 
Give us a call and book an appointment!
Call : 919825463394/+919773170560
AYURVEDA - Ayu stands for the combination of body, mind, soul and sense organs. If the body is balanced with those than one experiences life and happiness. It is a complete medical system which deals with health in all different aspects: the physical, mental, spiritual, social, environmental, dietry, lifestyle, daily rituals, the different seasons and how to adjust those in our daily life as well as treating and managing symptoms and diseases. It teaches us to respect the nature and other living beings and appreciate life to be able to reach the full human potential.
We will set a foundation to approach Vedic philosophy describing the building blocks of Nature and their qualities, and how these building blocks merge to form the Doshic bioenergetics used for the body/mind typing that will help make applying Ayurvedic theory practical to you. 
I will help to illuminate a clear path to creating a strategy for your decision-making to build vitality and health.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...