Monday 17 December 2018


Shirodhara is a classical and a well-established ayurvedic procedure of slowly and steadily dripping medicated oil or other liquids on the forehead. This procedure induces a relaxed state of awareness that results in a dynamic psycho-somatic balance.
A standardized Shirodhara leads to a state of alert calmness similar to the relaxation response observed in meditation. The clinical benefits observed with Shirodhara in anxiety neurosis, hypertension, and stress aggravation due to chronic degenerative diseases could be mediated through these adaptive physiological effects.
This procedure induces a relaxed state of awareness, which results in a dynamic psycho-somatic balance. A total feeling of wellness, mental clarity, and comprehension is experienced in this process.
Besides its theraputic usage and its shamana karma, its general relaxing and calming effects are well-known and worth exploring with modern tools..A total state of wellness is induced in the process.
In Shirodhara therapy, prolonged and intermittent stimulation by the dripping oil may provide afferent inputs to the cerebral cortex, leading to a tranquilizing effect. Shirodhara is deeply relaxing and induces a relaxant state, these effects are mediated by the brain wave coherence, alfa waves, and a down regulation of the sympathetic outflow leads to psychosomatic harmony, resulted in meditation-like effect is a consequence of stillness of mind leading to adaptive response to the basal stress. Also improve reaction time and other symptoms associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD & bolster immune function by increasing natural killer cell activity and decrease anxiety by lowering noradrenaline levels.
Shirodhara also used for Migraine or Chronic Headache as well as Psychiatric disorders (psychosis, neurosis, insomnia) & Hypertension. Anxiety, insomnia, mental stress, depression, or headache continues to grow with significant impacts on health due to modern life style in all countries of the world.
Now a days man is going far away from Nature...So lifestyle of the modern era leads to poor health & he is often exposed to physical fatigue and mental tension due to lifestyle changes vitiate doshas and ultimately cause various diseases. Purification therapy is a unique feature of Ayurveda used in complete cleansing of the body and eliminating vitiated doshas. Shirodhara is one such purificating and rejuvenating therapy. In Ayurveda Shirodhara is considered an important tool in the pursuit of higher states of con- sciousness.
The ultimate aim of the Shirodharatherapy is to restore the equilibrium of Sharira and Manasika doshas through the psycho-somatic axis, which in turn facilitates ‘manoprasannatah’ or tranquility of mind, a positive sign of healthy state of the body. Researchers have recently investigated the effect of Shirodhara in psycho-physiological profile of healthy volunteers and also in patients of generalized anxiety disorder and found that the promising results in both the cases. In simple words Ayurveda treats the body through the medium of mind or manas. 
During pouring of oil onto the forehead, individual starts concentrating on Agnya chakra. With or without the involvement, individual starts meditation on centre of the forehead. Meditation can have a calming influence on practitioners, as well as changing the state of consciousness. Meditation defined as a, mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. Shirodhara leads to a state of alert calmness similar to the relaxation response observed in meditation. Shirodhara is deeply relaxing and induces a relaxant state; these effects are mediated by the brain wave coherence, alfa waves, and a down regulation of the sympathetic outflow. The center of the forehead, also known as Agnya Chakra, with closed eyes during meditation leads to psychosomatic harmony. As the oil drips on the Agnya chakra, it isproposed that the meditation-like effect is a consequence of stillness of mind leading to adaptive response to the basal stress. The clinical benefits observed with Shirodhara in anxiety neurosis, hypertension, and stress aggravation due to chronic degenerative diseases could be mediated through adaptive physiological effects.
SHIRODHARA can be effective or manage to combat insomnia, headache, anxiety neurosis, depression, schizophrenia, motor-neurosis, depression, schi- zophrenia, motor-neuron disease, hypertension, distorted thoughts, attention defi- cit/hyperactively disorder in children, hypertension, menopause, general anxiety disorder, loss of hair; loss of hearing; fatigue & mental exhaustion, loss of hair, stress aggravation
due to chronic degenerative diseases could be
mediated through these adaptive physiological effect
and several kinds of psychosis.
Shirodhara is one of the most powerful treatments to relieve Vata in the mind.
Shirodhara–Ayurvedic Transcranial Oil Dripping Stimulation Therapy 
Managing Stress & Health at Work Place With Shirodhara
Book your Shirodhara today 
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
SHIRODHARA : A Powerful Tools that Create New Patterns and Habits. Transform Your Life to One of Balance, Health and Wholeness .
Vedic Life Guidance & Inspiration of Ancient Wisdom for Your Contemporary Lifestyle With Ayurveda..
Vedic Life Guidance & Inspiration offers a series of sessions to guide you towards a life of harmony and deeper awareness.
Whether you are trying to lose weight, establish a healthy yoga practice or navigate challenging times in your life, it helps to have support and guidance.
Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest medical systems and uses herbs to balance the doshas, cleanse and detoxify the body, rejuvenate the entire system, maintain a healthy digestive tract and get a good nights sleep.
Together we will outline a plan that supports your goals and journey towards wholeness.
A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of the Ayurvedic path toward creating optimal health......the effect of lifestyle is eternal!

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