Wednesday 5 December 2018


Make 2019 the year you start really enjoying your life, embodying the person you want to be, rather than just getting through the day.
Do you experience anxiety, tension, irregular appetite and digestion, bloating and gas, or dry skin and hair? If so, you may be Vata dosha predominant or have some aggravation of the air and ether element. What does this mean, and how can you eat, sleep, move, and live to optimize your dosha? Learn how to eat and live according to your dosha (unique physical and mental constitution).
Learn How Ayurveda can take you to the next level in your holistic health AND your career?
It’s Time to Level Up Your Life.
Prioritizing self-care can be wicked hard – it’s way easier with support.
That’s why I created Level Up Your Life With Ayurveda : a deep, transformational journey designed to help you take self-care and nurture the daily habits you need to feel at ease, energized, clear, and capable of handling what comes your way.
feel strong, energized and vital
feel capable of handling life with greater ease and confidence
deepen your sleep and meditation practice
feel lighter, clearer, and more inspired
get more done in less time
improve your digestion
drop some extra weight
live in greater integrity with your own energy and values
start treating yourself with more compassion
Own Your Mornings: create a rock-solid morning routine that starts in alignment with what matters most.
Move Your Body: explore how your body wants to move, hardening, softening, and circulating, intermittent movement that isn’t confined to a workout.
Daily Meditation: practice non-doing, mindfulness, allowing, loving-kindness, moving meditation- explore new practices or deepen ones you already have.
Streamline your Nourishment: to burn your fat, detoxify, improve digestion, gain mental clarity and access to your intuition, enjoy better sleep, and nourish yourself deeply.
Prioritize Rest: allow your nervous system to wind down with a personalized evening routine designed for optimal sleep.
Nourish Yourself Wisely: consume more vitality, raise your vibration, harness the energetics of plants, consider food energetics.
Hydration and Elimination: equip your cells to do their jobs, and let go of yesterday’s waste before today begins.
Abhyanga : for lymphatic flow, immune health, self-love, pain relief, and self-healing.
Break the stress habit: enjoy more ease and flow, divert your body’s resources from the perceived emergencies to healing and restoring every cell.
Care for Your Senses: lifelong health of your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin.
Prana Practices
Yoga & Ayurveda on the Stages of a Woman’s Life
Women’s Rhythms and Cycles
Troubleshooting Hormonal Issues
Dynamic and Graceful Aging
Empowered Living and Making time for Pleasure
Ayurveda Skin Care..
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
You will leave your Ayurvedic consult with your own personalized roadmap to health! You’ll learn what foods to eat and when, what teas and herbs to take, and how to move, sleep, and live optimally to set up the optimal physical, mental, and spiritual conditions for healing to take place.
Gain a deeper understanding of the Ayurvedic 5 elements and 3 dosha theory and apply this to your life. Own your constitution and leverage your strengths for optimum health and well-being. Embrace seasonal guidelines and tips for diet and lifestyle for a vibrant autumn.
Refine your understanding of nourishment with Ayurveda. Explore the 6 tastes. Get your kitchen primed for optimal food preparation. Become a master meal planner. Delve into Kitchen Sadhana.
Ayurveda uses specialized nutrition plans, herbal protocols, and lifestyle recommendations to address your unique health challenges and goals, and bring the body back into balance naturally. 
You have the right to take care of yourself. Need a reminder?

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મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર

  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...