Thursday 6 December 2018


Nos of times i have written about DOSHA in my status related to post of AYURVEDA....may be confused who are not used to Ayurveda..
Living in Harmony with Ayurveda : Promoting Good Health.
Vata...Pitta ...Kapha
Doshas are golden triangle of Ayurveda..formed when the five elements with all of their attributes come together to produce what are known as the three Doshas. In a nutshell a dosha is a form of biological energy. They govern all the physical, mental and psychological systems, and every person has unique combination.
Every person on the planet has a combination of three Doshas in a unique configuration.
Your Doshic balance is determined by a synthesis of four elements (Air, Fire, Water and Earth-all the elements minus ether) in combination of consciousness.
Each Dosha exists within you, but the amount within you ( which is allocated at birth) is unique to you.
When you are healthy, all the doshas are in a state of balance in your body, mind and emotions. But what makes up that balance is unique to you and your constitution.
Its time to create your best life
Like a warning, something to keep your eye on. When DOSHAS goes out of balance, they cause disturbances in our bodied and mind.
The Ayurvedic definition of health is that state in which the structure and function of a particular individual is operating optimally marked by balanced state of Dosha-Dhatu Mala and Agni, and the individual is in a state of physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium.
Both Charaka and Vagbhata elegantly describe the Ayurvedic state of health: All three doshas are in equilibrium with regard to the individual prakriti, all seven tissues, dhatus, are in the proper state of strength and integrity, the digestive fires, and agni are balanced resulting in proper appetite, digestion, and assimilation. The waste materials, malas, are being produced and eliminated in a regular manner. The sense organs, indriyani, are functioning normally and the mind is undisturbed. The individual is experiencing happiness and contentment.
Disease manifests as the opposite of some or all of the criteria for health listed above. It is a state of disequilibrium of the doshas, dhatus, agnis, and malas; the individual is out of harmony both internally and with relation to the environment and experiences unpleasant sensations and misery in some form (dukkha).
Doshas cause problems! Know your dosha, what your tendencies are and work on maintaining balance daily.
And, yes, you can discover your Ayurvedic Dosha
In Ayurveda, the dosha is not who you are, but rather just the beginning of three paths that all lead to a better understanding of yourself. We each are all three doshas, however the quantity and quality of each dosha is different and distinct in each and every one of us. And that’s all a Dosha is-not a definition, but rather just a little classification that directs you to a whole new level of self-understanding. The Doshas are just doors really, opening up to worlds and worlds of different human expressions of the five elements. And that really is the basis of the Doshas. Which of the five elements, best describes your body and mind? The Doshas are just generalized ways of thinking about the impact of the elements on your being and an assessment of which elements and energies are most prominent in your unique constitution. 
The Doshas are just a lens, but there is sooo much to discover and learn about each one, and no time to limit yourself to just one thing. Take the quizzes, find your dosha, and just use it as a starting point to your self-discovery. The dosha will help you understand so much, so long as you do not limit yourself to only being defined by it.
Ayurveda is a way of life influenced by ancient health practices. It is built on the principle of "Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam Aaturasya Vikara Prashamanam Cha,” which describes Ayurveda as a means to protect health and alleviate disease in the body.
- Vata: is composed of AIR and SPACE and responsible for movement
- Pitta: is composed of FIRE and WATER and responsible for transformation
- Kapha: is composed of EARTH and WATER and responsible for stability
The dhatus or seven tissue layers in the body are:
plasma - rakta-mamsa-medas-asthi-majja-shukra
These structures make up the body and understanding how the doshas can enter into these tissues can be key to living a vibrant, joyful and healthy life!
By honoring that we are each unique individuals, Ayurveda focuses on disease prevention through proper diet, lifestyle and knowledge of our unique constitution.
Ayurveda encourages vitalisation that extends into your every cell.
Try Ayurveda for yourself and incorporate it into your daily life, which will be benefit and be enhanced by it.
Know more and.....
Identify your constitution-your type of skin, hair & body type.
Get familiar with the amazing energy systems in your body.
Meet the centres of awareness that are your chakra systems.
Ayurveda, or the "science of life” is the ancient yogic “medicine” that acknowledges individual differences, lifestyles, imbalances and treatments.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560.
Ayurveda is a truly holistic health system which supports you from the cradle to the end of your life.
Ayurveda places a great emphasis of the prevention of diseases and on health promotion, as well as on a comprehensive approach to treatment..
Ayurveda is not only medicine rather it is philosophy of life. It had been told that body is made up of five ‘Mahabhootas and Atma.
These are called as six elements of ‘Purusha’. All the indriyas are derived from Mahabhootas. So every part of the body has the properties of Mahabhootas.
Ayurveda focuses on balancing the mind, body, and soul through diet changes, herbal formulations, oil treatments, yoga, pranayama, etc.
Shirodhara is extremely beneficial for people suffering from imbalance of Vata and Pitta. A person suffers from feelings of fear, insecurity and worry when his/her Vata is out of balance. Imbalance of Pitta can cause a person to become angry, frustrated, irritated and even cause him to lose the sense of right and wrong. Shirodhara involves the use of such liquids that help to counter the negative effects of the out-of-balance doshas or conditions. The liquid soothes and pacifies the doshas when applied to the forehead, scalp and nervous system.
Essentially, srotats are your body's plumbing, electric and waste networks.

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