Tuesday 4 December 2018


Breath is essential to life force : Taking care of your life-Force with Nasya Treatment
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The nasal passages are the doorways to the mind and senses, and are the first site where Prana, or life force energy, is absorbed through breathing. The nostrils also serve to purify the air so that it is better able to extract the life-energy from the air. If the nose is blocked or a person breathes through the mouth, this important cleansing does not happen. Any stagnant or congested space in the nose or sinuses provides a breeding ground for pathogens and further weakens the immune system.
The location of the nostrils is directly below the brain and, as such, they provide a direct entrance to and impact on the brain, the nervous system, and the senses. When the head is congested, the brain becomes dull, thinking becomes confused or muddled, memory is weakened and perception declines. The brain itself becomes stagnant. For the health of the brain and the whole nervous system, the right absorption of Prana in the head is important. And this depends upon the right functioning of the nostrils. This location also allows for a direct input of herbs through the sinuses through application of nasya.
In Ayurveda, this practice us used as a healing therapy to address conditions of the mind, the nervous system including the glands in the upper body, headaches, and sinuses issues. It is one of the easiest and quickest ways to directly receive effective results from herbs for a quick input into the blood stream and nervous system.This therapy is considered very effective for curing a number of diseases related to head and upper body part. 
The Nasya karma not only treats disease but also cleans and opens the channels hence thus improves the process of prana and circulation. 
Applying Nasya oil into your nostrils has many benefits.
Creates a protective barrier so that allergens, pollutants and viruses do not enter the nasal mucosa directly.
Protects from the dryness of indoor heat and pacifies Vata Dosha which often creates dryness. When the epithelial tissues in the nostrils are moist, they are less susceptible to dryness, pollen, environmental allergens / pollutants, and nose bleeds due to dry air.Depending on the specific herbs in the formula, it can positively benefit the head, nervous system, mental / emotional states, allergies, hormones, neck pain, headaches, post nasal drip, memory, insomnia, depression, tinnitus and more.
Nasya is the administration of herbal medicine through the nasal passage. According to Ayurveda, the sinus cavity is the gateway to our consciousness, prana vayu and the Nervous System. Nasya is one of the five main cleansing therapies in Pancha Karma, the traditional Ayurvedic detoxification program; but also is used for daily administration as part of a healing Ayurvedic routine. Nasya is typically done using an herbal infused oil such as sesame, ghee or coconut, but also can be done using medicated milk, fresh juice of herbs, and decoctions. Nasya is used to treat a wide range of disorders including mental-emotional imbalances, memory issues, high stress levels, sleep issues, chronic sinus issues, prana disorders, chronic headaches or migraines, stiffness in the neck, jaw or shoulders; eye, ear and throat disorders; epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, sexual debility and any residual doshic imbalance after cleansing treatments.
As you can see, Nasya can be used to treat quite a wide variety of disorders. Therefore there are several different types of Nasya that can be used for one’s various needs.
Here is a quick overview of the main types of Nasya according to Ayurveda.
1. Bruhana Nasya: Nutrition Nasya
Bruhana is translated as building, and this Nasya method is used just for that. It is typically useful for most Vata and prana vayu imbalances., while contraindicated for many Kapha disorders. This Nasya especially brings about the nutrition and anabolic effect of the dhatus situated in the head and the neck regions.
Indications for Bruhana Nasya:
Dryness of voice
Vata imbalances
Nervous System disorders
Dry sinuses or throat
Headache due to dryness or constriction
Sleep issues : Loss of sleep
Dry nose
Loss of sense of smell
High stress levels
Mental exhaustion
Restless mind
Stiffness in the neck
Anxiety, worry, fear and insecurity
Inability to concentrate
Stiffness in the neck, jaw and shoulders
Dizziness, spaciness or vertigo
Post-cleanse rejuvenation therapy when indicated
Heaviness of eyelids
Bell's palsy, facial paralysis
Severe headache
Difficulty in speach
Wasting of the shoulder muscles
2. Shamana Nasya:
Shamana means pacification and this Nasya type is used to pacify specific doshic imbalances.
Indications for Shamana Nasya:
Most Vata imbalances such as anxiety, worry, sleep issues, dryness, debility, emaciation and epilepsy can be pacified using the proper Vata Shamana Nasya
Most Pitta imbalances such as headaches, temporal migraine, psoriasis, eczema, nose bleed, MS, excessive heat, rashes, hot-flashes, anger and inflammation can be pacified using the proper Pitta Shamana Nasya
Most Kapha disorders such as chronic sinus issues, congestion, dull mind, sluggishness, slow digestion, depression and lack of motivation can be pacified using the proper Kapha Shamana Nasya
Conjunctivitis, ringing in the ears and thinning of hair.
3. Navana Nasya:
Navana Nasya is a lubricating Nasya application and is typically done with medicated oils for their unctuous quality. It is a form of snehana or oiliation therapy and can be used during cleanses (if indicated) or as a daily treatment. This Nasya can include the Bruhana Nasya or the Shamana Nasya. It is said to reduce stiffness in the neck, increase mental clarity and intellect, reduce dryness and remove obstruction in the nasal passage.
Indications for Navana Nasya:
Dryness in the eyes, nose or throat
Most Vata disorders
Emotional imbalances including anxiety, worry, stress, fear, anger and hyper-skepticism
Mental rejuvenation
Nervous System disorders
Sleep issues
Ear ache
Oiliation therapy for cleanses or daily needs
Hair loss
Nasal polyps
4. Marshya Nasya
Marshya Nasya use ghee or oil for eliminating condition of uneasiness which may arise due to the presence of some disease. This therapy mainly used to offer physical comfort through nasal route.
5. Pratimarshya
This therapy involve insertion of clean little finger into each nostril after dipping previously in ghee or oil. The deep nasal tissues open by this way and help to relieve stress and nasal congestion, thus deep nasal tissues are opened up. By doing on a regular basis, stress can be released to a great extent.
It can be given to anybody at anytime without having any restriction. This Nasya may have significant role in the prevention of disorders of respiratory tract and promotion of health of sense organs.
Allergy Relief Nasya: You will find this nasya oil to be soothing to dry or inflamed nasal passages and reduces the symptoms of allergy or hay fever. May be used all year round, but is especially beneficial whenever allergies are a concern.
Balance Within Nasya: This nasya oil is the companion to the herbal formula Healing Within. Applying several drops in each nostril several times per day will bring a sense of peace and emotional wellness. It is soothing to Pitta emotions and brings calmness to the heart.
Breathe Clear Nasya: This is a natural decongestant that addresses sinus, nasal, cold/flu symptoms. Great to use in the morning before Pranayama. Or use at bedtime to clear your nasal passages for better sleep. It loosens mucous without having a “stimulant” effect – therefore, it is not Vata disturbing.
Depth of Being Nasya: This nasya oil is the companion to the herbal formula Lightness of Being. Applying several drops in each nostril in the morning or afternoon will increase focus, clarity, energy level, and improve expansion of awareness. It is great applied before meditation or yoga.
Divine Intervention Nasya: Ideal to take before meditation, pranayama, or yoga – or any time. This Tri-Doshic Nasya Oil brings a sense of connection to the Divine – facilitates the release of old behaviors / patterns (Pragyaparad) that are keeping you from being your best. Assists in releasing addictions.
Luna Rejuv Nasya: To ease the physical & emotional symptoms of Post Menopausal Women. These phyto-hormonal herbs work synergistically together to assist the body / mind to bring greater balance. Many Menopausal women find that taking this formula before bed facilitates a better nights sleep.
Neuro-Pattern Release Nasya: Balancing to the brain wave patterns – releasing old thoughts / behaviors and allowing unwinding of cellular memory. After a period of use, you may experience a release of negativity and thoughts that no longer serve you.
Serenity Within Nasya: This nasya oil is the companion to the herbal formula Calm Within. Applying several drops in each nostril several times per day and in the evening will facilitate releasing stress, quiet the mind, and assist in relaxing the neck and shoulder area. Effective for relieving headache pain. When used before bed, it encourages a deeper nights sleep.
Shanti Luna Nasya: Balancing to hormones of Menstruating women. It is especially effective during the 2 weeks before the period to assist with PMS. May also be used as a transdermal oil on inner wrists, breasts, abdomen, or inner thighs.
Thyroid Relief Nasya: To assist the thyroid in becoming balanced May be used for either hypo or hyper thyroid. Best if combined with Thyroid Assist herbal formula.
Nasya Oil soothes and protects the nasal passages and helps relieve sinus congestion. Daily nasal lubrication helps to release tension in the head and relieve accumulated stress. Balancing for vata, pitta, and kapha, Nasya Oil is also traditionally said to improve quality of voice, strengthen vision and promote mental clarity
General Indications
Stiffness or pain of head, neck, or jaw Headache and Migraine
Sinus pain and congestion
Toothache, loose teeth, receding gums Hoarseness of voice
Twitching or drooping eyelids
Tingling sensations on face
Obstruction in throat
Uvulitis, Tonsillitis, Laryngitis, Pharyngitis Speech disorders and loss of speech
Bell’s Palsy (facial paralysis)
Pituitary or space-occupying tumor
Depleted sexual energy
Any disorders above clavicle area
If Nasyakarma is done properly & regularly, it will keep the person's eye, nose and ear unimpaired. 
It also prevents the early graying of hair and prevent the falling of hair..ensure growth of hair and alleviated diseases like cervical spondylitis, facial paralysis diseases of nose, frozen shoulder, mental disorders, prevent the diseases of head and prevents early aging process.
Vata is considered as a chief factor for the physiological maintenance of the body. In the modern point of view, the diseases involving the neurological, musculoskeletal, psychosomatic, and gastrointestinal system disorders have more similarity with the Vata vyadhi. It indicates the wide ranging involvement of Vata in various systems of the body.
Nasya is Ayurveda’s unique method for maintaining the health of this passageway and supporting the prana channel with cleansing and nourishing herbs and substances.

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