Tuesday 4 December 2018


Shirodhara : Proven strategies for awakening the third eye : 
An exercise for your 3rd eye chakra : 
Book your SHIRODHARA : Call +919825463394
SHIRODHARA : The Temple Of Your Third Eye : Opening the Third Eye: Powerful Ancient Practices for Activating the Pineal Gland and Expanding Consciousness.
Balancing and activating the pineal gland is a foundational practice for expanding consciousness and restoring the health and vibrancy of the physical body.
Ever wondered how to open your third eye, home to your “sixth sense?” Your intuition and higher wisdom come alive when this energy center is fully open and balanced. 
Unfortunately, for most of us, developing our third eye chakra and its abilities is challenging at best, and may even sometimes seem out of reach. But Shirodhara Treatment of Ayurveda helps to simulate the third eye chakra
Proven strategies for awakening the third eye
First, we’re going to describe the most important guidelines that will help you develop your third eye.
Cultivate silence
Foster the silence of the mind, whether it’s through meditation, just sitting calmly in nature, or being absorbed in your favorite art or sport practice.
Why? Because third eye perception elevates your senses to more subtle levels. Some call it “the space in between”, psychic abilities, the realm of the invisible. To be able to listen to the messages and information that comes through your third eye, you should be ready to perceive the whisper of its wisdom. If your mind is busy or noisy, you might miss its main message.
As the oil flows onto the third eye, it is said to have a balancing effect on the deepest recesses of the brain, while stimulating the endocrine system's pituitary and pineal glands. The procedure is also said to synchronize alpha brain waves, enhance blood circulation to the brain, improve mental clarity, and release deeply trapped toxins.
Work your theta brainwaves
It could be useful to learn how to activate and maintain theta and alpha brainwaves with the help of SHIRODHARA. These foster frontal lobe activity and prepare your third eye and brain to be more receptive.
How does the pineal gland impacts the awakening of the third eye?
Positioned between the brows and just above the eye level, the 3rd eye is associated with intuition and wisdom. In the human body, this energy center is traditionally associated with the pituitary gland, as well as the pineal gland.
Glands and chakras are intimately related as they represent different levels of bodily functions, the first one being focused on the physical, the other on the subtle energetic level. The pituitary gland is considered to be the “master gland” in the human body because it controls most of the other glands and their hormone production.
What about the pineal gland? The pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain, at the same level as the eyes. Its connection with the third eye chakra or Ajna in the Hindu system has long been investigated by yogic traditions and modern metaphysics alike. They view this gland as a possible seat of the soul and its development, a source for mystical experiences and extrasensory perception or psychic abilities.
This gland is usually considered to be in charge of producing melatonin and regulating our sleep cycle and our sexual maturation. The ways it functions is closely connected to the cycles of light and darkness.
You can detoxify your Pineal Gland with the help of SHIRODHARA
Re-awakening our pineal gland with the help of SHIRODHARA
The cerebellum literally means 'small brain' and is directly linked to the pineal gland/(third eye) via a piece of nerve fibre similar to the optic nerve connected to our eyes! It‘s also the seat of the subconscious mind. It works exactly like a hard disk within a computer, whereby it saves important information so that you don't have to relearn it all again. It remembers and stores our data within our body cells.
You stand at the Threshold of the Door to your Inner Temple. By opening this door, you will recalibrate your Sixth and Seventh Chakras, so that they may function together as your Opened Third Eye.
CLOSE your eyes and allow your imagination to run through the files of all the lifetimes in which you have taken a form.
Reasons behind to detoxify your Pineal Gland : Shirodhara is one of the best prctice:
The pineal gland, located in the centre of the brain, is about a quarter of an inch in size, reddish-gray, and weighs about one-tenth of a gram. Unlike other parts of the brain which come in pairs, the pineal gland is singular. Its location in the center of the brain and presence in other species indicates it is an older part of humanity’s evolutionary brain system.
Serotonin is found in greatest concentrations in the pineal gland and melatonin is synthesized in the pineal gland. Both serotonin and melatonin exhibit a circadian rhythm, serotonin concentration being greatest during the day and melatonin at night.
Directly affected by the light taken in through the eyes, the pineal regulates sleep, menstrual cycles, mating seasons, hibernation, seasonal flight patterns and many other “instinctual” behaviors.
Melatonin also controls eye pigmentation and thus regulates the amount of light reaching the photoreceptors. The pineal gland has been well named ‘the third eye’ as melatonin is active both in the pineal gland and in the eyes.
The universal mystic vision of God as an all-consuming white light, is believed produced from chemical reactions in the pineal gland which is extremely light sensitive. “Light, the eyes and the ‘third eye’ or pineal gland form a triad which directly controls and regulates normal or altered consciousness and many bodily functions? these three factors are also directly related to, or implicated in, mystical experiences.”Visions of white light are not only associated with mysticism, but are also a prevalent image recorded by those who experience the near-death state.
At a neural level the single clearest effect of melatonin is that it induces drowsiness during darkness. Peak production is three to six hours after the onset of darkness. This could well shed light on other strange folklores surrounding psi phenomena. For example, many spiritual systems such as Catholic monks, Buddhists and Yogis all recommend rising at 3 a.m. to meditate, or to chant vespers, or some other practice which is primarily aimed at spiritual development but which seems to bring enhanced psi effects in its wake.
All of these practices become more meaningful when linked with our slowly emerging knowledge concerning the pineal gland.
Shirodhra For third Eye Activtion:
The third eye is known as the gateway to higher consciousness. It may alternately symbolize a state of enlightenment. In Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, the third eye is known as the 'inner eye'; the mystical and esoteric concept referring to the 'ajna' chakra. The third eye is associated with clairvoyance, out-of-body experiences, visions, and precognition. People who have developed their third eye are known as 'seers'. Use SHIRODHARA to open and build awareness in your ajna chakra to begin to see everything in your life more clearly. The sixth chakra or third eye chakra is the seat of consciousness and as well as our “sixth” sense, often referred to as the psychic chakra. Controlling the mental activities of the lower brain (cerebellum) and the nervous system.
So, while your eyes see the material world, Ajna chakra helps you look into deeper realms: intuition, clairvoyance, imagination, creativity and visualization.
A balanced Ajna chakra is the reason why sages and saints enjoy increased wisdom, clairvoyant abilities, precognition and perception beyond duality. The Ajna chakra is symbolized by a violet lotus with two petals. A powerful and balanced third eye chakra provides a strong psychic ability, spiritual awareness and the desire to excel further towards the cosmic union. A person with a strong Ajna Chakra has greater intuition, a strong sense of identity, and the ability to self-reflect.
When this chakra is clear we gain the ability to see ourselves and others as spiritually interconnected beings.
Yogi Bhajan said, “Going through life without intuition is like driving a car which has no side mirror and no rearview mirror. All you can see is just straight ahead”
Within each of us lies a subtle energy system, through which our energy flows and expands, allowing us to shine from the inside out. Widely referred to as our Chakra System, this invisible yet wildly powerful network runs from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. And within this system are seven individual energy centers, known as your chakras. Each chakra is associated with certain parts of the body, as well as specific mental and spiritual components, to which it feeds energy. When balanced and nourished, our chakras open, allowing energy to flow in and out effortlessly, extending this vitality and abundance to all pillars of life. Our lifestyle, habits, diet, thoughts, words, emotions, relationships, and life experiences all profoundly affect our chakras. It is so important to our health, wealth, and happiness that we become aware of this energy system and how our own actions affect it.
Our sixth chakra — our third eye — houses our sense of intuition and spiritual connection. Located at the brow line between the eyes, this energy center allows us to view our inner and outer worlds thru the lens of a third eye. From here, we are able to tap into our inner guidance, accessing the elusive but undeniable force of intuition within each of us. A healthy and balanced third eye chakra allows us to look past illusions and see the deeper truths in life and in ourselves. When the third eye is open, you don’t just see — you understand.
Our sixth chakra is home to our sense of consciousness. From here, our mind bears witness to all that occurs within our internal and external worlds. Thru the lens of a balanced third eye, we are able to simply observe our thoughts without getting caught up in the drama of the mind, rooting ourselves in mindful, moment-to-moment consciousness. This keep us grounded in the present moment, and increases our overall sense of well-being and happiness.
Another highlight of third eye activation is the balance of the mind. A healthy third eye chakra allows both hemispheres of the brain to function in synchronicity — the left hemisphere’s logical and analytical thinking merges and integrates with the right brain’s sense of creativity. From here, we are able to access and further develop our sense of wisdom, intellect, and spiritual insight. And once we create this space of balance, unity, and openness within the mind and body, the possibilities are truly endless.
When out of balance, you may experience: an inability to stop dwelling on small, everyday problems, an inability to establish a vision for your life, rejection of all things spiritual or unusual, lack of clarity, an inability to “see the big picture”, headaches and migraines, insomnia, sinus issues, and vision problems.
When properly balanced, you will experience: connection to your intuition, clear-headedness, the ability to see past small problems and appreciate life’s greater picture, the ability to set and achieve goals, connection to the spiritual aspects of life and yourself, and a clear vision for yourself and your life.
So how do we go about balancing, nourishing, and supporting this sacred and intuitive energy system?
There are tons of ways to deepen our connection to the third eye chakra, but I have found SHIRODHARA good old ancient practice to be most effective.
And of course, what we’re putting into our bodies also profoundly affects this energy center.
Activating the third eye can be accomplished through SHIRODHARA. SHIRODHARA will help to activate the pineal gland and the pituitary body as well as teaching you to relax and open your mind to all posibilities. Once this is accomplished, clairvoyance is easily reached.
The third eye is the heart of spiritual work. Through the third eye you can communicate what you desire to know about the aspects of your life which have been hidden from you. There would be spiritual darkness without the third eye.
Ask yourself if you have any of these symptoms:
Mood disorders
Over-Intellectualizing to self comfort
Poor memory
Decreasing imagination
Social events become overstimulating
Oversensitive to smells, excessive talking, tastes, textures
Needing increasing time isolated to renew
When your third eye is open and receptive, you can reap the many benefits of a strong 6th chakra, which can include:
Intuitive knowings
Strong memory skills
Empathetic connections
Deep wisdom and ability to find meaning in life events
Open mindedness
Powerful dreams
Mental stamina and easy meditative states
Support brain health with SHIRODHARA.
SHIRODHARA For Balancing the Endocrine System:
Do you experience:
– Sluggishness
– Low Immunity
– Blood Sugar Imbalance (Pancreas)
– Low Energy (Adrenals)
– Foggy Brain, Depression, Insomnia (Pineal ad Pituitary Gland)
– Hormonal Imbalances (Adrenals, Thyroid, Parathyroid)
The endocrine system includes the following glands: the pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas, and ovaries/testes. These glands use hormones (rather than the electrical impulses used by the nervous system) to effect changes in our body, emotions, cognition, and energy. Hormones are chemical messengers that circulate through the body via the bloodstream and coordinate critical body functions. They increase or reduce nerve impulses and can also act as neurotransmitters.
The hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands play particularly important roles in spiritual experience.
The hypothalamus is the link between the endocrine and nervous systems. It helps stimulate or inhibit heart rate and blood pressure, body temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance, appetite and body weight, production of substances that influence the pituitary gland to release hormones and sleep cycles, among others. The pituitary gland secretes hormones that help control body processes such as growth, blood pressure, aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, breast milk production, sex organ functions, thyroid gland function, the conversion of food into energy (metabolism), water balance, temperature regulation and pain relief. And the pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin, which has two primary functions—to help control biological rhythm and regulate certain reproductive hormones. Aiding in the proper development and functioning of the ovaries and testes.
Third Eye Chakra at a glance: Sanskrit name: Ajna - To perceive, to command
Element: All elements combined,light
Color: Indigo
Shape: Five pointed star
Petals of the lotus: Two
Seed sound: Aum (Om)
Vowel sound: Mmmm
Rights: To see
Endocrine gland: Pituitary gland Physical association: Eyes, base of skull, brow
Psychological function: Intuition, imagination
Identity: Archetypal identity
Developmental stage: Adolescence
Challenge: Illusion
Plane: Plane of austerity, home of the blessed
Planets: Saturn,moon
Deity: Hakini Shakti, Shiva
Mythological Animal: Hawk
Sense organ: Mind Predominant sense: Neutral
Incense: Mugwort
Herb: Almond blossom
Sephira: Binah, Chokmah
If you are feeling that your intuition is blocked and you’d like some tools to rebalance your 6th chakra, you are in the right place. Call +919825463396 to book your SHIRODHARA
The body heals itself when we are at rest. We are all so busy in the west: the calm, meditative state induced by Shirodara allows for healing and rejuvenation of the body.
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
I am in touch with my inner guidance.
I listen to my deepest wisdom.
I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences.
I am wise, intuitive, and connected with my inner guide.
I nurture my spirit.
I listen to the wisdom of elders.
I trust my intuition.
I forgive the past and learn what was there for me to learn.
I forgive myself.
I love and accept myself.
I know that all is well in my world.
I am connected with the wisdom of the universe.
I am open to inspiration and bliss.
My life moves effortlessly.
I am at peace.
I am the source of my truth and my love.
The energy of this chakra allows us to experience clear thought as well as gifts of spiritual contemplation and self reflection.
Sixth chakra is holistic in nature. When this chakra is fully activated, both hemispheres of the brain function in synchrony. The right hemisphere's creativity and synthetic thinking is integrated and balanced with left hemisphere's logical and analytical thinking.
The Third Eye is not only the seat of wisdom, but also a seat of conscience. This is where you not only see what is going on, but you also know what it means. This is where your sense of justice and your ethics originate.
Is My Third Eye Blocked?
Some people may feel like something’s not right with their chakras, particularly with the third eye. But how do you know if that’s the source of the problem? Ask yourself a few questions:
Do you trust your own intuition?
Do you have a reliable memory, both short and long term?
Can you easily recall your dreams?
Are you open to psychic experiences?
Do you visualize your goals and ambitions clearly?
If you answered yes to most of these, you’re probably pretty well balanced when it comes to your third eye. If you found yourself saying no to most of them, you might need to unblock things and get yourself back on track.
If you feel like your third eye may be blocked, SHIRODHARA is most prooven ancient prctice to unblock it.
Do keep in mind that, as in all metaphysical disciplines, what works for one person may not work for another.
Let’s face it, we all get busy and it’s not hard to find ourselves off kilter in some way, shape or form. However, if you take a few minutes each day to take care of your spiritual self, you’ll find it’s a lot easier to keep yourself balanced.
A blocked third eye or ajna chakra is said to lead to confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, jealousy and pessimism. Through an open and vibrant third eye, the highest source of ethereal energy may enter. While the physical eyes perceive the physical world, the third eye sees the true world — a unified whole with an unyielding connection to spirit. A list of the benefits and abilities the third eye brings include clarity, concentration, perspicuity, bliss, intuition, decisiveness and insight. The third eye has been linked to lucid dreaming, astral projection, quality of sleep, enhanced imagination and aura viewing.The third eye is connected to clarity, concentration, imagination and intuition.
The third eye is connected to spirituality and clairvoyance. Use SHIRODHARA to decalcify and strengthen the powers of your pineal gland.
Once you begin working with your third eye, you will begin to receive guidance messages and visions. Strive to have the courage to follow through on what your intuition offers and your third eye strength will only grow.
When your third eye is open, you not only see but you also understand

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