Tuesday 4 December 2018


Shirodhara : Book Your Shirodhara : 
Call +919825463394/+919773170560
The Shirodhara technique soothes and invigorates the senses and the mind. A total feeling of wellness, mental clarity and comprehension is experienced in this process. Shirodhara means the dripping of oil like a thread (dhara) on the head (shiro). This is a tranquil form of Ayurvedic oil treatment.
Shirodhara has been shown to help with many conditions commonly affecting persons in today’s stressed lifestyle:
1. It reduces fatigue
2. Decreases mental exhaustion
3. Decreases anxiety
4. Shirodhara reduces nervousness
5. Beneficial for curing long standing insomnia
6. Helps in some mental disorders
7. Decreases or cures headache
8. Shirodhara Reduces excessive thinking
9. Regulates mood and depression disorders
10. Ultimate mental and emotional relaxation therapy
11. Stimulates the nervous system
12. Gives sturdiness to the body
13. Improves concentration, memory
14. Improves confidence and self-esteem
15 .Beneficial in Schizophrenia when used in conjunction with other medicines
16. Beneficial for fits in epilepsy when used in conjunction with other medicines
17. Improves the health of the skin and complexion
18. Rejuvenates the entire face and softens worry lines
19. Disperses negative electrical impulses that accumulate at the skull and hairline from stress
20. Increases spiritual awareness
21. Shirodhara session Cools the body and relieves pain
Invigorates the body and mind
22. Reduces hypertension
23. Increases intuition
24. Improves bad digestion when related to stress and anxiety
25. Prevents hair loss, premature graying and cracking of hair when used with specific oils
26. Increases wellbeing
27. Shirodhara Sharpens the sense organ
28. Balances the secretion of endocrine glands
29. Regulates breathing rythm
30. Mesmerizing and calming effects
31. Treatment of several diseases connected with the head, neck, eyes, ears, nose, throat
32. Helpful against insomnia
33. For nervous disorders and dispositions
34. Helps relieve tension headaches
35. Reduces shoulder and neck pains
Prevention of premature graying of hair
36. Increases luster and form of hair
37. It is a great rejuvenation therapy that gives a healthy shine to the face and body.
38. Shirodhara is the golden path to achieve longevity
39. Beneficial for many diseases of the nervous system, such as nervous disorders, facial paralysis, paralysis and ptosis (drooping) of the eyelids.
40. Beneficial for curing long-lasting insomnia and schizophrenia
41. Improve voice quality
42. Helps relieve fatigue, tension, anxiety, anger, chronic headaches, rheumatism, hypertension, asthma, hair problems and stress
43. Disperses the negative electrical impulses that accumulate in the skull and hairline due to stress
44. Open the third eye of Lord Shiva with this therapeutic massage based on the Marmas
45. Activates the pituitary gland
46. Activates memory and stimulates the 6th and 7th charka that regulates our breathing patterns.
47. Increase spiritual awareness
48. Improves concentration, intelligence, confidence and self-esteem.
49. Improves the health of the skin
50. Mental and emotional relaxation therapy
51. Regulates all hormones.
52. Promotes Fertility
53. Enhances blood circulation to the brain
54. Shirodhara provides a smoothing and softness to both the physiology and consciousness
55. BONUS: A great treatment for damaged or aging hair
56. Shirodhara therapy is extensively used for the allevation of psychic ailments.
57. Medicated oil poured on fore head, absorbed and producing tranquilizing effect by reaching the brain cortex as medicated oil may act as a neurotransmitter.
58. Shirodhara is deeply relaxing and induces a relaxant state; these effects are mediated by the brain wave coherence, Alfa waves, and a down regulation of the sympathetic outflow.
59. In Shirodhara Treatment the oil drips on the agneya chakra, it is proposed that the meditation-like effect is a consequence of stillness of mind leading to adaptive response to the basal stress.
60. Radiant Complexion, Healthy Hair and Scalp
61. It alleviates aggravated Vayu particularly in the Dhamani supplying blood to the Shira.
62. Shirodhara may be helpful in regularizing the blood supply of brain and can relieve the pain of migraine.
63. Mind is relaxed from negative thoughts
64. Menopausal imbalances - hot flushes, weight gain and osteoporosis.
65. Improves senses of hearing, sight, smell and taste
66. Infertility
67. Memory loss 
68. Jet lag
69. Poor concentration
70. Shirodhara is based on the principle of invigorating the mind bringing on essence in the body.
71. Simulating pleasure neurotransmitters (for depression, mood swings, emotional insecurities and addictions of various kinds)
72. Treats mental fog
72. Improves memory
73. Bring Your Body to a Deeper State of Balance.
74. Balance your Doshas
75. Shirodhara has been a remarkable therapy in the treatment of neurological disorders.
76. Shirodhara for Hair Growth
Shirodhara provides beneficial effect on Marmas ( Shankha Marma,Utkshepa Marma, Adhipati Marma, Sthapani) and Chakras( Stimulates Agnya Chakra) and Structures like Pituitary/pineal gland , sub cortical structures of mid brain are related with mental functions like anger, grief, fear, memory and other higher intellectual functions. Shirodhara acts at this level correcting their function.
In patients who were administered with shirodhara with got highly significant relief in symptoms characteristic of sleeplessness disorder. Shirodhara is a better and safe treatment method, which normalizes the different aspects of sleep.
Stimulation of Marmas may have beneficial effect on the body, due to their connection with higher centers.
Shirodhara also provides benefitiary effects on Endocrine system. 
Shirodhara regulationof emotional and behavioural patterns: Regulates the feeling of rage, aggression, pain and pleasure and behavioural patterns
Regular shirodhara enhances blood circulation to the brain, improves memory, nourishes hair and scalp, assists in providing sound sleep and calms the body and mind. Shirodhara is one of the most effective treatments for reducing stress and nervous tension.
In Shirodhara therapy, prolonged and continuous pressure due to pouring of the medicated liquid may cause tranquility of mind and induce natural sleep.
The relaxation response induced by shirodhara is similar to a meditative state. Studies have shown it stabilises blood pressure & lowers heart rate as well as increases alpha brainwave coherence. 
For any disease occurring in head region Vata is main Dosha as it is controller of mind.For Vata Shamana (deminishing) oil is considered to be best.
In the present Modern Living Standards, stress is said to be one of the largest killers today. Stress is related to our total health - physical, mental and emotional. In Ayurveda stress is a resultant condition due to pragyaparadha.
Shirodhara is a blessing for those who suffer everyday pressures or serious imbalances.
Shirodhara supports this state as it ignites your intuition, immunity, energy and internal balance. It lubricates the endocrine and nervous systems so you run like a well-oiled machine.
Shirodhara is suitable for almost everyone. However, it’s not advised for those with a cold, fever, very low blood pressure or open skin on their scalp. It’s also not advised during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Follow up Shirodhara Therapy with Abhyanga . Abhyanga Energize and revitalize the body and mind with this therapy while enlivening the spirit. This combination therapy emphasizes the stimulation of Marma point to realign and balance the body system while stimulating and invigorating the circulation with this treatment.
The frequency of Shirodhara treatments clearly depends on the severity of your condition. A total feeling of wellness, mental clarity and comprehension is experienced in this process. 
When the mind is grounded and the body is health, we can listen to the voice of the heart.
A Holistic Approach to Resolving Pain and Chronic Illness Using Ayurveda, Herbs and Nutrition.
I humbly bow to Lord Dhanwantari and Lord Ganesha for giving me an opportunity to work in the field of Ayurveda..

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