Thursday 20 December 2018


SHIRODHARA : Pouring a trickle of oil on the forehead in a gentle and rhythmic rocking movement from left to right so that the oil flows over the forehead and hair. It is at this moment that one dives gradually into a state of deeper relaxation. This phase lasts between 30 and 45 minutes depending on age and situation. It is preceded by a short neck, head and face treatment.
It acts dramatically and in depth on stress, anxiety, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, mental exhaustion as well as restoring the strength and balance of the nervous system. It provides deep soothing in a gentle and non-intrusive way. Shirodhara is one of the most powerful treatments to relieve Vata (wind) in the mind.
The new way to relax and Meditate..
Shirodhara is a technique that brings you in a state of meditation. 
After twenty minutes of oil pouring one can reach an induced deep meditative state without any effort whatsoever. The benefits are those of meditation combined with the benefits of the fluid that calms the nervous system.
With the mind t rest, the brain can coordinate the activity of the body in accordance with the intelligence of nature, thus initiating our self healing mechanism. With our mind at rest we come closer to our core and re able to align our action with beliefs. This is the major requirements of health and wealth, as only the best version of ourselves will reach greatness.
In yogic sciences there are a number of procedures explained for relaxation of body and mind. By these procedures like meditation and relaxation the mind comes down to a tranquil state, it reduces stress, helps in normal and better function of mind. All the benefits of meditation and relaxation are achieved by the procedure of Shirodhara.This procedure induces a relaxed state of awareness that results in a dynamic psycho-somatic balance.
It is a beauty treatment particularly effective . It works on tired skin, soothing and regenerating it which helps smooth wrinkles. It beautifies the skin by acting on irritations and impurities.
The drops of oil from the thread drip directly onto the subject’s third eye, or center of the forehead. An ancient technique, Shirodhara is meant to be maintained at a certain rhythmic speed while awakening the third eye. 
Lifestyle of the modern era leads to poor health in many ways. These lifestyle changes vitiate doshas and ultimately cause various diseases. Purification therapy is a unique feature of Ayurveda involving the complete cleansing of the body and thereby eliminating vitiated doshas. Shirodhara is one such purificating and rejuvenating therapy. Shirodhara works primarily on the “Manomaya Kosha “ as it is referred to in Ayurveda. It is traditionally used to calm the nerves, harmonize vata constitutions, restore the nerves, release stored emotions and free the mind from stress. In Ayurveda it is considered an important tool in the pursuit of higher states of consciousness.
Continuous streaming of warm oil over the forehead, acting on the area where there is prana vata, pituitary, central nervous system and agja chakra (third eye). Ayurveda holds that the center of the forehead is the seat of intuition and spirituality 
Once the brain is quieted, the pranavaha and manovahasrotas begin to transport prana, oxygen, and other necessary nutrients to the brain.
Insomnia: You feel tired, it' may be difficult to fall asleep; or if you do fall asleep, it may be disturbed sleep; or you may wake up in the middle of the night or earlier than you have to. Often, this trouble sleeping relates to persistent thoughts about the insurmountable amount of work that you have to do and whether you'll be able to get it done. In the later stages, insomnia may become a nightly ordeal. As exhausted as you feel, there may be nights that you can't sleep at all.
In today;s word no one gets time to lie down quietly and relax for a while. We are always exposed to lot of stress and tensions.
Insomnia (inadequate quality and quantity of sleep) may be a symptom of stressful lifestyle, depressive illness, anxiety disorders, any psychiatric conditions or any other pathological conditions. Whatever may be the cause of insomnia it needs immediate attention.
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Decreases fatigue
Decreases mental exhaustion
Decreases anxiety
Decreases stress
Helps treat chronic insomnia
Decreases or cures tension headaches
Soothes mental agitation
Stabilizes mood disorders and depression
Mental and emotional relaxation therapy
Gives firmness to the body
Improves concentration, memory
Improves self-confidence and self-esteem
Improves the appearance of the skin
Softens the face and wrinkles of anxiety
Eliminate negative impulses due to stress
Increases spiritual awareness
Soothes the body and relieves pain
Energizes the body and mind
Reduces hypertension
Increase intuition
Improves poor digestion when linked to stress and anxiety
Shirodhara used with medical oils helps slow hair loss delay bleaching and cracking
Increases well-being
Sharpen the sense organs
Balances the secretion of the endocrine glands
Regulates the breathing rhythm.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...