Tuesday 8 January 2019


Meditations for Pregnancy and Bonding With Your Unborn Baby..
Enlightened Pregnancy: Connecting with Your Baby Spiritually
Meditation is an ancient practice that supports well-being, and it is a tool that can help mother and baby both physically and spiritually. 
Pregnancy and birth is inherently a sacred time. It is a time when women tap into deeper parts of themselves. It is a time when many mothers feel connected with their babies on a soul-to-soul level, a connection that may show itself in dreams or in an intuitive sense of knowing.
As part of bringing a baby into the world, mothers are also bringing a spirit into incarnation.
Enlightened Pregnancy means it help expecting mothers to connect with their coming baby on a spiritual level. It contains poems, meditations, and visualization exercises that support motherss in tapping into their own spiritual essence, and using that to guide and support their baby through the time in the womb and after. 
Meditation has shown positive benefits and mindfulness practices in reducing stress and anxiety and increasing happiness. These benefits to the mother translate to a healthier biochemical environment for the baby in the womb. Additionally, by reducing fear and stress, a mother can have an easier and more joyous experience of birth. For expecting mothers, it is a way to cultivate peace, joy and strength for themselves and for their baby. 
During the period of meditation let your mind become still and quiet. During a meditation session the only thing that matters is the focus of your meditation. When thoughts arise, observe them as ‘just thoughts,’ let go of them, and bring your focus back.
Close your eyes and envision your baby in your womb, or in your arms. Then envision the divine, in whatever form feels natural and happy to you, above you and your baby. Arouse devotion for the divine by evoking feelings such as gratitude, respect, awe, love, purity, luminosity and peace. Then focus inwardly on the area of your heart in the center of your chest. Focus strongly so that sounds, feelings, and smells become distant. Be still. Let your mind become tranquil and calm. Pull your thoughts and awareness away from other people and things. Bring your full and complete attention to your heart. Continue this exercise for a few minutes, maintaining strong concentration and inner focus....thus developing inner connection with your baby, and connecting with the divine in whatever form resonates for them. That way they can be beacons of light, peace, and strength for their baby.
Meditation is an easy and free way to help you keep balanced and calm. By practising every day you continue to ‘fill up’ your own energy container, so that when it’s time to deliver your baby and enjoy those first 6 – 10 weeks of motherhood, you have a reservoir to rely on and a new skill that will support you through the many years of ups and downs ahead.
It is considered an especially good time for spiritual growth because the mind is more fluid and open than usual. During a baby’s journey to life there are many profound spiritual opportunities. Using Enlightened Pregnancy, a mother accompanies and guides the baby on this journey.
Have you also thought about how you can connect with your baby on a spiritual level? Do you want to help your baby to form a calm and joyful disposition while still in the womb? Then this book is for you. I will provide you with knowledge and tools to cultivate peace, joy, and strength for yourself and your baby....to support a soul in transitioning from one life to the next. 
I offers practices that will help you find calm and ease during this life-changing time, providing lifelong skills for healthy living and wise parenting.
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Enlightened Pregnancy: Connecting with Your Baby Spiritually..

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...