Wednesday 6 March 2019


A Healthier, More Vibrant Life with Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is a holistic science that layers body treatments, natural medicine, nutritional advice and yoga techniques to preserve wellbeing, delay the signs of ageing and treat illness the natural way. It is a system based on the principle that your body is an individual combination of FIVE elements (space, air, fire, water and earth) that weave together to create your unique constitution. When your constitution is in balance health is maintained. However, when imbalances occur, discomforts, diseases and premature ageing follow.
For the ultimate health package, we recommend a full Ayurvedic consultation. A consultation provides an in-depth analysis of your health and lifestyle issues and enables us to tailor a complete Ayurvedic programme for a life changing experience.
Your health programme will include a complimentary detox pack, nutritional and lifestyle advice.
Experience peace of mind with Ayurveda..
According to Ayurveda, Health is not nearly the freedom from diseases but the mind, sense organs and soul, all should be in perfect equilibrium. Ayurveda is incredibly simple, and unlike so many other systems of health, it doesn’t demand perfection from you. Incorporating Ayurveda is as simple as finding a few practices that really resonate with you, and then building upon it as you continue your journey.
Are you ready to empower yourself to become your own healer and finally find the answers you seek inside yourself? Then I invite you to come with me on this journey to discover the ancient healing science of Ayurveda and begin applying it to your life today for radiant, lasting health.
Master Your Morning Routine
It is absolutely imperative that you have a morning routine that grounds you, energizes you, and sets you up for an intentionally awesome day.
AYURVEDA DINACHARYA (Creating the Best Road Map for Lifelong Health) : Establishing an Everyday Routine, is all about lifestyle. I teach you how to set up a daily schedule, including a morning and nighttime routine, for optimal energy, digestion, creativity, sleep, and mind-body balance. I cover everything from oil pulling to tongue scraping to dry brushing, so get ready for some serious self-care now a days. An Ayurvedic Daily Routine helps one remove and release the stress in the body and mind, so one can fully live a long, healthy, creative and brilliant life.
My personal well-being plan. Your unique handout of navigational tools to begin the journey of optimal health, vitality, ease and creativity in all aspects of your life. This is called the Ayurvedic Dinacharya. It’s self-care recommendations that seamlessly weave into your daily life. The Ayurvedic Dinacharya is easy, effective, and enjoyable and will help you achieve your health and personal goals
My Ayurvedic Daily Routine has allowed me to be rooted in the things that ground and nourish me. From this place of groundedness and vitality, I am able to expand and blossom in all aspects of my life as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor, yoga teacher, and writer.
I love helping patients discover and experience the basic elements of Ayurvedic self-care: Nourish. Cleanse. Rejuvenate. Pamper. Create. These simple and sacred practices, when done with great awareness and gratitude each day, will transform your life in all ways.
Ayurvedic lifestyle consultations with ME guide you towards holistic self-care, in a simple, sensible and sustainable way
Focus on your long term well-being with Ayurveda.During an Ayurvedic consultation my aim to identify root causes of imbalance and to equip you with tools to achieve and maintain your natural state of balance. This is accomplished through diagnostic methods ..pulse, tongue... and a discussion of current and past lifestyle choices including medical history, food, sleep and exercise habits. Ayurvedic consultations direct specific dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal medicines, yoga therapy, therapeutic treatments to strengthen your constitution, improve your digestion and sleep and steer you towards long-term health. Consultations can take place in person. You may wish to have a consultation for a particular concern such as stress, fatigue, digestive issues, sleep disturbances or you may simply be curious to understand how Ayurveda can fit into your daily life.
Discover and understand the underlying causes of your health imbalances and learn steps to correct them. .
Digestive problems
Weight issues
Stress and fatigue
Hormonal imbalances
Skin problems
Joint pain
Respiratory problems
sniffle-y noses
stuffy heads
post nasal drip
respiratory imbalances
coughs, colds
ungrounded energy
digestive disturbances
sluggishness, mental heaviness
CALL : 9773170560/9825463394
Discover ways to increase your vitality and sense of wellbeing, from the inside out that are specific to your personality and body type.
In Ayurveda every person is viewed as a unique individual and specific treatments are provided according to their constitution and current state of health. Long-term changes that suit your lifestyle are favoured over radical and unsustainable change.
For each of the major srotamsi, Ayurveda describes a root (mula), a pathway through the body (marga), and an opening (mukha). These aspects of each channel (srotas) serve to orient us to its prominent locations in the body, illuminate important influences upon it, and can inform our approach when it comes time to restore balance to an individual channel.
I’ve been deep diving into living a healthier and more vibrant life. My desire to live the best life possible led me to Art of Living With Ayurveda and this is fully rooted in healthy habits and Ayurvedic principles.
When we live in accordance with our individual nature, we experience life with a happy mind and healthy body. Each one of us is different and depending on what is going on in our private life, we all have different needs to keep us balanced. we discover your basic constitution (Prakruti) and your present state of health (Vikruti) through pulse diagnosis, tongue analysis and with discussion. We look at your past health conditions, mental and emotional states, general life history, and talk about your daily life at the present moment.
Depending on your needs, you will receive advice for the physical and mental bodies, and when interested and ready to go deeper into your sadhana (daily spiritual practice), we will look at your dharma to help you along on your spiritual path. You will receive a daily routine that is right for you, thereby creating the opportunity for your body’s natural intelligence to bring itself back into its happy state of physical and mental balance.
Though Ayurveda focuses on preventative health care, it also offers many wonderful remedies for acute and chronic symptoms once health is disturbed or out of balance.

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મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર

  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...