Saturday 16 March 2019


Ayurveda and your daily rhythm: Create more energy.
Science of Life – The Power of Ayurveda..
Energy is always there. Sometimes, however, you feel tired. Then use these Ayurvedic recommendations on the rhythm of the day to make you feel energetic.
According to the ayurvedic system you can divide the day into blocks of vata, pitta and kapha. These three types not only allocate mind-body types by their dominant characteristics, they can also be used for other means like the seasons. For instance, summer corresponds with pitta. And so also daily energy cycles. Every day, both AM and PM, kapha is more dominant from 6 to 10, pitta from 10 to 2 and vata from 2 to 6.
This division also explains why you have the most energy if you consistently get up at 6 am or before and go to bed around 10 pm. 
The kapha blocks have a somewhat slower, heavier energy. If you get up somewhere after 6 in the morning, it may happen that you take this energy with you throughout the day. Getting up before 6 enables you to utilise the light and agile vata energy. On contrary, using the kapha energy between 6 and 10 pm in the evening can be effective for you to wind down and move into a relaxed and deep sleep. Waiting too long may mean that your mind starts up again in the pitta cycle, where your head buzzes with movement. Maybe that’s why my mom (and maybe your too) always told me that the hours that you sleep before midnight count as double; because your body naturally can relax more if you fall asleep before 10 O’clock, you sleep deeper and you wake up more rested.
How do you use your energy?
Right now there seems to be an over-emphasis on how ‘busy’ we should all be – that busy is better – and that if you’re not busy, there’s something wrong. The point is, whether we’re constantly ‘busy’ or not doesn’t matter – it’s whether what we’re doing is worthwhile. Filling our schedule with as much as we can may seem impressive on the outside, but when it comes to how this makes us feel on the inside, it doesn’t leave much space to breathe.
So if your energy levels are flagging at the moment, consider whether your daily tasks are draining you of your vitality. Could you find a way to take a few moments a day to just stop and breathe and find a little peace?”
This ability to slow down will not only allow your body and mind to take a much-needed break, but you’ll be much more aware of how you’ve been using your energy that day. As we mentioned earlier – listen to your body! Think about where you’re directing your energy – is it helpful or hurtful? Be aware of how you feel physically and energetically when you’re in certain situations – do some people drag your energy down? Do others make you light up? Is there something you love doing that really gives you a boost? (For most of us yes, it’s probably ayurveda-yoga!) Whatever your day-to-day schedule/routine includes, become aware of not just what you do, but how you do it, and how it affects you.
By becoming aware of how our bodies and minds respond to certain situations, we can begin to cultivate a life that does serve us, and that does make the best use of our energy. 
So what behaviour leads you towards your higher power and helps make the right use of your energy?
Listen to your body and let my AYURVEDA practice serve you.
Consider for a moment where your energy is most directed. I’ll have a guess that a large part of it is put towards worrying and generally concerning ourselves with things that don’t really serve us best. A lot of our energy may also be spent on trying to present ourselves as someone we’re not in order to please or impress others, or maybe we direct our physical energy towards endlessly pushing ourselves to be fitter, stronger or skinnier…. Does any of this sound like you? If so, it might be time to look a little closer at that Yama you’ve been avoiding….
In order to be the best version of ourselves and to use our energy in the right way, we need first of all to listen to what our bodies need. After all, to be able to spread our message to the world and really make the most of what we learn from our Ayurveda practice, we need to have enough energy within ourselves.
In order to be the best version of ourselves and to use our energy in the right way, we need first of all to listen to what our bodies need...
Curious for more Ayurvedic recommendations to get energized? 
Call 9773170560/9825463394
A journey to more energy and ease using the wisdom of Ayurveda..
In order to be the best version of ourselves and to use our energy in the right way, we need first of all to listen to what our bodies need.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...