Sunday 3 March 2019


Panchakarma: Cleaning and Rejuvenation Therapy for Curing the Diseases..
Panchakarma: Ayurveda's Most Complete Cleansing and Detox System..Panchakarma is the ancient Ayurvedic system of cleansing & rejuvenation to facilitate the removal of deep-rooted stress & impurities in the body. It is a five-fold therapy; it is highly individualized treatment based on your Ayurvedic constitutional type, doshic imbalances, age, digestive strength, immune status, & many other factors.
One of the fundamental concepts of Ayurvedic management of diseases is to eliminate toxic materials (vitiated doshas) from the body in order to cure a disease. Panchakarma therapy is designed to eliminate the toxic materials. It is postulated that the toxic materials of the body need to be eliminated radically. 
Panchakarma helps eliminate toxins from your body, rebalance your Doshas, heal countless ailments, and give you a renewed sense of clarity and inner peace. Panchakarma therapy is believed to purify or cleanse all the body tissues and to bring about the harmony of neurohumours (tridosas) (vata, pitta, kapha, and manasa dosas (satva, raja, and tama]) and to obtain long-lasting beneficial effects. Panchakarma therapy is not merely a therapeutic regimen, but it may be considered a management tool when used at certain tissue and body parts. It promotes and preserves the individual’s normal health. It is a mind-body experience that will remove toxins from every part of your body.
Panchakarma is designed to expel both toxins and excess doshas, which are the three bio-energy centers within the body. While the doshas are vital to all bodily functions, they’re also creators of disease. We experience health when the doshas are in their natural state of equilibrium. When they get out of balance, disease results. Sometimes the doshas are so unbalanced that they need to be flushed from the body through the process of Panchakarma Treatment.
Ayurveda is the most ancient form of medicine and traces back to Lord Brahma (the Hindu God of Creation), according to Hindu mythology. Panchakarma is the cornerstone to Ayurvedic management of disease. Panchakarma is the process, which gets to the root cause of the problem and re-establishes the essential balance of 'Tridosha' ( Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in body. Pancha Karma is not only good for alleviating disease but is also a useful tool in maintaining excellent health. Ayurveda advises undergoing Panchakarma at the seasonal changes in order to clean the body and improve the digestion and metabolic processes. It is the cornerstone to Ayurvedic management of disease. 
Panchakarma Therapy is indicated in arthritis, paralysis, neuromuscular diseases and in respiratory, gastrointestinal, ENT, and several blood-related disorders with great benefits.
Panchakarma Therapy is indicated for both the healthy and diseased. The five elimination procedures are usually advised in the sequence of emesis, purgation, enema, errhines, and bloodletting, although it is not mandatory. Either one or all five procedures are advised as per the need and condition of the person undergoing the treatment. Based on the health of the individual and stage and type of the disease, only one of the five procedures may be done without following a sequence.
Any type of main cleansing procedure of Panchalrama Therapy is believed to affect the cleansing of microcirculatory channels by eliminating the toxic metabolites from the body. This helps in the process of curing a disease. Scientific studies indicate that cleansing procedures appear to help in eradicating chronic diseases more effectively. It was observed that Panchakarma Therapy can be administered as an adjuvant therapy along with the allopathic system of medicines.
The Panchakarma Diet
What makes Panchakarma so effective is the diet you follow while on the program. You’re on a strict light diet during Panchakarma Treatment. You cannot drink alcohol, coffee, pizza, and processed foods or anything besides herbal tea or diet as suggested by ME. Meat, bread, and sugar are also off the list because they are too heating and heavy for the system.
Your diet is completely sattvic, pure an, to evoke Rojas & well being. In the process of Panchakarma, you become extremely aware of your own food addictions, such as something sweet after meals, a crunchy snack, or piece of chocolate in the afternoon. Everything is soupy, well cooked, and simple. Ghee, or clarified butter, is considered liquid gold in Ayurveda and is the superstar of the Panchakarma experience, making its way into almost every treatment and meal. Herbs & Oil are used abundantly as well, both in cooking and therapies. These oils help release deep-seated toxins from your system for total purification.
The Benefits of Panchakarma Therapy
It removes the toxic materials from the body and provides purification of the body at two levels... the gross level, where various organs and systems of the body are thoroughly cleansed (cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, chest, etc.) and..... the cellular level, where purification and cleansing of the body is produced at the level of cells, cell membranes, and molecules. It helps bring the whole body to normalcy....starts rejuvenation and revitalization of all body tissues....removes waste products, unwanted materials, various toxins, and stagnant doshas; and potentiates physiological functions of all the body has a full therapeutic role in promoting preventive, curative, and rehabilitative procedures.
Cleared toxins from your entire system Balanced Doshas
Healed digestive system
Enhanced immunity
Decreased stress
Improved skin luster Weight loss, Deep relaxation
Panchakarma is known for its ability to manage/cure almost any ailment, from eczema to diabetes to heart disease. It’s one of the most purifying things you can do for yourself and causes you to become so much more aware of the toxins you are holding onto, physically as well as emotionally. 
Panchakarma is recommended not only to treat ailments but also to prevent diseases caused by seasonal changes. As the seasons shift, toxins accumulate in your system. This is why Panchakarma is recommended every seasonal shift to keep your Doshas in balance. Your body is releasing years of stored toxins, and even though you’re sitting still the entire day, you end up exhausted by the time your daily treatments are over.
Build A New Relation With You After Panchakarma Treatment.
Panchakarma Therapy is about breaking down toxins, the week after the cleanse is about building up everything from your digestive powers to your new relationship with yourself, adding that this is why it’s crucial to reintegrate slowly. Try to to keep eating light diet as suggested by me and kitchari for a few days and reintroducing new foods gradually rather than all at once. 
Try MY Herbal Kitchari After Panchakarma Cleanse!
Kitchari is the Ayurvedic prescription for cleansing. A mono-diet of kitchari resets the entire system. The beauty of it is that no matter what your imbalance is, kitchari will help to balance it. It is tri-doshic, meaning it balances all three of the doshas. Kitchari is a simple dish made of mung beans ( has an astringent (dry) quality) & this astringency has a natural pulling action that helps to remove toxic buildup from the intestinal lining and rice and it is used in Ayurveda to heal all that ails. The purpose of a mono-diet of kitchari is to give the body just one thing that it has to digest.
After PAnchakarma Treatment In allowing our bodies to sink into the rhythm of digesting one really digestible thing, we give it a rest. In resting, the miracle of self-healing starts to occur. Each ingredient in the kitchari plays a specific role in the process. The mung beans are alkaline forming and blood-purifying but they also provide protein and nutrients to nourish the body. The rice is easily digested, the warming spices kindle the agni, and the ghee lubricates the system, allowing for smooth passage. As simple as it is, this ancient remedy works some insane alchemy on the body.
Kitchari with all added of my Ayurvedic Herbs is a tool that I am grateful to have in my pocket. It helps me to stay balanced through the change of seasons, but is also is a fantastic reset when I feel off. In those cases, I will sometimes just do one day, allowing my system to rest and reboot.
it’s best known in Ayurveda as a cleansing and complete protein meal.
The awareness gained from understanding one’s constitution is the essence of Ayurveda and providing the tools to create balance and harmony in life. Ayurveda places great attention on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health by finding one’s true balance of body, mind and spirit.
Ayurvedic cleansing and panchakarma practices can help to reverse this process by giving the body a break and allowing it time to reset, recuperate and repair itself.
CALL : 9773170560/9825463394

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