Friday 19 April 2019


Ayurveda for Pre-Conception : Planning Before Pregnancy
Conscious Beginnings : Conscious Conception
Transformation of a woman into a mother begins right from the time she conceives and so does the planning for the upbringing and development of the child.
Ayurveda appreciates the importance of ‘Suprajanan’ ....The science related with – grooming the process of childbirth well in advance – right from preparation for conception, achieving spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional state of equilibrium of both mother and the foetus till the childbirth and thereafter in a definitely superior fashion.
The procedure starts almost 3-6 months prior to conception. A planned pregnancy is always superior in all aspects to an unscheduled one. 
Join us to experience how more expectant mothers can prepare a healthier body to help welcome a spiritual soul.
I have an opportunity to support parents to welcome their new ... to help expecting parents to connect with their coming baby on a spiritual level. ... These benefits to the mother translate to a healthier biochemical ... fear and stress, a mother can have an easier and more joyous experience of birth.
Ayurveda gives great importance to the preparation of both partners prior to conception. The birth of a healthy baby is seen as equivalent to planting a tree, for which we need a seed, soil, time and the right nourishment. This approach can be seen as the ultimate in preventative medicine with actions a few months prior to conception having lifelong effects for your unborn baby.
Just as a healthy seed bears healthy fruit, if the parent‟s sperm and ovum are pure then the baby is more likely to inherit a strong constitution and immunity.
If parents conceive when mentally or physically weak this may impact negatively on the baby‟s condition. With the intention of giving their baby the happiest and healthiest genetic inheritance, Ayurveda suggests parents to observe a preconception regime called vajikaranam. The ancient text Charaka Samhita explains, the aim of vajikaranam is to enable a couple to produce healthy progeny who can assist them to perform their life's mission (dharma). 
Garbhini Parichaya
The development of the fetus in the uterus is discussed in the Charaka Samhita in the section called Garbhava Kranti, and special regimens are prescribed for each month in the subsection Garbhini Paricharya. Aurveda explains the basic guidelines for an easy delivery that has to be followed during the nine months of pregnancy.
Charaka Samhita states : 
‘Evamkurvati hi arogya-bala-varna-samvahana sampadamupetamjnatinamshreshtamapatyamjanayati’.
If a pregnant woman is taken care of as advised, she will give birth to a child who does not have any diseases - a healthy, physically strong, radiant and well nourished baby.
About six months before conception a personalised purification and rejuvenation regime for the couple has to ensure optimal ovum and sperm quality and quantity.
Ayurveda has a long tradition of supporting and promoting pregnancy. 
Panchakarma : The first step is to detoxify the body. Ayurveda recognises six types of body tissues in which the health of the repoductive cells of both men and female are dependent. The health of all tissues is dependant on having good digestion, which controls how well we assimilate food into the body. Since this is a prolonged cleanse, keeping your digestive fire strong is very important. Hence, the first step in producing healthy sperm and eggs is to ensure digestion is working well. This is achieved through a deep internal cleansing to balance the doshas and remove toxins-known as ama, ensuring digestion works optimally. Reducing toxicity in the body is especially important.
The cleanse serves to clear toxins (ama) and excess doshas so that channels flow freely and toxins do not inhibit the proper functioning of any tissue.
This is a time of cleansing, which requires a lot of energy and reserves. Abstinence is a yogic practice used to conserve physical energy, ojas, and mental energy so that a more introspective and clear mind-set is maintained.
The detoxification and purification process must begin with the current conditions, so if a woman has more unresolved doubts, conflicts or attachments, these must first undergo purification, then her mind and body can become more capable of offering a stabilizing influence to a new soul coming to her family.
The preconception time offers a golden opportunity to provide the best of the both of you to your future baby. Ayurvedic preconception care takes advantage of our body’s natural ability to cleanse and renew. No matter what your past experiences with fertility are, Ayurveda offers a complete approach to fertility that embraces both the male and the female roles as equally important.
Continue to replenish ojas through diet and lifestyle, while making sure your digestive fire remains strong. Diet plays a key role for the successful conception. A good diet and lifestyle is to be maintained by both parents for at least three months before planning for a good progeny. Just as a healthy seed bears healthy fruit, the first step in producing healthy sperm and eggs is achieved through a deep internal cleansing to balance the doshas and remove toxins by detoxifying the body.
Emotional Cleansing
Allow these three months to give space for cleansing any past hurt or resentment in your relationship with your partner.
Spiritual Cleansing
This is also a time to cleanse yourself of any dysfunctionalities within—any anger, greed, attachment, or excess pride and ego. Release all expectations of life and of yourself and even any expectations that you may have of your future baby.
If you are planning foe a pregnancy or already pregnant..OR Want to learn more about Ayurvedic pre-conception and pregnancy care..
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Making a baby the Ayurvedic Way!
It can be challenging to live out Ayurvedic ideals but we can all take more conscious steps to live a more balanced and harmonious life. Any attempts to become more balanced before conceiving will not only benefit future offspring, but also ourselves.
Ayurveda has remarkable tools that can help assist you in completing your family.
Conceived a natural ayurvedic approach to nurture parents and babies through the journey of creation. 
Once you are pregnant ...everything you do, see and hear should be soft, pleasing and wholesome, to reassure and strengthen the growing baby. Ayurvedic texts say a pregnant woman is to be treated as delicately as if one is carrying a pot full to the brim with oil, without spilling a drop.
Also remember that you are about to become an instrument for a new soul. Start to pour into yourself all that you want surrounding this baby....This is also a time to align yourselves in thought and spirit.
Practice meditation and yoga regularly. Be sure to practice more gently while cleansing..Create a peaceful, loving, and welcoming atmosphere. Visualize your desired baby, enter the practice in a meditative state.
Transformation of a woman into a mother begins right from the time she conceives and so does the planning for the upbringing and development of the child. Both the mother and the baby gets attached to each other by an inextricable innate bond, such that every minute act, thoughts, joys, sorrows, emotions, eating habits influences baby’s physical, mental and emotional growth. Further on as time passes by the baby also recognizes and responds to mother’s voice and feelings. The mother can comfort the baby by expressing her love and care through her emotions.
Garbha sanskaar is the process of developing the course of childbirth into the most momentous experience and creation of a healthful conscious being.
The Garbha Sanskar process basically comprises of three stages :
1. Preconception (Beej sanskar)
2. Duration of Pregnancy (Garbhasanskar)
3. Post Delivery (Bal sanskar)
AYURVEDA has a well-documented description of caring for pregnant women, called Garbhini Paricharya. The regimen prescribes practices for each month and stage of pregnancy. These systems are, in fact, diligently followed as traditional practices even today. Garbhini Paricharya prescribes ahara (diet), vihara (lifestyle) and vichara (thought process) to be followed during pregnancy as these have a direct effect on the mother and the child. Of these, wholesome diet is given great importance as it aids foetal growth, maternal health and lactation after childbirth. Great care is also recommended during the first three months and after the completion of the seventh month of pregnancy.

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