Saturday 20 April 2019


Raising child’s subsequent emotional, intellectual and spiritual growth during pregnancy.
Wile you are pregnant, you are not only nourishing the child’s body through the umbilical chord. You are creating his/her pranic body, nourishing/creating his/her mind. This is an opportunity to teach core values of life to your unborn baby.Mother’s bond with the child starts right from the time of conception.
Whatever thoughts, feelings, emotions you carry in you, whatever impressions you give to your mind, are passed on in a subtle way to the child in you.
So, look at what pictures you hang in your rooms at this time, what movies you watch, what books you read, what discourses you listen to. Do use this time to read the life stories of spiritually advanced beings.
It is the duty of the spouse, the whole family and society, that they provide a peaceful, calm, non agitating environment for the pregnant one because you are doing this for the child, that is, for the future constitution of the entire society.
Do remember that the major education of your unborn baby is during the nine months of pregnancy. It is during these months that you are creating a baby, forming/shaping the child. Parents, family, meditate together at least during these period of pregnancy. Sanskaras is the beginning of all pious acts to receive a good, pious and intelligent class of people in our human society. As per our Vedas a child's mental development starts as soon as the child is conceived.
So, from before conception, through all these periods of ‘child training’, it is important that you learn your own Personality Orders like:
saumyataa: generating moon like calmness and pleasantness,
saumanasyam: beautiful-mindedness,
chitta-prasaadanam: making the mind a pleasant, thereby a clear, space.
As it develops in the adults, so it will impress itself upon the child’s mind.
This is not the end of the story but it is a good beginning.
Enjoy the peacefulness of your child’s mind.
.................................SWAMI VEDA BHARTI..
When a woman discovers she has a child within her womb, she is almost always compelled to become a newer and better version of herself. 
Spiritual Mothering through Ayurveda : Putting The Mystical and Ancient Magic Back Into Pregnancy, Birth, and New Motherhood..
In 6000 year old Mahabharata, Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu learnt how to enter the Chakravyuha while in the womb.
There is a beautiful story in the Bhagavata Purana of how Prahlada became a devotee of Vishnu even when he was a foetus. This was due to his mother being taught the Vedic texts during her pregnancy. The Bhagavata Purana has the story of Prahlada who is supposed to have listened to stories about Lord Vishnu, even as he was in his mother’s womb, and became one of the most ardent devotees of Narayana. When Prahlada was threatened by his own father, the demon Hiranyakasipu, Lord Narayana took the incarnation of Narasimha, part lion-part human to come and save his child-devotee. It is this same belief that recommends pregnant women to recite Stotras, listen to soothing devotional music or to read sacred books because these are believed to have a positive influence on the unborn child.
Such ancient stories from the Puranas resonate to the present day in every Hindu household and make religion and spirituality such a lasting presence in the Vedic way of life.
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I advised all expected mothers to increase the good karmic level during pregnancy.
The child’s personality begins to take shape in the womb, and this can be influenced by the mother's state of mind during pregnancy because it can hear, feel and perceive through the mother.
Setting aside a short period of time each day in Meditation when the mother is in a calm and relaxed state, will provide an environment where the unborn child is bathed in love. We know that the growing baby in the womb is affected by chemicals released in the mother's brain in response to her emotions.
Promoting the Health of Mother and Baby During Pregnancy Using Ayurveda by Dr Unnati Chavda.
Enjoy the journey and embrace being pregnant.
Before going into the specific Samskaras conducted at these stages, it is important to take note of an every day discipline to be observed by the pregnant mother.
A littler to know about Garbhaadana Samkara.
Garbhaadhana is the conception ritual for having healthy children. The word, Garbhadana, is a combination of two Sanskrit words, Garbha, meaning the womb, and Dana, meaning a gift. Thus it literally means a gift of/to the womb, embodying perhaps one of the most beautiful concepts in the Vedic way of Life.
The Vedic Way of Life commences with a celebration of the creation of a new life right from the stage of conception and continues through all stages of the pregnancy.

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