Friday 5 April 2019


Ayurveda is a vast and ancient system full of valuable information for conception and fertility. For those that wish to utilize the “science of life”, we present Conscious Conception: a complete, program for the holistic minded mother-to-be, which dives deeply into the areas of nutrition, herbalism and natural remedies, lifestyle practices, relationship dynamics as well as spiritual practices, rituals and ceremonies.
Each soul that is birthed into this world is no accident or mistake or coincident. Each being adds to the universal truth with compassion, love, and higher ways of being.
You are opening to life. A human life comes through you and into this world. Your baby wants to share with you in a most loving way and You must be awakened within to listen and tune into it.
Conscious conception requires internal alignment. The mind, body, and spirit should be upgraded and in optimal health to hold a high-caliber soul. Before you have a baby, you must clean up your diet and eliminate toxins. 
Each soul that you connect with is pure love and it is no accident or mistake. You get to merge energy with light.
Pregnancy and birth are sacred moments in a women’s life.
Creating a new life brings about many changes, both physical and emotional. 
I am trying to accompany women in this symphony of creation from the time of conception with a practical Ayurvedic approach on how to embrace pregnancy by consciously honouring and assisting the miraculous journey of giving life to life. 
The womb is a most blissful state of unconsciousness. The fetus is conscious only in a blissful way, not conscious of life but only conscious subjectively in a passive state.
Don't get lost in stress and remember that the path forward into conception may require you to create daily mantras of inspiration, spirit talk connections, and recognizing with openness the true energy of love..letting go of ... (fill in the blank), release the minds abilities to resistance, use your heart to absorb a new energy, focus on self love & self compassion, and birth a new resilient frequency of conception into your life. 
Ayurveda considers the hours between 4 am and 6 am to have the most harmonizing and spiritually attuned frequencies. Besides practicing meditation, mantra, pranayama and asana, at the time of my pregnancy... I also did a practice of sun gazing at that hour, usually with my bare feet planted firmly on the earth and hands raised to catch the golden morning rays on my palms (Morning Rays Only).
I will take you deeper into your conception journey and align you with a unique philosophy that focuses on intuition, conception communication with spirit baby, body and mind awareness, energetic wellness (biofield / vibrational), and your personal connection to your spirituality.
Your cosmic experience will be focused on bringing you into a psychologically, spirituality and metaphysically aligned place in your life. You will gain a spiritual practice that is highly supportive, deeply bonding, and powerfully interactive.
​Are you open to create a spiritual conception?
Do you desire deeper awareness upon the path into conceiving?
Are you ready to renew and energize your fertility?
Are you open to spiritual communication with your baby before birth?
Do you want to build a new energy while you are pregnant?
Your baby wants to share with you in a most loving and authentic way and create beautiful insights and a life together.
If you are ready to experience a cosmic conception into parenthood this means you are ready for an awakening.
Know the optimal time for you and your partner to embark on conception festivities.
Welcome To The Revolution 
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Together, we will paint a picture of how Ayurveda can be utilized to achieve conception consciously, gracefully and healthfully. 
Conscious Conception provides a step-by-step guide to getting healthy and introducing you to practical ways to incorporate spirituality into your life before motherhood.
An Ayurvedic lifestyle begins with determining our unique constitution or prakruti. It is especially important for the future mother because Ayurveda can show how to follow specific guidelines for harmonizing her prakruti ,enhancing the quality of life, raising consciousness to achieve good health for her and the growing baby and can teach her to choose proper nutrition bringing confident in the ability to give birth..
Spiritual Counseling • Ancient Yogic Technology
Conscious Conception • Nutritional Guidance • Enhancing Fertility • Mindfulness in Pregnancy • Heal from Stress • Guidance through Motherhood
Create a healthy foundation through your diet:
You will learn how to change your lifestyle in order to consciously conceive a baby.
A clean diet helps you connect to a higher energy source. Specific foods and supplements are discussed that can enhance spatial reasoning, conscious thought, creativity, and inspiration.
An unhealthy diet full of toxins, GMOs, and allergens is the leading cause of disease. Conscious Conception provides an easy plan to eliminate these and optimize your health in preparation for pregnancy.
You will be provided with a complete nutritional plan with optional supplements to help upgrade your system.
Healing food addictions and eating disorders before pregnancy is vital for self- esteem and a balanced pregnancy. I teach you how to approach food in a healthy manner and manage emotional and energetic baggage.
Within the course, I will be sharing many personal tips and unpacking tried and true information on how to achieve a healthy and balanced menstrual cycle, which is a vital point to a successful conception. We will observe individual doshic tendencies and learn to remedy them through nutrition, herbal remedies and lifestyle practices that can assist one to enjoy their moon time rather than suffer through it.
Learn how to cleanse, tonify, strengthen and honor the womb space as the life giving vessel it is.
Purification of Body Before Pregnancy:
I wanted your body and tissues to be as purified and renewed as they could possibly be before becoming pregnant for that i recommended you to clean and detoxify your body with Pancha Karma treatment as well as several other cleanses to prepare your bodies.
Body must be purified before a couple planned for pregnancy, because body cannot work properly if it is unhealthy or full of undigested food matter (toxins or ama) Therefore Panchakarma therapy has been strongly advised . The person should be administered with Oleation, purification, decoction enema, lubricating enema for effective Vajikarana therapy. Panchakarma play major role in removing Doshas from body and improving the quality of semen. After Panchakarma, treatment of seminal disorder would enhance the seminal quality and fertility potential. Also the mind should be free of any mental tensions and should be happy, contented and cheerful.
This therapy rejuvenates male reproductive system and helps to increase sperm count/motility and egg quality.
Any lifestyle choices that have been made in the last 6 months will be a part of the current status of your body (sperm and egg) this includes alcohol, cigarettes, chemicals, poor diet choices, poor digestion and stress.
Earlier In ancient India, children were conceived very differently than they generally are today. They were talked about, prayed over and often times a Vedic astrologer was consulted to determine optimal conception windows that would assure a child to be endowed with health, strength, intelligence, good looks and a disposition towards knowing the Divine.
Such practices were quite common and in Ayurvedic medicine it is known as Vajikarana chikitsa was devoted entirely toward securing the outcome of good progeny through specific herbal medicines, practices and treatments to improve the virility and the sexual prowess of an individual while ensuring that both the egg and sperm contributed to the magnificent process of conception were of the highest caliber.
I am very upset now a days because in modern times where women end up pregnancy unexpectedly and sometimes while not in the best emotional or mental state of being.
This is not to say that babies born under such circumstances are in any way at a disadvantage for life, but with the rise in chronic childhood health problems such as obesity, allergies, asthma, ADHD, ADD, autism as well as a range of emotional and behavioral disturbances, I think preconception care warrants another look.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...