Saturday 6 April 2019


Remember, you are your baby’s first and most important teacher. Everything the mother eats and the emotions she experiences influence the unborn baby and long before it is born into this world. You are opening to life. A human life comes through you and into this world. Your baby wants to share with you in a most loving way and You must be awakened within to listen and tune into it.
When you're pregnant, it's natural to wonder if your baby's learning anything. Discover more about your baby's development and what may learn in the womb.
Did you know that during the entire pregnancy the baby shares the mom's outside world?
Our health, emotional responses, intelligence and even our artistic talents are laid down in the nine months between conception and birth.
Your baby is in sync with your physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual experiences throughout your pregnancy. Thus naturally your womb becomes your babies first class room. The emotional, chemical molecules that you experience on a daily basis pass through the placenta to your unborn baby, allowing him/her to better prepare for life outside the womb.
If you're aiming to create a peaceful, non-violent & inviting world for your baby you want to make sure to exposure yourself primarily to soothing and uplifting thoughts, images, news, sounds and nourishing foods. It's important to start connecting and nurturing your baby as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Pregnancy becomes a wonderful time for self-spiritual awakening and for developing a deep and long lasting connection between you and your growing baby.
Spend some time each day talking to your baby, telling about the things you will do together, and how you are feeling that day. You may find that your baby responds to the sound of your voice, and begins kicking and nudging you as you talk. If you feel uncomfortable talking to your bump, trying singing instead.
Your baby will begin communicating with you on his/her food likes and dislikes by the way that you are feeling. It's important to not make a radical diet change, but to eat nutritious and healthy foods. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables and legumes helps to keep your vitamin and mineral levels stable and starts creating healthy eating habits for your growing little one. 
The amniotic fluid is often flavoured by what the mother eats. By swallowing it, the baby becomes familiar with their tastes and aromas. After birth it can not only recognise them but it also prefers them over others. 
A baby whose mother consumed a lot of garlic during the pregnancy is able to recognise the mother's milk among other samples with ease. In other words, babies know in advance what their mother's milk could taste like.
By getting used to the tastes and flavours typical of the local mother's food, babies are actually preparing for the cultural environment they will be born in, since food is among the most definite manifestations of cultural specifics.
Even babies start to learn their mother tongue even as they are still in the womb.
Further survey confirmed that if mothers suffer from depression during pregnancy, their children also show signs of depression to the same degree.
Tips for future mothers
* Listen to your body, take care of it, pamper it with massages and do things in moderation.
* Be certain to have plenty of positive emotions. Take a positive view of life.
* Communicate with the baby in your womb, talk and sing to it so that it can learn to recognize your voice. Allow the daddy to take part in this communication as well. Create a world for all three of you starting now.
* Radiate love towards your baby, tell it you love it. It will understand and learn how to love.
* Look at beautiful things, listen to nice music and seek aesthetics and harmony in everything around you. The beauty you take in will enrich the soul of your child as well.
* Dream of what qualities you would like your baby to have. With your thoughts you can model its character as well.
Be careful what you eat! Researchers believe that the diet of the pregnant woman can directly influence the baby's future abilities. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are associated with greater verbal intelligence and better social skills among children of school age. Meanwhile, foods which contain poisons, contaminants and heavy metals are deemed responsible not only for congenital malformations, but also for lower intelligence.
What Does It Mean To Raise A Spiritual Child?
Communication with your baby before birth is an amazing and profoundly powerful experience that will bring a refreshing level of spiritual wisdom into your life.
My spirit baby knowledge take me into the unknown on a daily basis and I openly share what the spirit babies continue to teach me along with my own soul's path towards wisdom. I thank all the women, men, mothers, fathers, teachers, and healers for bringing the spirit baby love forward into conversations during consultation and sharing the knowledge. In that knowledge of us all working together to SHARE in big ways, I celebrate the divine callings and inspired thoughts of each; After all, we all were spirit baby's at one time or another. We ALL have a personal connection.
Each day during your pregnancy, set aside a specific time where you are fully alone with your baby. Have you ever noticed how active your baby is the moment when you sit down or lie down? 
Relaxation And Reading To Womb :
Relaxation not only feels wonderful to you, but is very good for your baby. As we all know, stress can have a strong impact on our physiological and psychological well-being, and recent research suggests that these effects can be passed on to the unborn baby.
So take it easy, mother-to-be! Just by sitting or lying back comfortably and breathing, you’re accomplishing something important: nurturing and caring for your baby. As you take each deep breath in, you’re also breathing for your baby. She’s taking in that life-giving oxygen and it’s nourishing her and helping her grow. Each beat of your heart brings invigorating blood to your baby, making her stronger every moment. 
When you add your voice to the mix, especially by reading your baby a calming, rhythmic story, you have the formula for perfect relaxation for both mother and child. As you read aloud you’ll find yourself feeling more calm as your heartbeat and breathing slow down. This relaxation will immediately pass to your baby; you’ll both feel connected, soothed, and peaceful. Just like that, you’re forming a deep, loving bond.
Your baby knows the rhythms of your body, your waking and sleeping cycles, when and what you eat, when you’re active or still, and most importantly, she knows your voice. Research shows that the mother’s voice plays a crucial role in babies’ growth and development in the womb. Long before you hold your baby in your arms, you begin nurturing her through the power of your unique voice.
It is extremely important whether you conceived with love or by accident.Each soul that is birthed into this world is no accident or mistake or coincident.
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“ The factors that influence the mental makeup of a child are the mental traits, purity , behavior of the family, cleanliness and purity of parents, the sounds that the fetus hears, the sounds and vibrations the pregnant women hears, and the karmic effects of the past lives of the foetus”...
Acharya Vagbhatta
Acharya Vagbhatta says that the collective set of emotions, thoughts, feelings and the sensory stimuli offered by the external environment shapes the mental makeup of your child. In this context , a pregnant woman and her caregiver must evaluate the television she watches, songs she listens to, people she meets and books and newspapers she reads and ask herself if each of these influences are positive and useful for the growing child.
Life in the womb is extremely active and interactive. Our ability to learn in inherent from even before birth; our first abode – the womb – 'is, in fact, a classroom.'

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