Monday 8 April 2019


How to Make a Baby Smarter in the Womb?
Reading to Your Baby in the Womb : Develop Baby's Brain
Reading/talking/listen to music with your unborn baby
Your baby feels everything you are feeling. Set the foundation for love by bonding with your baby while in the womb. It is traditionally believed that a child’s mental and behavioural development starts in the womb as it can be influenced by the mother’s emotional state while she carries the baby. 
The stories you read to your baby evoke certain emotions. The rhyming lines and the lullabies develop a sense of voice modulation too from an early stage. Many aspects also indicate that reading helps babies to pick up newer words for their vocabulary pretty early in life and make it easier for them to understand the meaning easily. However, when a baby hears the voice in the womb, becomes alert and responds to it. If you read to your baby daily, your baby will recognize your voice once he/she out in the real world and this will develop the bond between you and your baby.
While figuring out the things to read to a baby in the womb, it is important to know how your activities are going to benefit the little one. Everything that you do, right from eating to speaking to exercising, affects the baby in one way or the other. The aural perception is so strong that most babies are able to develop an affinity for the native language over any other even without understanding it fully.
Pregnancy is not just a stressful time for the mother but also for the baby. The baby undergoes a fluctuation in emotions and can feel overwhelmed at times. Indulging in some nice reading activity can help you calm down and your soothing voice can also control the heart rate of your anxious baby and help to relax in your womb.
The bond is truly formed from all the activities that the mother indulges in when the little one is inside her. Being constantly aware of the mother’s voice helps the baby develop trust for it, which is why most babies stop crying after they hear the mother’s voice. If a particular music is played regularly, the baby can recognise it pretty well, too. Playing it again once the baby is out can also strengthen the bond yet again. And this isn’t simply restricted to the mother. If the partner reads a story to the child, the baby will begin to recognize that voice too.
As your baby grows in your womb, brain development is still in progress and the neural connections form rapidly. Listening to the mother’s voice or stories help strengthen those connections. And these can help baby recall when hears them again after birth. Repetition is a proven form of memorization and when the seeds are sown early in life right from the womb, it develops memory and concentration power in babies.
Once you know what to read for your baby in the womb, don’t stop there. Combine the reading activity with listening to music or humming some songs of your own. Everything that a baby hears is going to work to baby's benefit and make a lovely individual in every way possible.
Health experts have identified the factors that can improve a baby’s IQ while he/she is in the mother’s womb. Parents’ dream of having an intelligent and smart baby has now become a reality. Eating healthful foods and stimulating the unborn child while he/she is still in the womb creates a connection in the brain to boost intelligence and concentration, which helps him/her learn later on.
Get a head-start on enhancing the IQ of your unborn baby with prenatal stimulation and healthy lifestyle right away.
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My mission is to educate Mothers about the importance of bonding with babies by starting a regular storytime even before birth. And prenatal bonding, especially through reading aloud, is also the very best way to build strong sibling relationships!
Bonding with unborn baby is not something that you can pick up from any book. It is something that you must experience by talking to him/her every day. Talking will strengthen the love you already possess and help mentally prepare you to become a parent.
After hearing and memorizing your voice and your comforting tone in the womb, it may be easier for your baby to bond with you after birth when they hear your voice. Talking or singing to your baby while he/she’s still in your belly can be comforting for you and them. It gives you both a chance to bond, and plenty of time to perfect those bedtime story voices.
The more you communicate with your unborn baby the stronger your connection feels and you are able to tap into a deep well of inner strength that you have never made contact with before.
While in womb, babies begin learning language from their mothers.
Touching your belly is another way of stimulating your little one in the womb.
Learning to communicate with someone who is inside you can seem awkward at first, but once you start, you’ll never stop. This is the closest that you will be with your baby so savour every moment with them. Eat, dance, pray and enjoy life together because life is short. Before you know it, they’ll be going to school, and after a few years, they’ll be adults.
After a period of practicing reading to your baby in utero, you’ll fall into a storytime routine that’s comfortingly familiar even to baby, who’s been listening avidly from inside the womb and it will become a cherished family ritual with lifelong rewards.
Babies in utero can recognize, and show a strong preference for, their mother’s voice over the voice of a stranger....Babies in utero can distinguish between words spoken in their mother’s language and in other languages. Science shows that reading to baby in the womb helps to stimulates emotions in a baby and helps baby react to different stimuli. It also prepares a baby for the life after his/her birth.
Science showing that your baby really can hear you from inside the womb, and that she’s already picking up on your unique voice, your laugh, your favorite song to sing and all the sounds, rhythms, patterns, and melodies of your traditional language. Reading the Womb is one of the best things you can do for your baby, right up there with prenatal nutrition and checkups. We know now that babies can hear, taste, smell, and feel from inside the womb.
Your baby's Language Development/Lessions Starts in the Womb.
Research shows that the mother's voice plays a crucial role in babies' growth and development in the womb.
Garbh Sanskar : Make your baby a genius while inside the womb.
Your unborn baby is aware of everything you are thinking and feeling as they are sensitive to your vibrations .
Breathing and connecting with your unborn baby in the womb:
A little something that I have to tell all my pregnant patients do daily is to connect in with their growing baby and do the following.
Every day no matter what is going on in your life carve out a few minutes to sit quietly. With your eyes closed place your hands on your belly and begin to breath slowly into your baby . Begin taking three slow deep breaths in and three slow deep breaths out. You can begin to add the word and feelings of love on the in breath and exhale out any stress, inhale peace exhale out any worries or fear, inhale joy and happiness exhale out any sadness. Do this a few times until you start feeling calm.
When deeply relaxed, everything flows more easily in your body, circulating blood with its nutrients and oxygen to nourish both you and your unborn baby. Your breathing becomes deeper and more regular. The physical benefits of this for both you and your unborn baby are obvious. Mentally your mind becomes more settled and open and you are able to focus on your baby
Through your nose slowly breathe into your heart the word and feeling of love as you exhale breathe that breath of love down into your belly (baby) as you allow your whole body to relax .
Next breath , slowly breathe in the word and feeling of peace into your heart then breath that word and feeling of peacefulness down into your baby.
Now breathe in the word and feeling of joy and happiness deep into your heart and breathe that feeling of joy down into your baby.....feel the love and joy you have for this little miracle growing inside of you as it showers down from your heart into their being..
Energetically connecting with your unborn baby.
Your hands have healing energy, while rubbing your belly imagine healing light or energy coming out from them, send energy from your hands into your baby. You can also place your right hand on your baby and your left hand on your heart. Think about the things you are grateful for, the love you feel and the love towards this baby send it from your heart to your baby.
As you continue to use the meditation, your connection will deepen. You may also want to share the meditation with the baby's father. When the guidance is to become aware of the baby "inside you", he can also connect with the baby inside you. Listening together will enhance your connection with each other, harmonize your intentions, and help you bond with each other as you bond with your baby.
There are also several studies that show reading to the baby in utero will cause a drop in fetal heart rate, which in turn regulates them and brings a sense of calm. I’ve found that reading is an incredible way to strengthen the bond with unborn babies. What’s nice about reading too, is that it’s something the other parent can participate in.
Talking, reading, and playing a variety of music can help stimulate baby’s senses and improve her/his brain development.
Talking to this magic little being growing in your body over last months has been such nourishing balm for your emotional and energetic bodies. Each time you slow down, tune in, and share with this little one what’s going on for the day, how much you love them, or read them a story, you strengthen your connection and feel yourself becoming more and more of a Mother. Just like babies, Mothers are born.You have no idea how healing and life altering it would be to embody creation at its essence and be in communication with life force itself as it makes its way from the spiritual realm into this physical world.
Recent research tells us that exposure to sunlight or sun gazing in utero can help visual development. Just one more reason to take a quiet, leisurely stroll in the sun with your growing baby (At the timer of sun rises). Sunlight is bright enough to penetrate your skin and shed some light on baby.
Your Baby's Journey from Conception to Birth.
According to Ayurveda, Garbh Sanskar is one of the best ways to give birth to a healthy baby. It’s all about the mother maintaining a sound state of mind, not only mentally, but physically, emotionally and spiritually as well. Garbh sanskar helps develop that eternal-spiritual bond between the mother and her unborn baby.
“Use all five senses to connect with your baby and create a nurturing environment for both of you.”
I will take you through a journey of the five senses with your baby in the womb. Stimulating Your Baby's Senses In The Womb. Learn about how your baby's senses develop before birth! If you want that perfect balance to promote healthy development in utero, these ideas for exciting baby’s senses are a great place to start.
All is well and calm and safe. Rest, relax, and grow, and join us to create beautiful world.
If you foster calm and peace in your baby’s environment even before he/she is born, the effects can last through the birth, the newborn weeks, the first year, and on into childhood. A “magical beginning” indeed!

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