Wednesday 3 April 2019


Pregnancy Meditation -- Connecting With Your Baby
You are opening to LIFE. A human life comes through you and into this world. Your baby wants to share with you in a most loving way and YOU must be awakened within to listen and tune into it.
Connect with Your Unborn baby through the Mind, Body and Breath, which helps you to relax deeply, tune into your body and connect with the baby in your womb, everything flows more easily in your body, circulating blood with its nutrients and oxygen to nourish both you and your unborn baby. As you continue to use the meditation, your connection will deepen.
Deepening your connection to your baby during pregnancy is not only fulfilling in itself, but has benefits for both mother and baby. Meditation allows the mind to relax. When the mind relaxes, the body comes with it. It's quite natural. We offer a variety of ways to help you discover your natural ability to meditate during pregnancy.
A little something that I have to tell all my pregnant patients do daily is to connect in with their growing baby and do the following.
Every day no matter what is going on in your life carve out a few minutes to sit quietly. With your eyes closed place your hands on your belly and begin to breath slowly into your baby . Begin taking three slow deep breaths in and three slow deep breaths out. You can begin to add the word and feelings of love on the in breath and exhale out any stress, inhale peace exhale out any worries or fear, inhale joy and happiness exhale out any sadness. Do this a few times until you start feeling calm.
When deeply relaxed, everything flows more easily in your body, circulating blood with its nutrients and oxygen to nourish both you and your unborn baby. Your breathing becomes deeper and more regular. The physical benefits of this for both you and your unborn baby are obvious. Mentally your mind becomes more settled and open and you are able to focus on your baby
Through your nose slowly breathe into your heart the word and feeling of love as you exhale breathe that breath of love down into your belly (baby) as you allow your whole body to relax .
Next breath , slowly breathe in the word and feeling of peace into your heart then breath that word and feeling of peacefulness down into your baby.
Now breathe in the word and feeling of joy and happiness deep into your heart and breathe that feeling of joy down into your baby.....feel the love and joy you have for this little miracle growing inside of you as it showers down from your heart into their being..
Your unborn baby is aware of everything you are thinking and feeling as they are sensitive to your vibrations.
Energetically connecting with your unborn baby.
Your hands have healing energy, while rubbing your belly imagine healing light or energy coming out from them, send energy from your hands into your baby. You can also place your right hand on your baby and your left hand on your heart. Think about the things you are grateful for, the love you feel and the love towards this baby send it from your heart to your baby.
As you continue to use the meditation, your connection will deepen. You may also want to share the meditation with the baby's father. When the guidance is to become aware of the baby "inside you", he can also connect with the baby inside you. Listening together will enhance your connection with each other, harmonize your intentions, and help you bond with each other as you bond with your baby.
Learn how to meditate during pregnancy?
Learn a Spiritual Practice from Conception to Birth.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Guiding women through conception, pregnancy and inspires women through the journey of motherhood.
Practice meditation while you are pregnant and connect soul to soul.
Pregnancy is the ideal time to learn or restart a meditation practice because you’re effectively benefiting two people – you and mini-you. There are many different ways to meditate, from deep breathing to focus on an object, mantras, visualization, or chanting – find your own way and remember that it should not be a struggle or a chore.
By meditating on your breath, using different breath techniques and incorporating sound into your practice, you can become more familiar with the capacity your body has to naturally release tension and ease discomfort. 
By bonding and uniting with your unborn baby through the practice of meditation, affirmations, intentions and visualizations, you can prepare yourself emotionally and spiritually, tuning in to and developing your inherent maternal instincts.
Also learn Breathing Techniques for Delivery:
During delivery, breathing techniques set the pace during this important moment. Additionally, they help provide the energy necessary for the moment of birth.
Breathwork is the practice I love because I see how quickly and powerfully it gets straight to the heart of what so many of us are seeking.
We all want to feel less stress, to feel more present and to have more confidence as we move through this world.
Breathing moves our energy, so we can access the level of clarity that helps us connect to our spirit, to others and accelerate our life.
Pre-birth communication is a bonding experience. Your baby in spirit is a light of consciousness and so much more! Your connections of feeling, sensing, listening are apart of your baby bonding connections. The benefit of communication before birth offers a powerful and deepening spiritual link. Your relationship begins way before your baby is born, but how loving it is to make room to be present and receive a healthy and healing connection. This is about your personal spiritual path into motherhood with your baby before birth.
Parenthood is your spiritual calling and this is why you are called to meet your baby before birth. Understand how trusting faith keeps you connected in a pure and loving way. 
Are you seeking a deeply engaging and spiritual pregnancy experience?
Do you want to build your spiritual energy into birth and motherhood?
Join our Cosmic Conception Program
....From Fertility To Birth.........
Each soul that is birthed into this world is no accident or mistake or coincident. Each being adds to the universal truth with compassion, love, and higher ways of being.

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