Tuesday 30 April 2019


Call : 9773170560/9825463394
Calming Your Mind with Shirodhara
The whole point of shirodhara is complete surrender, calm and peace, allowing the nervous system to heal itself.
Shirodhara is a unique natural solution for stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, hormonal imbalances, headaches and neck pain. A Shirodhara treatment can evoke an extremely deep relaxing state and have a profound effect on the psyche. Works on the cerebral system, helps to relax the nervous system, and balances the ‘Praan Vaayu’ (life force energy) around the head.
When the warm oil softly falls onto the forehead the oil saturates the forehead and scalp and penetrates into the nervous system.
The pouring of warm medicated oil in a gentle rhythm across your forehead balances the right and left hemispheres of your brain and harmonises your third eye chakra, pituitary and pineal glands. These are the masters that govern your nervous system and hormonal system. The medicated oils used have a healing relaxing effect as the oil seeps in through your scalp nurturing and nourishing your whole being. As the therapy begins to take effect, you slip into a deep meditation without effort. The muscles in your body relax and your neck releases its tension. A therapeutic head massage completes the treatment and you will leave feeling very rested and calm.
Blissful healing begins with a clear mind. It has a profound impact on the nervous system, and immediately has a calming, relaxing, and cleansing effect on the mind. Mind, body, spirit is drenched in healing oil as it flows over your third eye chakra. It assists in regulating moods and gives a feeling of pleasure and relaxation. The therapy leads to better blood circulation to the brain and nervous system. which helps to improve memory. Stimulates the 6 & 7th charka which regulates our breathing patterns.
In addition to quieting an overactive mind — and nourishing dry hair— the purported benefits of shirodhara include better sleep, improved concentration, and reduced anxiety and fear.
Shirodhara is beneficial for balancing the Doshas. Stress and anxiety, according to Ayurveda, is a state of imbalance of the Vata Dosha. When out of balance, Vata dosha presents as fear, insecurity, worry, racing thoughts. Shirodhara is the direct antidote to a Vata imbalance. The action and qualities of the medicated oil used in Shirodhara counters the qualities of the out of balance dosha. It soothes, nourishes and pacifies the dosh. Ultimately, Shirodhara soothes, pacifies, and nourishes the out of sync doshas through the application of the warm, medicated oil to the forehead, scalp and nervous system.
Shirodhara : Regulates mood and depression disorder; balances the third eye and nervous system by releasing neurohormones, creating ecstatic feelings of relaxation and pleasure; increases intuition; and renews the sweetness of life.
Shirodhara is one of the fruitful treatment for reducing stress & anxiety and Shirodhara withy herbal oil is very beneficial due to procedural effect as well as due to drug effect also. As continuous pouring of liquid over a particular point increases local circulation may help the absorption of active principles. Main contains of this oil having cooling property which regulates Hypothalamo – Pituitary axis, which may help to reduce stress & enhancing secretion of serotonin and improves sleep.
Shirodhara is a relaxation therapy which relieves mental exhaustion as well as pacifies the aggravated Vata Dosha in head. Stress or anxiety is main cause for Insomnia, and the in the condition of Anidra (insomnia) the main vitiated Dosha is Vata, so balance of Vata Dosha is an important thing to treat insomnia.
Interested in experiencing a Shirodhara treatment? You can schedule a session.
CALL +919825463394/+919773170560
Shirodhara is most effective when done in a series of 3 – 5 treatments.
With all the mental and nervous system stimulation that we're exposed to on a daily basis, it's important to have tools to assist with the clearing, steadying, and supporting of these subtle systems. Shirodhara is a practice you can receive that facilitates states typically only found in practices like meditation. These states lead to a clearer mind, calmer outlook on life, and more tranquil day to day experience.
Patients often experience a meditative state during shirodhara, or experience occupying a liminal space between waking and sleep like Yoga Nidra.
Your mind and nervous system will be deeply renewed, so it's advisable that you avoid any unnecessary or extra stimulation for the remainder of the day. Then you can return to a place that is quiet and supportive for a few hours.
I wish people could understand that within the stillness of shirodhara, healing starts to happen..
Nays (Free Nasya Treatment along with Shirodhara)
Nasya cleanses and opens the channels of the head and improves oxygenation-the flow of Prana-which has a direct and highly beneficial influence on brain function.
Ayurveda is the science of developing greater harmony with our environment through all of our senses...
According to Ayurveda, we create and recreate our state of health each day based upon how we interact with the world, in terms of our beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, and feelings, which then ultimately determine our actions. Actions in harmony with our inner nature create health, while those disharmonious with our inner nature create disease.
Harmonizing the 5 maha bhutas (great elements)
akaash (ether) ~ vayu (air) ~ tejas (fire) ~ apa (water) ~ prithvi (earth
Aligning the 5 koshas (sheaths)
anandamaya (food) ~ pranamaya (breath) ~ manomaya (mental) ~ vijnamaya (wisdom) ~ anandamaya (bliss)
Seasonal ritual program
spring ~ summer ~ fall ~ winter 
By understanding our own unique make-up of the elements in our natural state of balance, understanding the make-up of elements in our current state of existence and imbalance, and understanding the elements in our current time-space reality (time of life, season of year, time of day, foods, activities, thought patterns, etc.) we can begin to re-align our being back into alignment towards a balanced state of natural health and well-being.
Ayurvedic Body Therapy
This is a beautiful and nourishing warm-oil Body Therapy treatment, designed to pacify the nervous system and encourage lymphatic drainage. It is a set choreographed sequence of strokes applied with light to moderate pressure.
Ayurveda Consultations
Ayurveda is a mind, body and spirit approach to health and wellness. It takes into consideration the wholeness of an individual and uses the education of five sense treatments, including diet, herbs, mantras, meditation, yoga, aromas, body therapy, colors, music, cleanses, and other therapeutic lifestyle changes to maintain wellness, prevent illness, and restore health. 
Ayurveda is an accessible practice that is truly for everyone. Ayurveda is a practice that allows you to take responsibility of your health while giving you the tools to make small changes over time. It is a lifestyle practice that meets you where you are.

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