Tuesday 30 April 2019


Dinacharya – Live Ayurveda daily
Dincharya : A complete Health Of Entire Life.
Dinacharya : Ayurveda Daily Routine To Live A Healthy Life..
Wisdom for developing daily habits of healthy living.
Dinacharya is a Sanskrit word that literally means, “having mastery of one’s day.” It is an ancient Ayurvedic concept of aligning human activity with the natural rhythms of the day and night.
This is a divine way of starting the day and induce positivity and light into your life. Ayurveda recommends purifying the senses each day in preparation to take in all the rich, new experiences life has to offer.
Dinacharya is the Ayurvedic Wisdom of practicing a lifestyle that lives each day well.
Set Ancient Traditional Ayurvedic Routine With Me :
Means More energy, a deeper sense of connectivity, a stronger immune system, and balanced hormones. 
Ayurved is a science of life, it gives informations to maintain normal health,information about disease and its treatment. As life is a circular cycle, according to biological clocks, there is morning, afternoon,evening and night, same way human being must follow the particular biological clock of his life, and must correlate the work with the cycle . 
Due to their job patern or some other reasons, in modern time man has utilized his whole intellectual capacity to find out every possible measure for his comfort. He found out the means to save the time that he is able to complete a year’s work in hours or even minutes. People are earning better, but unable to maintain health and self satisfaction. But unfortunately with all these time saver means he is not able to spare some time for his health care, Only way to become satisfied and healthy dincharya should be followed.
The daily regimen or ‘dinacharya’ is an important component of health care measures. 
Principles of Ayurveda Dinacharya means all the activities of the universe run according to certain preset programs. We hardly can find a lapse in these programs and the coordinated activities. Every being has to act as a part of this whole machinery. Usually, all the living beings follow the natural laws. 
Ayurvedic Dinacharya is meant to act according to cosmic rhythm and in coordination with other beings. Man continuously makes changes in their living setup according to his interests, needs, beliefs and circumstances. Unfortunately, the concept of holistic health has very little place in these daily livings. If one is determined to adopt healthy daily routines, there cannot be any hurdle in that. Dinacharya means to live in a regular and natural rhythm of life and includes timely rest, timely and within the capacity work, timely sleep, timely waking, timely and right food, non-suppression of natural urges and well balanced emotional behaviour. To act against these rules is a cause of diseases.
Diet is very important aspect of Dinacharya and is a special concept of Ayurveda. As far food is concerned Ayurveda has emphasized much on Rasa (the taste), being very simple perception but able to provide very important clues about the contents and quality of food. Not only this is important that what do we eat but this is similarly important that when and how we eat.
The body has its biological clock. Body is not ready to perform any activity at any time. Ayurveda has categorized the function and classified them according to biological clock.
For example morning time is a period of Kapha, if we eat heavy food in breakfast, our stomach is not prepared to digest it properly and there are possibilities of production of some harmful products. 
Midday is period of Pitta, and body is prepared to digest any kind of food properly. Late afternoon is a vata period. After sundown, again there is period of Kapha and Srotas (microchannels) close after sunset, our supper should be light. 
Ayurveda emphasizes on the selection of food according to Prakriti (innate predominance of Doshas in individual’s constitution). Usually, people ignore this unknowingly. 
If a person with Vata- Kapha dominance consumes food with Vata – Kapha properties, he will be prone to have diseases of Vata Kapha origin, for example, Asthma. If he avoids this type of food, he may protect himself from Asthma. A person with Kapha dominance, if consumes Kapha food, he may suffer with Kapha type diseases as Diabetes mellitus. Ayurveda recommends avoiding certain unwholesome combinations of food articles. Combining milk with sour and salty thing; with onion, garlic, fish, radish and bananas are few examples.
These cause vitiation in Rakta Dhatu and may produce skin diseases. In the modern time, when lots of discussions are there about skin allergies, one shall try to avoid this type of combinations in food. Together with activities and food, are also an important part of Dinacharya. 
A further note on this to understand is that Dinacharya will be detailed to the individual’s situation as well as change throughout the seasons so these too are integral to the basis of knowledge of how to use dinacharya.
Do let me know if you want to incorporate dinacharya in your life and what the effects are in your life.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Ayurvedic Dinacharya: Align Yourself With Health
Taking care of the body
Be nonattached and dispassioned to other physical materials, if ones own bodily and mental health is lacking what is the use of these things?
Follow proper food intake guidelines and guard ones Agni at all times.
Many many diseases have their origin in the consumption of food and this is not a simple matter. The second piece to this is controlling one’s sense organs.
After carefully considering what is beneficial and what is unbeneficial for one’s health one should avoid the harmful and unwholesome regimens and adopt the wholesome ones in regard to purusharta. There is no real contentment in the mundane world without these four in the context.
Serve persons knowledgeable in the nature and cure of psychic diseases.
Study and acquire knowledge of the self, strength, and the capacity in order to use them all wisely, the place or environment to know of what one exists in and its variants, family and bonds and debts for depth to life and karma, and time.
Similarly, if you are dealing with imbalances that do not line up precisely with our constitutions, it is often helpful to adopt a routine that pacifies the dosha(s) that are most aggravated. If you are unsure of your current condition, you can set your Ayurvedic Profile with me.
Vata Pacifying Daily Routine
Kapha Pacifying Daily Routine
Vata-Pitta Pacifying Daily Routine
Vata-Kapha Pacifying Daily Routine
Pitta-Kapha Pacifying Daily Routine
Tridoshic Daily Routine
Ayurveda offers the brain, mind, heart, senses, and soul a path back to natural living, among modern life.
Dinacharya teaches how to construct a daily routine with practical wisdom suited to your own Being.
The dincharya regimen if followed properly helps to attain physical, mental and spiritual well being of an individual.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...