Friday 19 April 2019


Staying Calm and Cool this Summer – The Ayurvedic Way 
Feeling overheated this summer? Ayurveda can help you keep your cool. 
As the seasons shift, nature changes and we are faced with an evolving environment.
From an Ayurveda perspective, the best thing you can do during the hotter months is take more time for you, to self nurture, calm down, and create more time for love and meaningful connections. 
Have you noticed that everyone gets short tempered and more irritated as soon as the temperature goes higher?
In Ayurveda, every season is governed by a unique element and its associated dosh, and days of summer are associated with the element of fire and the dosha it’s associated with—Pitta. 
Pitta is one of the Ayurvedic dosas becomes hot, fiery, intense and strong, it can send emotions through the roof and create aggression, jealousy and criticism.
Other signs of aggravated Pitta are impatience, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach ulcers, sensitivity to heat, lethargy, sarcasm, skin rashes, boils, acne, low blood sugar and difficulty falling asleep
It is the season that helps us come alive and transform in many ways. Summer time grants us new energy to revitalize ourselves.
Ayurveda describes the summer heat as being “pitta-aggravating” which implies provoking the fire element within.
Keeping your cool in summer means soothing Pitta dosha. Summer relates to the element of fire, which governs the Pitta dosha in Ayurveda. Pitta dosha represents the meeting of two of the five elements: fire as mediated by water. High Pitta almost always lead to inflammation. And inflammation in its turn can lead to a lot of unpleasant things including water retention, puffy face, redness, hyperacidity, rashes, ulcers and exacerbate chronic conditions. For the summer season, the other elements, earth, air and space (or ether) take a backseat to fire for many individuals with higher amounts of the element in their natural constitutions. Pitta overload is also associated with an increase in irritability. if you are already a pitta-predominant person, you might find yourself driving harder, using your mind and willpower to accomplish goals, if you find yourself being too hard or aggressive, this is indicative of pitta in the mind.
It is important to find good balance during the hotter months of the year with better self care and mindful approaches. Often the seasonal shifts and extreme weather can greatly imbalance our minds and bodies and cause our digestive fire to weaken. You can avoid gaining weight and learn to adapt new health routines during the Summer to help pacify the Pitta energy of the season. Ayurveda says that like increases like. Since the energy of Pitta is already naturally fiery, adding more heat during this time of year can cause more anger, irritability, skin inflammation, acid indigestion, aggressive behavior, weight gain, diarrhea, burning sensations, skin irritations, odorous sweating, fever or intense mental outlook are all signs that your pitta is out of balance. As summer heats up, we become prone to accumulating excess pitta. If we already possess a pitta prakriti (nature), we're at an even higher risk of becoming out of balance.
Ayurvedic Herbal Medicines & simple adjustments in our diet and lifestyle will help us avoid these conditions and maintain a state of balance.
Pitta's qualities are hot, light, mobile, sharp, and oily. It governs the heat in the body and it is primarily responsible for digestion, perception, and intelligence.
Pitta governs metabolism and digestive functions in the body. During the Summer we can actually live with less food intake. Often eating too much or eating foods that add more heat to the body can cause digestive issues, constipation, inflammation, dehydration, and heartburn. Pitta problems can manifest through excessive sweating, rashes, IBS, bloating, and other stomach problems. If you have low energy this time of year, be sure to adapt new approaches to your wellness regime. Enjoy moderation in everything you do during the Summer. Be mindful of what you eat. Practicing some simple new habits can help you enjoy summer and inspire you to live healthier.
You may be experiencing some of the following signs or symptoms: red, inflamed rash, acne, cold sores; acute inflammation in body or joints; acid reflux, gastric or peptic ulcers, heartburn; nausea or discomfort upon missing meals; loose stools; uncomfortable feeling of heat in the body; frustration, anger, irritability. To decrease pitta, Ayurveda has given us dietary, lifestyle and herbal treatment strategies.
Schedule Your Consultation To Stay Healthy During Summer Time : An Ayurvedic Perspective
Learn other Lifestyle Practices to help balance Pitta and keep cool and calm during the summertime.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Adapt to the shifting seasons with grace and wellness with Ayurveda..
Ayurveda is all about achieving and maintaining balance which helps to go through life with ease and happiness. Isn’t something that we all would enjoy?
Enjoy all that the season has to offer, but also observe your habits. Notice how you react to the heat, to the energy created and generated by the season. Make sure to also get enough rest and take time for self-nourishment.

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