Sunday 26 May 2019


Panchakarma : The Ayurvedic Science of Detoxification and Rejuvenation
A Health transformation through the Ancient Practice of Ayurveda..
Pancha Karma (Panchakarma) is the Ayurvedic art of detoxification, purification, and rejuvenation. It is a powerful way to address the root cause of disease and has been used for thousands of years as a method for staying healthy, young, and vital. 
The Pancha karma is composed of five karmas (actions) that are used for removal of toxins from the body tissues. They are the Virechan (purgation though use powders, pastes or decoction), Vaman (forced therapeutic emesis by use of some medicines), Basti (use of enemas prepared from medicated oils), Rakta moksha (detoxification of blood) and Nasya (administration of medicines like decoctions, oils and fumes through nasal route).
Panchakarma : The deep cleansing process, unique to Ayurveda, that enables the body to release excess doshas and toxins from its cells and expel them is called Panchakarma, which basically denotes detoxification or elimination of toxins from the body.
Panchakarma is a versatile and effective therapy for all kinds of Illness. Panchakarma is mainly concerned with removing the vitiated doshas and malas from the body. Mala is the normal result of Agni metabolism. For every agni in the body there is a mala. When the level of mala increases beyond the body's ability to remove it then it accumulates and impairs dosha movement and function. This aggravated dosha function is the root cause of disease. Additionally, other factors that impair the function of agni create ama (toxins) which mix with either mala or dosha. In both cases accumulation restricts dosha movement in the srotas and thus causes a weakening in dhatus - this causes disease.
Panchakarma can be used to maintain dosha, mala and dhatu (tissue) to prevent disease and also promote resistance to outside pathogens (Vyadhikshamatva). Panchakarma therapy eliminates these vitiated Dosha and Mala from the Srotas and helps to restore the normal functon of the body, which cures the disease.
In our body, due to faulty diet habits and lifestyle, Dosha (vitiated biological humours) and Mala (toxic excretable metabolites) get accumulated and block the srotas i.e.physiological channels
* Pancha karma is a system to remove (purify) the Srotamsi (channel system).
* Promote health by Dinacharya (daily regimen) and Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) which collectively is called Svastha Vrtta.
* Prepare the body for rejuvenation (Rasayana) and fertility (Vajikarana) therapies.
* Treat disease by elimination of malas (natural waste of metabolism) from the body.
* Treat disease by eliminating doshas from the body (with or without toxins - ama).
* Prevention of disease by stopping the reoccurrence of dosha aggravation.
* Pancha Karma system -uses all natural functions to radically clean the body.
* Promote health and longevity in normal persons
* Panchakarma is traditionally used in the healing of many diseases
Nasya - Caraka-Samhita, SS. Chapter 1 & 2, Ashtañga Hridaya, SU. Chapter 20
That procedure by which medicines are introduced into the head by the nasal passages is called Nasya. Nasya is an easy therapy to perform as it works through the nose and primarily on the ether bhuta. It has a therapeutic effect on all doshas and sub doshas as it pacifies Prana Vayu immediately. Prana then balances all other doshas. Once the doshas are controlled they are evacuated through the nostrils. In Pancha Karma Nasya is also called Shirovirechana - shiro (head) + virechana (purgation). Nasya Karma is indicated for disorders of the head, neck and shoulders.
NASYA can be used who have a stiff neck or head muscles, who have pain the jaw, throat inflammation, tonsillitis, reproductive disorders, cataract, diseases of the eye or eyelid, discoloration of the facial skin, disorders of the neck or shoulders, diseases of the mouth or teeth, disorders of the ears, disorders of the nose, headache or migraine, facial palsy, hysteria, tetanus, goiter (thyroid), and disorders of the voice or vocal cords.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
Panchakarma is the single most powerful tool we use in Ayurveda for purifying the body and rebuilding its internal strength. It is an essential part of the treatment for any chronic disease, whether physical or mental."

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...