Sunday 26 May 2019


Shirodhara : Surrender the stress and unstable hormones of your mind on the treatment table.
Experience the most divine ancient therapy of Ayurveda..
Shirodhara - Forehead Oil Flow Treatment - The king of Ayurvedic treatments. 
A blissful steady flow of warm oil being gently poured in rhythmic motions around the third eye point on the forehead in a pendulous manner, a particular pressure and vibration is created over the forehead. Deeply relaxing, this treatment can help to relieve stress and other ailments. This treatment rejuvenates the nervous system, releases emotions, opens the subtle channels and unfolds bliss throughout the mind and body. A sense of total well-being is achieved through a smooth stream of warm oil onto the forehead and through the scalp.
Stress, trauma and emotional disturbance creates chaotic conduction of neurone cells (nervous system) which creates a heated mind and physiology. This can manifest as anger, frustration, stress further compounding, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, body temperature fluctuations, hot flushes, hormonal issues, skin conditions, hyperacidity, inflamed gut and more.
It helps mitigate these issues and leaves you feeling very relaxed and rejuvenated. It is excellent to reduce Vata/Pitta.
Our unique formula directly flows onto balance the pineal and pituitary glands, regulates communication and movement (vata) between brain hemispheres and regulates hypothalamus and cerebrospinal fluid.
All the functions of the body, according to ayurveda are controlled by three elements which in ayurvedic parlance are called dosas. Shirodhara is also a part of the popular ‘Panchakarma’ treatment and also one of the effective and oldest Ayurvedic treatments beneficial for balancing Vata and Pita doshas.
The mind (psychic component) is like ghee (clarified butter) in an earthen pot (the body or somatic component). The warmth or chill of either necessarily affect the state of the other.
As oil is poured on the forehead, the nervous system is deeply stilled. The brain waves slow down and become coherent. Once the brain is quieted, the pranavaha and manovaha srotas begin to transport prana, oxygen, and other necessary nutrients to the brain. When the brain is quieted and the srotas are activated, the cerebral circulation is greatly improved, and access to these mood stabilizing receptors is enhanced. The result: better brain function, mood stability, and improved stress handling ability. 
Shirodhara works mainly in the manomaya kosha, or the mental sheath. 
During our Shirodhara you’ll lie in deep, blissful rest. Let’s say the body is deeply settled and the protective nervous system is disarmed during a Shirodhara Treatment, that inhibits the flow of stillness into every cell of the body-experience of consciousness in every cell of the body– moving pure consciousness from the bliss sheath (anandamaya kosha) to the physical sheath (annamaya kosha). When this happens, the chakras and nadis can carry the kundalini Shakti up the spine to its’ goal-the bindu point on the top of the chakra system.
Once the mental sheath is cleared, the individual mind can choose, without distraction, to move into the bliss sheath or anandamaya kosha. Once the bliss sheath is activated, the flow of Shakti and consciousness can freely move through each kosha creating better health, peace of mind, and spiritual progress through one’s life. 
Shirodhara stimulates the pineal gland which produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates the wake and sleep cycles of the body.
Shirodhara brings the Sanjnavaha Srotas in peaceful state of rest which helps in inducing sleep & produces a meditation effect which helps to overcome the complaint of insomnia. 
Shirodhara produces almost similar effects as that of Yoganidra technique in yogic science. 
The complicated pharmaco-physio-psychologic action of Ayurvedic oil treatment may provide a useful model for future pharmaco-physio-psychotherapy.
Call 9773170560/9825463394
To Schedule your session
A Health transformation through the Ancient Practice of Ayurveda..

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