Friday 10 May 2019


Personalised External Body Treatments of Ayurveda
Take a Sacred Pause from your busy daily life to steep in the juicy ancient wisdom of Ayurveda on a Relaxing retreat where your self care is the top priority. 
Ayurveda Self Care Retreats
Abhyanga :
If you want to balance your doshas and stimulate the self-healing ability of your body, mind and spirit, Abhyanga is the best Body Treatment. Medicated oils help you to prevent, maintain or recover health. It aids towards deep relaxation, eliminating stress, anxiety, fatigue and insomnia. It nourishes and strengthen the tissues, activating your lymphatic system and your blood circulation, slowing down the aging process. It assist detoxifying the body through the elimination of metabolic wastes, removing blockages, tension and pain. It prevents wrinkles and softens the current ones. Abhyanga can help restore skin health and hair health much faster and in a more holistic manner. A regular Abhyanga encourages healing, growth, corrects small deformities (if any) and gives the baby good health, good appetite and sound sleep.
Prenatal Abhyanga
The Art of Self Love For Pregnancy and Post Partum Bliss. Giving birth is one of the most powerful experiences a woman will have in her life. To go through pregnancy and childbirth feeling clear, connected, blissful, devoted and loving, mama will transfer these feelings directly to the unborn baby. By using the practices from the ancient science of Ayurveda, one can achieve a balanced body, peace of mind and bliss in the spirit. Everything that a woman experiences during this time is directly transferred into the growing life inside her body.
Udwarthanam :
Do you want to decrease weight, improve your tone, reducing cellulite, increasing your blood circulation?This Body Treatment is done herbal powder adjusted to your constitution! Reduces skin problems, cholesterol, inducing the removal of the waste products, as result your skin will be soft and glowing. Recommended in overweight cases. Refresh and strengthen your muscles!
Shirodhara (Pouring oil on the head)
It is also considered as a very effective therapy for premature hair loss and greying. Have you difficulties falling asleep? Are you facing anxiety, high level of stress, or depression? The warm medicinal oils are concentrated in your third eye, washing and dragging your thoughts, reducing headaches, hypertension, leaving you with a deep sense of relaxation. It helps in the treatment sleep insomnia, memory loss, lack of concentration, severe headaches and hypertension.
Nasya (Nasal treatment):
Do you suffer from congestion, allergies or sinusitis? Do you often have migraines or headaches? This treatment cleans and opens the channels of your head strengthening your senses! Would you like to improve your taste and smell while being able to breath better and easier? Includes head, neck, shoulders and chest massage. 
Karna Purana (Ear treatment) :
Karna-Purna-ear-treatment-Therapy Have you often suffer from vertigo, tinnitus, jaw pain, ear infections? Your neck pain could be linked to impurities in the ear canal! This is the perfect treatment to get ride of excess of earwax, dryness, itchiness, hearing impairment while your nerve system get relaxed and gets reinforced
Janu / Kati ​Basti (Treatment for knees / back)
Janu-Kati -Basti-Treatment : Do you need local treatment for your knees or back complaints? Warm herb oil is poured into a round dough, while being changed regularly during 30-60 minutes. This treatment is recommended for stiffness, pain, joint disorders and inflammation. It maintains strong muscles and connective tissues, making sure that there is enough blood flow to speed up the recovery. 
Marma Therapy
It is a deeply relaxing and powerful treatment which focuses on 107 vital energy points on the body. These points are significant both on a physical and energetic level. When these marma points become blocked, vital life-force energy – or prana – cannot flow and we start to feel exhausted, out of balance and will eventually become unwell. Conversely when the marma points are massaged and stimulated correctly the entire body and all its organs are flooded with energy. We become deeply nourished on a cellular and energetic level. We again feel calm and clear – emotionally and physically. Marma Therapy increases immunity, improves flexibility and strength, reduces toxicity, improves digestion and circulation and promotes a positive mental and emotional state & slowing down the ageing process.
Pinda Sweda.
The Sanskrit word ‘Pinda’ means bolus, and ‘Sweda’ means inducing sweating. A rejuvenating Pinda Sweda treatment is the perfect remedy for sluggish energy and a stiff achy body. Rice is processed in herbal decoctions and wrapped up to form boluses. Using these poultices of warm rice and herbs, which is deeply nourishing to the skin, muscles, bones and joints. As the body and its aching joints and muscles are massaged vigorously with these warm herbal poultices, toxins are drained, giving relief to pain and tension in the affected areas. The result is increased energy, circulation and mobility, along with a wonderful sense of lightness and calm. This treatment is usually recommended for the aching joints and muscles commonly associated with arthritic conditions, back pain and muscle stiffness. It also soothes nerves, improves skin texture, boosts the immune system and releases stress. 
Customise Your Skin Care Regimen with Secrets of Ayurveda.
As an expert practitioner of Ayurveda Treatments, I will share with you Ayurvedic natural approaches to achieve and maintain a vibrant and joyful state of health. Identify your Ayurvedic constitutional body type; discern which foods and herbs help create balance for your constitution; and creating a healthy daily and seasonal routine. I will create a self-care regime to outline balancing activities based on your personal Ayurvedic assessment. 
Call : 9773170560/9825463394
Ayurveda is a preventative science, so you do not have to wait until you get sick to have an ayurvedic consultation, prevention is better than cure. I will help & guide you on your journey towards health and happiness, an adventure where you can turn over a new leaf and attain an amazing sense of well-being and mental harmony.
These wellness-enhancing Body Treatments are uniquely designed to detoxify, purify and bring balance, well-being and energy to the body and mind. They release physical tension, harmonise these energies, and deeply nourish your core, bringing tranquillity and peace to every cell of your body. These treatments are chosen to meet your specific individual needs according to your specific dosha.
Mantras to calm the mind and bring forth success, JOY, abundance and spiritual alignment.

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  મોટા બાળકોની પથારીમાં પેશાબ અને આયુર્વેદ સારવાર બાળક નાનું હોય ત્યારે પથારીમાં પેશાબ થઇ જાય તે સહજ બાબત છે.પરંતુ જેમ જેમ બાળકની ઉમર વધતાં ...