Wednesday 29 May 2019


To book your therapy call : 9773170450/9825463394
You will surprise to see the abundant HEALTH benefits of this therapy.
This Therapy which cleanses the Pitta and purifies blood by clearing the toxins from the body that are accumulated in the liver and gall bladder as well this therapy flushing of the whole gastro-intestinal track with herbal laxatives.
Ayurveda, the science of life, emphasizes on the adoption of a number of preventative and healing therapies, which can purify and rejuvenate the body, mind and soul. The medicinal form of science is not just a healing system, but also an art of appropriate, healthy and disease-free living. It aims at increasing the longevity of people of all ages. One of the therapies of Ayurveda, Panchakarma encompasses five treatments that can prevent and heal a number of diseases. One of the types of Panchakarma is Virechana, a purification therapy.
This is the procedure in the sequence of Panchakarma (Ayurveda Detoxification Program), mainly aimed at reducing Pitta Dosha and toxic accumulation in the GI tract, liver and gallbladder.
Virechana (medically induced purgation) is one among the five cleansing procedure described in Ayurveda which is said to be beneficial in reliving the disturbances of Dosha (bodily humour) & Dhatus (body tissue).
The Treatment
Virechanakarma (Therapeutic purgation) is one among the Panchakarma therapies, which eliminates excessive vitiated Dosha in general and Pitta Dosha in particular from the body through the anal route. Panchakarma therapy aims at the elimination of excessive Doshas from the body to maintain the state of health for a longer duration.
The treatment concentrates on the toxins that are accumulated in the liver and gall bladder. The gastro-intestinal tract is also cleansed by Virachana therapy. 
Health Problems Treated By Virechana Therapy
Virechana Therapy is a type of Panchkarma, patient is made to undergo controlled purgation to ush out body toxins like Liver toxins, colon toxins. Virechana is indicated in high pitta condition- like skin disorders, blister, abcess, Liver disorders etc.
This powerful treatment quickly reduces body heat (pitta); liver, gallbladder and colon congestion and helps improve rashes, itching, skin inflammation and acne while also improving digestion and boosting metabolism.
Urinary Track Disorders, Asthma, Chronic Respiratory Track Diseases, skin diseases ( such as eczema and psoriasis...improves the condition of skin disorders, rashes & allergies), Rheumatic arthritis, Chronic constipation, chronic fever, Worms and other parasites, Jaundice, piles, abdominal tumors, worms, acidity, ulcers, Cleanses body from poisoning, gout, jaundice, irritable bowel syndrome, gastrointestinal problems, Fibroid, Impotensy, Cough,Cold of Pitta origins, Obesity and constipation can be effectively cured by Virechana therapy. acidity, ulcers,
In addition to these, the therapy is administered to treat diabetes, asthma, goiter, lepracy, headaches, elephantiasis and gynecological disorders. Virechana karma aims to eliminate doshas from kidneys, lungs and sweat glands, which is otherwise not possible by Vamana karma.
Virechana plays important role in the management of Diabetes. Virechana is used to flush out body toxins like Liver toxins, colon toxins.
Virechana procedure has shown an effective and safe method of increasing the sperm count to a significant level along with the increase in sperm motility. Hence the therapy might may be of significant benefits in patients suffering from oligoasthenozoospermia.
Acharya Kashyapa has mainly highlighted the role of Virechana on Shukra Dhatu. According to him by the action of Virechana, the function of Shukra increases i.e. Shukra becomes more active, increases the activity of Shukra (motility).
So in order to increase shukra one has to decrease the Agni mahabhut (FIre element) which can be possible through removing vitiated Pitta dosha. Virechana is useful for eliminating vitiated Pitta Dosha, active transformation of Strotasa (micro circulatory channels) and most desirable shukra procured. 
This process helps to remove free radicals or oxidants which are present in microcirculatory channels of semen pathway and increase the motility of sperms.
Panchakarma is an inseparable part of any treatment protocol in Ayurveda. Virechana is an important modality and eminent bio cleansing process for vitiated Pitta Dosha.
Virechana Karma being the best treatment for Pitta Dosha through which large amount of bile is excreted which indirectly helps in the excretion of cholesterol.
Yakrit (liver) being the main organ of Pitta Sthana, Virechana Karma may be having a direct effect on the functioning of liver. 
The liver plays a major role in the synthesis and storage of TGL (triglycerides). Virechana Karma is the major treatment for Pitta Dosha and Pitta Sthana. Liver being one of the major Pitta Sthana, Virechana Karma significantly improve the function of liver which indirectly regulates the synthesis of TGL (triglycerides).
The main action of Virechana Karma is on Pitta Dosha, indirectly on Agni which plays an important role in the digestion and metabolism through which the synthesis of triglycerides might have been regulated.
The improvement in the HDL level had occurred as Virechana Karma mainly works on Agni, Pitta Sthana (liver)and Koshta (small intestine). i.e., intestine which helped for the proper formation of Dhatu, i.e. tissues in general and quality of the tissues in particular.
produced toxins accumulate in deep tissues of rasa, rakta, mamsa and laseeka. Psoriasis occurs due to vitiation of vata, pitta and kapha. Vitiated vata causes pain, dryness & scaling. Vitialted Pitta leads to burning, redness, in ammation and due to Vitiated Kapha rashes, itching, discharge and thickening of skin happens. Psoriasis is raktaja disease with vitiated doshas as per ayurvedic text.
Virechana plays an important role in prevention and manage of psoriasis.
Our bad eating habits produced toxins accumulate in deep tissues of rasa, rakta, mamsa and laseeka. Psoriasis occurs due to vitiation of vata, pitta and kapha. Vitiated vata causes pain, dryness & scaling. Vitialted Pitta leads to burning, redness, in ammation and due to Vitiated Kapha rashes, itching, discharge and thickening of skin happens. Psoriasis is raktaja disease with vitiated doshas as per ayurvedic text.
Patient is advised to have virechana at regular interval for better management of psoriasis.
Virechana is better option for curative aspect as well as of preventive aspect for psoriasis. So persons with Rakta diseases, skin diseases, vitiated pitta diseases, Liver toxins, colon toxins and pitta prakruti persons are advised to have virechana regularly.
Controls The BP
The Virechana Karma clears the Margavarodha (obstruction), eliminates the morbid Doshas from Rakta, and regulates the activity and movement of Vata. Thus, it controls the high BP.
Virechana evacuates all morbid Doshas from all micro to macro Dhatu channels and regulates Vata, thus decreasing all symptoms of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha on Srotasa level.
Along with virechana regular diet precaution, nidan parimarjan (removal of cause), regular ayurvedic medicines along with other panchkarma process like vamana, nasya, basti and raktmokshan to be performed as required. .
Ayurveda emphasises treatment of disease in holistic approach particularly correcting the root cause through samshodhana (panchakarma), specifically for skin diseases like psoriasis, vamana (therapeutic emesis), virechana (therapeutic purgation) is advised. In clinical practice repeated administration of these therapies showed significant improvement.
The word panchakarma means five actions and refers to five procedures intended to intensively cleanse and restore balance to the body, mind, and emotions. Panchakarma is used as a treatment of a wide variety of health conditions and as a preventative measure.
Panchakarma can slow the aging process and enhance vitality and mental clarity. It’s a “cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind, and consciousness.
Panchakarma Therapy removes free radicals, balances cholesterol and triglycerides, regulates blood pressure, and introduces antioxidant enzymes into the body. Panchakarma can even prevent heart attacks, stroke paralysis, and cancer.
Panchakarma includes restoration of metabolic power, elimination of toxins, strengthening of tissue functions, which has a great direct impact on the immune system.
Panchakarma is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat almost all diseases, particularly those that are chronic, metabolic or stress-related in origin. Panchakarma has been used to treat allergies, asthma , arthritis, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome , colitis, high cholesterol, depression , diabetes, digestive disorders, heart disease, hypertension , immune problems, infections , inflammation, insomnia , nervous disorders, obesity , skin problems, and ulcers.
Panchakarma may be used alongside to support healing and recovery. Panchakarma is safe and non-toxic, and can be used as prevention and to increase general well-being.
The Panchakarma therapy aims to purify the body at the gross and subtle levels as well as to clean the channels of the body to enable free flow of nutrients, medicaments, and metabolites.
Cleared toxins from the entire system...Balanced Dosas...........Healed digestive system.....Enhanced immunity.......Decreased stress.....Weight-loss......Improved skin ouster............Anti-aging
Depending on the health problem, one or more of these Panchakarma Therapies are used to cleanse the body and promote healing. 
Panchakarama is the greatest gift you’ve ever given yourself. Physically, you will felt and looked different. The lines of stress on your face disappeared. you lost the excess weight you were carrying. Your hair and skin glowed. You felt fully alive with renewed vigor and creativity – everything seemed possible.Your mind will be bright and your heart with full of joy. You will feel anew and pure, as you’ve been reborn. Today, more than two years later, I still feel the effects of the process. Panchakarma would continue to unfold within you for the rest of your life. Panchakarama is the gift you will give to yourself that keeps on giving.
Panchakarma treatment can vary in length from a couple days to several weeks. 
The five traditional therapies of Panchakarma are:
Basti= Herbalized oil enemas
Nasya= Nasal irrigation
Vamana= Therapeutic Vomiting
Virechana= Purgation
Raktamokshana= Blood Letting
Seven Signs You Need To Detox:
Thick layer of coating on the tongue
Tired throughout the day
Body aches and pains
Uncontrollable cravings
Foggy mind
Bad smelling breath, odor and flatulence
Constipation or diarrhea
With chronic illnesses, including asthma, bronchitis , hypertension, and diabetes, were treated with panchakarma and other Ayurvedic Herbal Medicines.
When the false covering of ill health is removed from the mind, senses, and body, our true nature, or prakriti, shines through and is intimately connected to the universal prakriti.
Call 9773170560/9825463394

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